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The get fit, stay fit thread

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2 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Great work. It takes time but that's excellent progress. It also gets more difficult the lower you get.

Yeah I'm going to try and not get too hung up on weight now.  Keep working my plan and stay in a calorie deficit, focus on fitness/marathon training and the weight will hopefully come naturally.

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Yeah I'm going to try and not get too hung up on weight now.  Keep working my plan and stay in a calorie deficit, focus on fitness/marathon training and the weight will hopefully come naturally.

Good effort mate. As yoi say, don’t get too hung up on weight. Take progress pics and work off that. You will begin to properly notice after about 4 weeks
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Went bonkers since recovering from ankle ligament injury. 

Kettlebell, resistance ropes and new exercise bike to add to gym three times and week and twice at the fives. Have also started eating more and getting proper sleep. Hoping to keep at this level for as long as I can go.

Have already added a third on what I was lifting after a month. I think I was doing too much long cardio and not eating enough before. Intense shorter and heavier sessions suit me better. There’s no easy way unfortunately.


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Went bonkers since recovering from ankle ligament injury. 
Kettlebell, resistance ropes and new exercise bike to add to gym three times and week and twice at the fives. Have also started eating more and getting proper sleep. Hoping to keep at this level for as long as I can go.
Have already added a third on what I was lifting after a month. I think I was doing too much long cardio and not eating enough before. Intense shorter and heavier sessions suit me better. There’s no easy way unfortunately.

Yeah if you want to add strength then load up on carbs before and after the gym (an hour or so before). You will notice a huge difference
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On 1/15/2019 at 22:18, Dee Man said:

You can have mine. Between all the supplements I was taking - bcaa's, creatine, glutamine, protein and fat burners - it took me a while to realise that it was the bcaa's that were making me an angry bassa for no reason. 

I just take the protein and creatine now. 

I'm exactly the same with BCAA's. Taking Xtend during workouts. 

Came off it and continued taking protein, creatine and vit D3 and the random anger reduced. 

Strange as I've not really seen it listed as a drawback anywhere. 

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9 minutes ago, DigOutYourSoul said:

I'm exactly the same with BCAA's. Taking Xtend during workouts. 

Came off it and continued taking protein, creatine and vit D3 and the random anger reduced. 

Strange as I've not really seen it listed as a drawback anywhere. 

If you Google 'BCAA anger' there are a few links to articles on them affecting mood and plenty of posts on fitness forums of users complaining of the same side effects. I also mentioned it to my sister-in-law who is a clued-up crossfit trainer and she said it's well known in her circles and started talking about them crossing the blood brain barrier or something but I started zoning out at that point. 

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On 30/01/2019 at 20:15, MixuFixit said:

I just mix it into shakes. Can't taste it.

I just find it even gives shakes a silty texture. It's probably in my mind but I can't shake the unease I get.

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Sorry to take this topic back to toilet talk, but hit my first real obstacle. 

Just lost over a stone and a half, and have found my routine almost addicting. Have found MyFitnessPal a massive help for counting calories. 

However developed some farmer giles since Saturday, and by God do they hurt. Went for a 4 mile run this morning and whilst they ached, the running took my mind off them a bit. Got into work and been sat at my desk for a few hours and the pain is horrendous.

Apparently running and weight lifting can cause strain but I don't want to get out the routine by stopping whilst they clear up.


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On 04/02/2019 at 20:28, MixuFixit said:

Was finally shot of tennis elbow and getting back up to a regular gym schedule when I tore a muscle in my coccyx, it is absolutely debilitating and I would not recommend it. Must've come from bad squat form but only really started to cramp about 5 days later.

Anyone had this? Anyone got tips on minimising the waves of cramps? Seems to be worse for me in the mornings than relaxes a bit after lunch.

My sister-in-law swears by magnesium supplements for cramps. She said she used to get them all the time - she's a mad squatter with thighs like tree trunks - but says she mixes the powder in her drink before bed and doesn't suffer anymore. 

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39 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, Dee Man said:
My sister-in-law swears by magnesium supplements for cramps. She said she used to get them all the time - she's a mad squatter with thighs like tree trunks - but says she mixes the powder in her drink before bed and doesn't suffer anymore. 



I knew exactly what this post was as soon as I saw the notification 'Bairnardo quoted you etc'.

And yes, yes I do. Thank you for asking. 

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Going for a little bit of weight loss again, as over the past 2 years I’ve just not really been paying attention to what I eat. Jumped from 10.5/11 stone to 13 and even if it’s the heaviest I’ve been, and I’m still looking relatively not fat, I want to get down to around 11.5 stone in 2/3 months. Going for a calorie deficit (as anyone should) diet and heavy cardio + football. However I’m wanting to avoid pasta/rice a bit as I’ve been getting bloated eating them recently. Any suggestions on what I can have beside chicken/steak etc?

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Going for a little bit of weight loss again, as over the past 2 years I’ve just not really been paying attention to what I eat. Jumped from 10.5/11 stone to 13 and even if it’s the heaviest I’ve been, and I’m still looking relatively not fat, I want to get down to around 11.5 stone in 2/3 months. Going for a calorie deficit (as anyone should) diet and heavy cardio + football. However I’m wanting to avoid pasta/rice a bit as I’ve been getting bloated eating them recently. Any suggestions on what I can have beside chicken/steak etc?

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