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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I don't think he'll kill them and don't think he'll take money to switch either. He'll probably be convinced he's fucked anyways if he doesn't fight with them so will just stick with them and fight. He seems the sort to be concerned about being on the winning side.

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Also, for the whingers and the book purists especially, if anything seems rushed this season just remember GRRM in his prime used a shadow baby assassin to get rid of Renly, get Stannis a larger army and get the Tyrells to defect over to the Lannisters then never mentioned anyone using that power again. 
They've done an excellent job with the TV show. The books obviously have all the amazing moments from the show but they are also filled with pages and pages of dribble. GRRM spends ages describing clothes, meals and cocks! I think he's tied himself in knots now with all the extra characters and subplots that are in the books but not the TV show. One of the books spends most of it focusing on the Iron Islands selecting a new king which is pretty dull. The TV show covered that off in one episode.
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11 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

Cersei pregnant or not? Avoids drinking wine when speaking with Tyrion last season, now binge drinking after Euron. Has she always been lying or is this her falling on her binge drinking ways as a coping mechanism leading her to lose the baby?

I thought it was pretty obvious that she was always lying.

4 hours ago, quickoverayard said:

Great 1st episode, loads of nice reunions before aww c**t dies!!!

Now with jon being who jon is and danny being who she is, if they both die who is in line?? Is it gendry??

The line of succession is all a bit muddled given the numerous usurpers.

They did go out of their way in the last season to have a bit of dialogue with Danaerys and Tyrion in Dragonstone about succession, where it was clear that she has no living relatives and therefore no successor. In that situation, should she die without having named someone, the Hand steps in. So Tyrion then.

However that was before we knew about Jon. He does have living relatives; Sansa, Arya and Bran are his cousins. Bran would never take it, leaving Sansa as the heir as she's oldest.

So the answer is Sansa.

20 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

Is Bronn likely to carry out the hit on Tyrion or Jaime? Or will Tyrion “pay him double” to switch sides?

Bronn is one of the most honest guys in Westeros. He might even be the most honest guy. He tells you straight that he's in it for the money and acts accordingly.

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What if the Night King knows that Winterfell is hard to attack, especially with all thr North (well most of them; damn Glovers!) and the Unsullied and Dothraki, and he decides to send only a small part of his forces against them as a distraction whilst he and the bulk of his army fire off south? He can then roll over Westeros and continually recruit then smash the Lannister army and take King's Landing, along with its 1 million citizens. Cersei will flee with Euron and the Golden Company (and Zombie Mountain). She'll then be forced to land in Dorne or go north, or even the Iron Islands. She won't be particularly welcome anywhere. The Golden Company will want to fight and since they have a reputation for staying to do the job, she'll pledge them to the other armies.

The armies in the north will be forced to ride down to King's Landing to not only fight a massively increased army, but also have to lay siege to King's Landing. On the way south they might have to get past numerous undead garrisons as well.

That would tie in with Dany's vision from season 2.


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He stayed at Winterfell when Jon went off to meet Dany. A bit lame that Jon didn't take a few minutes to go and see him once  he got home. He has a new dragon to play with now though.[/d]

That's no way to talk about Dany.
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What if the Night King knows that Winterfell is hard to attack, especially with all thr North (well most of them; damn Glovers!) and the Unsullied and Dothraki, and he decides to send only a small part of his forces against them as a distraction whilst he and the bulk of his army fire off south? He can then roll over Westeros and continually recruit then smash the Lannister army and take King's Landing, along with its 1 million citizens. Cersei will flee with Euron and the Golden Company (and Zombie Mountain). She'll then be forced to land in Dorne or go north, or even the Iron Islands. She won't be particularly welcome anywhere. The Golden Company will want to fight and since they have a reputation for staying to do the job, she'll pledge them to the other armies.
The armies in the north will be forced to ride down to King's Landing to not only fight a massively increased army, but also have to lay siege to King's Landing. On the way south they might have to get past numerous undead garrisons as well.
That would tie in with Dany's vision from season 2.
For all the North is big, surely scouts, availability of dragon and Bran woukd make that impossible. The night king cant leave an army that size behind him.
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1 hour ago, Jack Burton said:
2 hours ago, The OP said:
Also, for the whingers and the book purists especially, if anything seems rushed this season just remember GRRM in his prime used a shadow baby assassin to get rid of Renly, get Stannis a larger army and get the Tyrells to defect over to the Lannisters then never mentioned anyone using that power again. 

One of the books spends most of it focusing on the Iron Islands selecting a new king which is pretty dull. The TV show covered that off in one episode.


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1 hour ago, Jack Burton said:
2 hours ago, The OP said:
Also, for the whingers and the book purists especially, if anything seems rushed this season just remember GRRM in his prime used a shadow baby assassin to get rid of Renly, get Stannis a larger army and get the Tyrells to defect over to the Lannisters then never mentioned anyone using that power again. 

They've done an excellent job with the TV show. The books obviously have all the amazing moments from the show but they are also filled with pages and pages of dribble. GRRM spends ages describing clothes, meals and cocks! I think he's tied himself in knots now with all the extra characters and subplots that are in the books but not the TV show. One of the books spends most of it focusing on the Iron Islands selecting a new king which is pretty dull. The TV show covered that off in one episode.

The introduction of Quentyn Martell seemed like a massive waste of time too.

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Robb Stark, his wife, unborn child and mother are all brutally murdered in episode 9 of season 3.

And his dug, don't forget his dug!!!
Bran is an even creepier wee c**t than he was last season as well, do you reckon he just sits in the same place all day staring at people or does he have an army of retainers wheeling him about to different parts of Winterfell, to fulfil his three-eyed-Raven-I-know-shit-about-you staring quotas???
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1 minute ago, King Kebab said:

And his dug, don't forget his dug!!!
Bran is an even creepier wee c**t than he was last season as well, do you reckon he just sits in the same place all day staring at people or does he have an army of retainers wheeling him about to different parts of Winterfell, to fulfil his three-eyed-Raven-I-know-shit-about-you staring quotas???

He’s stuck there until they start building some ramps in Winterfell.

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11 minutes ago, The OP said:

He’s stuck there until they start building some ramps in Winterfell.

Which has taken my brain down the uncomfortable path of wondering if, after Hodor held the door, Meerah got the job of taking care of Bran's lavatorial clean up needs. No standing up to wipe for him. Perhaps she just hoiked his breeks down to his ankles and dragged him round in the snow for a while.

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Just seems like an anti climax to me that they spent 8 years weaving stories around each other just to dump them all together at the end. 

Still doesn't grab me anything like the first few seasons did. Hopefully it picks up

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