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Jesse Eisenburg :lol:

Initially this struck me as possibly a Heath Ledger type casting, from left field but could be brilliant, but now its just overly hammy. Hopefully the more sinister scenes are pulled off a bit better. Loved the scene between Wayne and Kent at the party in the new trailer "maybe it's the Gotham City in me, I just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns" (superb writing). I just still fear they're trying to cram too much in, there is 100% no need for Wonder Woman to be in this film IMO (in my opinion).

As with every Snyder film though it looks fucking beautiful.

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Sorry if this is already common knowledge and I've somehow missed it, but Jesse Eisenberg isn't actually playing Lex Luthor? Is that right?

If he's playing his son and they somehow managed to have Gene Hackman in a cameo as Lex Snr, no matter how nonsensical that would be, this would immediately jump to "Shut up and take my money" status

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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Going back to Ant Man for a second; Scott Lang suggests to Hank Pym that they just call the Avengers to deal with Cross, to which Pym says no as he doesn't want Tony Stark or SHIELD to get their hands on the Pym Particle. Yet at the end of the film we discover that Scott has joined the Avengers.

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Going back to Ant Man for a second; Scott Lang suggests to Hank Pym that they just call the Avengers to deal with Cross, to which Pym says no as he doesn't want Tony Stark or SHIELD to get their hands on the Pym Particle. Yet at the end of the film we discover that Scott has joined the Avengers.

Or Cap has broke away from Iron Man and the avengers?
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The trailer for Batman can get tae f**k, far too spoilerific with Wonder Woman and Bat (with a gun ffs) and Supes fighting together at the end (yes it's obvious they would but still, in the feckin trailer).

Xmen on the other hand has me as excited as Star Wars, I can see a few probable spoilers in the trailer but nothing too obvious or off putting

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The trailer for Batman can get tae f**k, far too spoilerific with Wonder Woman and Bat (with a gun ffs) and Supes fighting together at the end (yes it's obvious they would but still, in the feckin trailer).

Xmen on the other hand has me as excited as Star Wars, I can see a few probable spoilers in the trailer but nothing too obvious or off putting

I know it's obvious they'd fight together at the end as the movie's called "Dawn of Justice" but I would've preferred it if it was just a straight up Batman vs Superman movie with Lex Luthor pulling the strings.

I agree about X-Men. Think it'll be brilliant. Are the old cast returning, though? I'd imagine Wolverine will make a small appearance and I know it's set in the 80s but it seemed strange brining back some of the old cast at the end of DoFP only for them to not return again.

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