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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Fruit is like everything. Eat it in moderation and it’s great. Stuff like berries is pretty low in calories unless eaten in huge quantities 

If you don’t like the texture of fruit then could get some berries and mash them up and put them through porridge. 

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19 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Probably not for heavy weights, but I had a bad cough once that seemed to last for several weeks, and eventually said f**k this and went back to boxing and playing squash. IMO, it helped clear it up. I am big believer in power through where possible. 


18 hours ago, the aggressive beggar said:

Deadlifts, heavy deadlifts.  If I'm ever feeling a bit no well, hungover or just that I can't be bothered with the gym, this is my go to.  

Also the easiest compound to bail out on if you get hit with a sudden wave of fatigue.

Time to power through today I think! 

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31 minutes ago, thistledo said:



Time to power through today I think! 

A decent rule of thumb is if your symptoms are below the neck (chesty cough, aching joints etc.) then you're better resting. If it's from the neck up (tickly cough, runny nose, sneezing - basically a cold) then you should be good to power through. 

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Just now, Ron Aldo said:

A decent rule of thumb is if your symptoms are below the neck (chesty cough, aching joints etc.) then you're better resting. If it's from the neck up (tickly cough, runny nose, sneezing - basically a cold) then you should be good to power through. 

I'd put it in the realm of chesty coughs, I reckon I've got to give it a go, feel like I'm wasting away. Today is the best I've felt in weeks probably. I'm mega fed up of the winter colds and plagues this godforsaken island has to offer. 

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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Going for some lunchtime bench presses today.  Had some time off in January and squatted for the first time in two weeks on Monday night, had a touch of DOMs since.

I know the feeling. Took two weeks off the gym during the festive period. Squatted last Friday, took until today for DOMs to subside

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 07/01/2023 at 15:38, KD1711 said:

Been up and down like a yoyo in the last year -


started January 1st last year at 133 kilos, went down to 115 kg then upto 129kg in June. I ran my ultra marathon in June then managed to trim down to 110kg in September for the Great North Run, after that I had a lot of shit from a friend who I'd lent a sizeable chunk of cash to had gambled his inheritance so from September to December I was constantly stress eating and had chucked exercise.

Weighed in on January 1st at 136kg so was a shocker standing on scales, first week back at it this week and have did well so just need to focus on trimming a couple of kg a week and getting the weight back off and keeping it off, makes my runs so much easier when I'm hauling 25 kgs less 🤣.

Sitting at 129kg today so good to get out of the 130s haha, next stop sub 120. 

Definitely feeling better on my runs and so just need to be consistent with the diet, gym and runs. The running feels much better for me when I am carrying less timber as I am going faster and finding it easier than going out a run at 130 + kg so just need to keep it up.

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Yesterday after putting our son to bed my wife declared she couldnt' be bothered cooking so I nipped out and we got a takeaway (burger and fries for me).  I didn't want to miss a workout so I waited for an hour and went out the gym.  I was doing bench press and added in the arm curl machine at the end as I was curious what I could curl on that.  Then I went home and had a protein bar and pouch post-workout, giving me a cheeky 50g of protein.

I would not recommend this dietary pattern - significantly sore stomach today and overnight.  I think I might have pulled a muscle in my abdomen doing the curls and having gone back and worked out today that I probably ate 100g of protein between 7pm and 10pm which has probably not done me good in that area.


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last night i legit managed one rep on the dumbell shoulder press before packing it in, second rep it was kinda locking barely above my shoulders, so i abandoned the whole routine for the night, didnt want to risk injury on any of the exerxises. Did a routine fine on monday, albeit im only aiming to do 1x6 at the moment (normally 2x6) two to three times a week, as was ill for about a month between dec/jan, lost a stone or so from stress and spells of lost appetite over the last 6 months and all.

No pain or discomfort, so im chalking it up to being tired.

Will try again tomorrow, need to sort out my sleep patterns i reckon, as theyre kinda fucked.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Sometimes got anxious about the constant need to struggle with extra weight. I follow the Canada Pharmacy health blog all the time, watch video on YouTube and try different diets all the time. However, it makes me work out regularly and watch my diet. So this is a good point for my health at least.   

Edited by Valenzzzuela
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not weighed myself but going by the drawstring in the middle of my coat I’ve taken 4 inches off my midriff in the last month and according to Mrs I “look like an ape again” so workouts doing the biz.

Finding that frozen fruit smoothies for breakfast have really kept me full up through the day so not really been snacking etc most days (still have the odd pig-out though).



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3 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Not weighed myself but going by the drawstring in the middle of my coat I’ve taken 4 inches off my midriff in the last month and according to Mrs I “look like an ape again” so workouts doing the biz.

Finding that frozen fruit smoothies for breakfast have really kept me full up through the day so not really been snacking etc most days (still have the odd pig-out though).



Excellent. Ive a piano needs shifting.

The ads we all went ape for: The tea-swilling chimps from the classic PG  Tips adverts stole the nation's hearts, but the true story of their rescue  is far more touching |

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When we moved house during lockdown I converted my garage into a little gym (squat rack, bench, barbell, some plates and my only set of 22.5kg dumbbells). Over time I added a couple of extra bits - tricep bar and EZ bar. My barbell was a standard 1 inch bar and plates were vinyl with encased concrete. The website I bought a lot of the stuff from said the bar was 10kg and my plates are quite wide meaning the maximum weight I could put on the bar was 120kg, and that's with the last plate pretty much clinging on by a thread. Over time I was able to hit triple figures in weight on the main lifts (bench, deadlift and squat - overhead press well off) but I was finding myself getting bored in a pokey balltic garage albeit convenient to nip out into during my lunch breaks or in the evenings with no monthly cost. I've relented and decided to join a proper gym. Been going 4 days a week for last 3 weeks and absolutely loving having better equipment, olympic barbells, machines, cables etc to train with. One things for sure there is no way my little set up at home was anywhere near the weight I thought it was. However my numbers are going up each week and managed a 170kg deadlift for a double last week which I was chuffed with. Great to have a range of dumbbells instead of my only 22.5kg dumbbells at home. I'm now in a pickle as to what to do with my set up in the garage, tempted to sell some stuff as it's in good nick albeit some of the concrete is starting to crumble inside the plates but I suspect my son might end up getting into lifting so might be a nice thing for him to have when he's old enough.

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