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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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There's no chance of that. Roose Bolton seemed to be more concerned about the Black Fish escaping the red wedding, so I'd imagine the Tully's will be back in it, in the near future.


The Tullys aren't in the 'north' - the Riverlands are hundreds of miles to the south of Winterfell; the Frey's aren't really either - neither faction can get into the north without passing through Moat Cailin (presumably still held by the Boltons, and described by the books as practically impregnable by force). At least if the show keeps to a credible reading, the main players in the north should be anyone based to the north of Moat Cailin (which is a huge number of different groups anyway), as well as the Iron Islanders who have access from the coast.

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Was fairly obvious halfway through he was coming back but still, scenes. Hes bound to face off with his killers next week, be interesting to see how that goes.

The Mountain hopefully gets a decent chance to absolutely f**k shit up.

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Great episode. Jon Snow returning wasn't exactly a shock. We all knew it would happen.

I assume the High Sparrow and The Faith will get done in this season as I don't think there's much the can do with that in the storyline. Maybe the mountain will go on a rampage.

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I assume the High Sparrow and The Faith will get done in this season 


I have a feeling they've still got something up their sleeve, and its curtains for one of the Lannisters. Jamie likely shoved himself to the top of the hit list and doesnt have The Mountain to protect him

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The trailer showed a large number of soldiers massed at the steps of the Sept.  


The rise of the High Sparrow and the Faith Militant shows up Cersei's short sightedness and lack of judgement.  She doesn't think things through and uses her power without considering the possibility of unintended consequences.  Also, she assumes that everyone is as cynical and easily bidden as she is, whereas the Faith Militant are genuine fanatics who can't be bought or broken.  A huge error, like most of what she has done during the series.

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The Mountain painting the wall with that geezers brains was fucking glorious. Let out a proper YASSS when it happened.



Edited by Swarley
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I enjoy watching GoT but Franken-Gregor gets on my tits a wee bit. He just walks about with his purple skin and his super-bloodshot eyes and nobody seems to be even mildly curious about him. It's a bit too Hammer horror for my liking.

Now Wun-Wun on the other hand is just a top bloke!

Did laugh during Balons funeral as the girl that plays Yara was clearly FROZEN during that scene, you can see her physically holding back the shakes and the look on her face has more than a hint of 'Come on to f**k and get this over with' on her coupon.

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Just watching the end of season 5 again, I've only just realised that Daenerys and Drogon is basically Ash and his Charizard from the Pokemon cartoon series. A grumpy, petulant dragon that does what it likes but feels some sense of loyalty to its "owner" who is inexperienced and somewhat stupid.

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The Bolton story was interesting as well.  Ramsay is actually a pretty good portrayal of a pyschopath - he doesn't think things through and is incautious about the result of what he does.  The stereotype of 'snakes in suits', sociopaths who can succeed in life due to not having the same emotional attachment as others doesn't really hold true.  Most sociopaths end up in prison for committing stupid crimes that they would be certain to be caught for, or lying for the sheer f**k of it rather than to achieve an end.  Sociopaths also show low boredom thresholds and difficulties in learning from their mistakes.


Ramsay doesn't appear to appreciate that his actions in torturing Sansa and Theon could have a lasting impact on his House's prospects  He proposes to attack Castle Black, despite the fact that the already tenuous loyalty the North owes to the Boltons would be shattered if they attacked the Watch.  He isn't the first character to have babies put to death in Game of Thrones but his brutality in seizing power will most likely come to haunt him.  If he is attacked by the Watch-Wilding alliance then the chances of him receiving enthusiastic help from the other Northern houses is small.  

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I'm hoping he attacks Castle Black and the giant there rips him apart limb by limb, tbh. 


The bad guys are always the best characters in this. I miss Joffrey.

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I enjoy watching GoT but Franken-Gregor gets on my tits a wee bit. He just walks about with his purple skin and his super-bloodshot eyes and nobody seems to be even mildly curious about him. It's a bit too Hammer horror for my liking.

Now Wun-Wun on the other hand is just a top bloke!

Did laugh during Balons funeral as the girl that plays Yara was clearly FROZEN during that scene, you can see her physically holding back the shakes and the look on her face has more than a hint of 'Come on to f**k and get this over with' on her coupon.

That's what gets on your tits? Not the Dragons, Zombies, Witches, Immortal Children, Animal mind control or resurrection?


Absolute topper of an episode. Bloomin loved it and it also had two of the best deaths of the entire 6 seasons - both hilarious too.

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That's what gets on your tits? Not the Dragons, Zombies, Witches, Immortal Children, Animal mind control or resurrection?


Absolute topper of an episode. Bloomin loved it and it also had two of the best deaths of the entire 6 seasons - both hilarious too.


Which if them is walking about the biggest city in the land on a daily basis?  ;)


Most of the 'mad shit' is still thought of as myth in majority of Westeros.

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Which if them is walking about the biggest city in the land on a daily basis?  ;)


Most of the 'mad shit' is still thought of as myth in majority of Westeros.

I was just being facetious bud. Having said that though, I get the impression that an 8 foot purple guy probably isn't the weirdest thing that most people would have seen in that world and even if he was, would you blame them for not pointing it out?


It looks like he is generally close to Cersai and just ventures out for a wee bit of brutal retribution so perhaps most people won't have met him yet. The King's guard just look petrified of him.

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Another very enjoyable episode.


Jon Snow's back, entirely predictably.  At the start of that scene I guessed they'd all give up hope, leave him, then he'd wake with a gasp.  Which is exactly what then happened.  It was a little contrived for Game of Thrones, but at least they've got it out of the way now and can focus on where Jon's going next.  Presumably he's free of his oaths to the Night's Watch so can step up and lead the "free" north against the Boltons.


It was disappointing to see Ramsay murdering his father.  Roose was a skilled player of the Game and Ramsay taking control of Winterfell will probably just lead to an, admittedly entertaining, battle between his forces and those of Jon, the Wildlings and families loyal to the Starks.


It says something for Game of Thrones' penchant for shocking scenes that I didn't bat an eyelid at a woman and her new-born son being torn apart by a pack of dogs.


The scene with Tormund and the Wildlings turning up just in the nick of time was a delight.


Line of the episode was Tyrion with "That's what I do. I drink, and I know things".


And no Dany, which is always a bonus.

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Line of the episode was Tyrion with "That's what I do. I drink, and I know things".

"Next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face"

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