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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Maws on Facebook is one of my least favourite things in the world.

:lol: My mum was always posting pics of her dogs on FB she would put silly dog clothes on and take pictures of them and i was getting annoyed at her - she then threatened to make a profile pic for one of the dogs and make posts as if it were from the dogs point of view, i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!:lol:

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Had 2 new one's today. Surprisingly both from female sevco supporters.

Moron 1: Every year people moan about the walk - if you don't like it take a day trip out of Glasgow.

To which I responded - why should people have to leave due to some bigots?

Moron 2: XXXXXX done really well at the walking today, really proud of him xxxx

To which I replied - how can he have done well at the walking? Surely its just walking? blink.gif

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All these pictures are doing the rounds "OMG..... TITP is flooded"

Some people are daft enough to believe that they are actual pictures from this years event.

It isn't TITP ya bunch of gullible fuds.

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All these pictures are doing the rounds "OMG..... TITP is flooded"

Some people are daft enough to believe that they are actual pictures from this years event.

It isn't TITP ya bunch of gullible fuds.

No but it is flooded!



Edited by Bert Raccoon
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I just hate people who are posting from TITP with shite like "OMG11111!1!11 this is fucking amazing" its clearly not that fucking good if you have found yourself posting on facebook right in the middle of it.

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Bird on mine currently having a breakdown because her man's having to go away with the RAF.

Newflash: this is what happens when you're seeing a guy in the forces.

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The other day the girlfriend of a guy I used to go to school with posted a status telling everyone how her neighbours had accused her of stealing three springs off their kids trampoline and calling them "skanky b*****ds".

This then descended into a slanging match, 40 plus comments, as the neighbours , who it appears were Facebook friends, and the husband got stuck in. I lost interest after the accused mother joined in saying she had given them the springs and how there's no way she could have got them off anyway but things were pretty heated by then.

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Ryan, I thought I would write a wee paragraph for you since I'm pure bored lmao anyways your absoloutly amazing babe Your the bestest boyfriend ever and I would never do anything to hurt you You always know how to put a smile on my face when I'm upset You always listen to my problems and try to help me out. You always spoil me rotten lmao even though I tell you to not buy me a thing haha Its so weird to think that you were at my school and we never spoke at all and now we're soo close Can't imagine my life without you as soon as I met you, you made my life much happier We've had soo many good memories together like you taking me out for dinner on valentines day and then the cinema and also when we went to see JEDWARD in braehead hahaha So happy that I got you liking Jedward and now I'm so happy that I got you liking the midnight beast hehe don't even deny it lmao since you watched their show last night with me HA! We have also had our bad days when we can't stop arguing with eachother which makes me very sad but we always get through it in the end I love the nights when I'm staying at yours and we end up sitting up all night playing cod or snuggle up with lots of munchies and watch hundreds of horrors haha you shite yourself all the time lmfao You always jump at the scary bits and end up hurting me haha was too funny though I can still remember the 1st day we met and walked about victoria park and had a wee catch up and we just clicked. I've never been able to talk to someone that much when I first meet them so you were just special it felt so easy to talk to you. I felt like I could tell you all my secrets straight away and that I can trust you with everything I can't believe its been almost 9 months soon it will be a year Its gonna be the best day of my life Can't wait till you read this, I will be sitting next to you and watching your face the whole time haha you better appreciate this paragraph mr since it acho took me like 25 mins to write haha it might not seem like that but it did cause I had to think about what memories to write about which was soo hard since we've had too many lol I hope we last forever and tbh I think we will Love you lots baby Hope this puts a wee smile on your cute face :') I will always be faithful to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey babes i just thought i would write u a para since u wrote me one lmao anyway u have made my life sparkle since u have came into it and i know we have had our fights and arguements but we always work things out in the end that is why u make me the happiest guy in the world to be with such an amazing and beautiful girl like u my life used to be dull and boring without u and i was always sad but since u have came along im more cheery and happy and i always love your big cuddles you give me when we see eachother it would take a crowbar to get us off eachother haha. i love that when ur here we sit up playing cod and watching films i know i can be a bit of a pain in the ass in fact i mean not a bit i ment billions of pain in your ass haha but im sorry and u always know how to calm me down and get through it . i know we were ment to be together because when i first met u i suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach and felt i knew u my whole entire life . i miss u every second im not with u but feel extremly happy knowing i get to see u the next day my love for u cannot be explained in words because its difficult because its such an amazing powerful feeling nobody can describe. My life is dedicated to u and although u dont want me to buy u things i always do lmao i cant wait to be with u always and forever babes i will protect u always love u chelsea sinclair i know that might have sounded cheesy and stuff but i know u will go awwww hehe i know u too well babes love u angel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I should state that I don't know these people, but my pal sent me their conversation and reading it made my eyes bleed. I was going to dissect every sentence of this and explain how horrible it was but I'm sure you can figure this out for yourself. If it took her 25 minutes to write that I wonder how she did in her English exams. Silly question, actually. Of course she failed them. Between every sentence there was either a happy face, a grinning face, a winking face, a sad face or a heart. A message came up saying I had used too many emoticons so I rid of them all. What a fucking embarrassment. I hope his mates rip right into him, if he still has any. Apparently they're engaged and getting married soon. Been going out for nine months, been engaged for five of those.I think they're about 16/17 or something. f**k's sake.

Edited by Smurph
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Some brain dead bigot on mine still posts "WATP".

He lives in Bo'ness

Having been to a Bo'ness game, and heard their songs such as the sash and shouts of WATP, and having experienced the miners' club across from the ground, it all adds together suggests that perhaps the news hasn't reached Borrowstounness yet.

Edited by SaltyTON
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i know i can be a bit of a pain in the ass in fact i mean not a bit i ment billions of pain in your ass haha but im sorry and u always know how to calm me down and get through it .

Quite clear what they get up to.. :whistle

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