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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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For such a supposedly huge plot point, the White Walkers have been pretty insignificant thus far. They pop up every now and then and it seems like shits going to kick off then... nout.

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For such a supposedly huge plot point, the White Walkers have been pretty insignificant thus far. They pop up every now and then and it seems like shits going to kick off then... nout.

If I was them, I'd probably be pretty happy for the Night's Watch and the wildlings to kick the shit out of each other and The North to tear itself apart before making my move.

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Would folk that have the DVD boxsets say they are worth getting for the episode commentaries and other extras?

So in this post, Caveman's asking the people of Pie and Bovril if getting the DVD boxsets are worthwhile. He's specifically asking about the commentaries and some of the other extras. Meanwhile you can see by looking around that other posters have completely ignored this question. I'll probably go for a ham and pickle sandwich later. I may have earned lots of extra money just doing this commentary but sometimes you just want some home-comforts y'know? Anyway, when we filmed this scene I was incredibly hungover, so didn't bother wearing any pants.

I can't be arsed with commentaries

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Really disappointed to lose Oberyn. Was looking forward to more scenes between him and Tywin.

I know it's very 'Thrones' to build a character like that up and kill them off but he was by far the most interesting one they've done it with so far. Can't think of a single scene he was in that he didn't completely own. The trial, obviously, I suppose... But even then he came out with some brilliant lines.

If they kill the wee man off then they've lost two of the strongest characters in the show imo. Would say it'd be hard for them to replace them but Oberyn in his 9-episode arc or whatever it was became one of my favourite of the entire series so I wouldn't (hopefully) put it past them.

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Just watched it there, episode wasn't brilliant but the ending was incredible. Gutted to see Oberyn go, fantastic character who could have had a lot of mileage in a running feud with the Lannisters. Obviously might be wrong, but it looked like The Mountain could have collapsed and died at the end, double death, possible way out for Tyrrian?

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Just watched it there, episode wasn't brilliant but the ending was incredible. Gutted to see Oberyn go, fantastic character who could have had a lot of mileage in a running feud with the Lannisters. Obviously might be wrong, but it looked like The Mountain could have collapsed and died at the end, double death, possible way out for Tyrrian?

Bit of a spoiler there but... THIS!

No winner = staying alive

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Just watched it there, episode wasn't brilliant but the ending was incredible. Gutted to see Oberyn go, fantastic character who could have had a lot of mileage in a running feud with the Lannisters. Obviously might be wrong, but it looked like The Mountain could have collapsed and died at the end, double death, possible way out for Tyrrian?

I was thinking that as well, he got a spear through thte middle of his chest, there's no way he could have survived that.

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Sair wan for Obeyn. A couple of ibuprofen a wee lie down and he should be fine though. Cersei was very much pleased with the outcome. Surely a new 'pleasing' GIF with her smug face should be made. Tywin wasn't exactly upset either.

I thought the Iron Born guy who was skinned and put on display at Moat Cailin was more gruesome. Ramsey is a wee cunto so hope he gets burst soon. On that topic, is Theon Greyjoy really dead now? Is he now truly Reek forever? There was a wavering when he was presenting terms.

Tyrion can't die, but with episode 9 being the next one, I'm shitting it he'll get his totties. He's an immense character.

Thought Daenerys was a bit harsh to send Jorah away. He's proven many times over that he's loyal to her. Aye, he started out in the employ of Robert Baratheon, but he rejected the pardon and choose to stay with Daenerys. Think of all the things he's done to help her and how many times he's risked his life for her. Also I really like the character, so hope he's still around in some fashion.

The Hound could be done for if that wound gets any worse. I'm really liking his exchanges with Arya now. They're a pretty amusing team.

Littlefinger's plot continues to move forward. I'm sure that when he takes Robin around The Vale that an 'accident' could occur to the wee p***ko. Loved Sansa's heel turn as well, and she looked absoutely lovely in that black dress.

The trailer for next week's episode was very interesting.

All of it showed the assault on The Wall and Castle Black

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Thought Daenerys was a bit harsh to send Jorah away. He's proven many times over that he's loyal to her. Aye, he started out in the employ of Robert Baratheon, but he rejected the pardon and choose to stay with Daenerys. Think of all the things he's done to help her and how many times he's risked his life for her. Also I really like the character, so hope he's still around in some fashion.

I'm thinking there's collusion and they're up to something, he's maybe going back to King's Landing as Daenrys's spy?

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Thought Daenerys was a bit harsh to send Jorah away. He's proven many times over that he's loyal to her. Aye, he started out in the employ of Robert Baratheon, but he rejected the pardon and choose to stay with Daenerys. Think of all the things he's done to help her and how many times he's risked his life for her. Also I really like the character, so hope he's still around in some fashion.

Daenerys is a fucking idiot.

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I'm starting to think along the lines of this whole "Game of Thrones" being really that, a game being played by Littlefinger and Varys, two men who weren't even Lords but could be working together to become the last men standing for the throne.

Edit: It was Littlefinger and Varys who both pointed Ned Stark in the direction of the conspiracies, inbreeding and of course Gendry. They also alluded to conspiracies that King Robert would die, not long before it happened. Is it possible they started the whole war? That they knew enough dirty secrets between them to tear the Kingdom apart?

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