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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I've noticed the steakhouse McGonagall's in Inverness getting it tight in the last day or so, with some ex-employee posting about poor working conditions, hygiene etc.  It's hard to tell what the real story is (I've never been myself) but the steakhouse has returned fire with some allegations about him.  


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5 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

I've noticed the steakhouse McGonagall's in Inverness getting it tight in the last day or so, with some ex-employee posting about poor working conditions, hygiene etc.  It's hard to tell what the real story is (I've never been myself) but the steakhouse has returned fire with some allegations about him.  


What are they saying? Is it all a case of sour grapes?

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1 hour ago, Highland Capital said:

I can't seem to find it anymore.  Wonder if it's been deleted but it had a real go at the original poster and accused him of assaulting someone and all sorts.

Think it said that they were arrested because they "smashed the place up" when they went in to pick up their wages as well as shouting at the staff etc.

I have heard quite a few bad things about the place though so I wouldn't be surprised if some of the stuff in the comes were true

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Anyone who writes like that and who types 'meet' instead of 'meat' multiple times deserves to not only be fired, but to be beaten severely.

Also if you quit then go and demand wages what do you think would happen?

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On 17/01/2018 at 18:56, welshbairn said:

What was McGonagall's response?

What ho! sickly people of high and low degree
I pray ye all be warned by me;
No matter what may be your bodily ills
The safest and quickest cure is Beecham’s Pills.

They are admitted to be worth a guinea a box
For bilious and nervous disorders, also smallpox,
And dizziness and drowsiness, also cold chills,
And for such diseases nothing else can equal Beecham’s Pills

They have been proved by thousands that have tried them
So that the people cannot them condemn.
Be advised by me one and all
Is the advice of Poet McGonagall.

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