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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Yup, i've seent he occasional post on my newsfeed of outrage about it.

Ironically most of the threats being made to the page's creator are much, much sicker than the actual page itself. One genius even posted inviting the guys who created it to come to his house in Montrose or Arbroath or wherever the f**k it was, tell it to his face, and see if it was funny then.

On a side note, some girl on mine posted up a load of baby pics 2 or 3 weeks ago, and on Saturday morning posted that she was furious that no one had "liked" them, before ranting on about this showing that her friends were never there for her etc.

I can't remember who the comedian was but I remember hearing a guy last year say if Facebook finished tomorrow you'd have people running round the doors shoving their photos in people's faces saying, "Please like my photos!!"

I would lock my doors if I was you when Facebook goes down with her about.

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The guy made a massive comment today about it. But I find it bizzare that people would get so worked up about something like this, to the point where they set-up pages themselves asking for the banning of the page.

As for the girl you're on about. Tragic.

From what i can gather from the newsfeeds, the objectors fall into three categories

1. Shrieking perma-offended attention seeking women, who put up about 40 statuses a day

2. Guys trying to score points off the above women by pretending to be offended

3. Guys who are keyboard hardmen/violence fantasists who actually never leave their homes

They've all completely failed to comprehend that the guys who set up the page are far more likely to die laughing at the success of their troll fest, than any of the online empty threats they've received.

I am actually thankful for Facebook. It's allowed me to identify the various people i know that are either undergoing, or are fucking close to complete emotional breakdowns, and can therefore be easily avoided.

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From what i can gather from the newsfeeds, the objectors fall into three categories

1. Shrieking perma-offended attention seeking women, who put up about 40 statuses a day

2. Guys trying to score points off the above women by pretending to be offended

3. Guys who are keyboard hardmen/violence fantasists who actually never leave their homes

They've all completely failed to comprehend that the guys who set up the page are far more likely to die laughing at the success of their troll fest, than any of the online empty threats they've received.

I am actually thankful for Facebook. It's allowed me to identify the various people i know that are either undergoing, or are fucking close to complete emotional breakdowns, and can therefore be easily avoided.

There's one guy on my Facebook who likes the Dead Baby Jokes page, and the amount of idiots wishing death on anyone who likes the page is fucking mental. The morons seem more likely to fall into categories 1 and 3, and pretty much all of them are borderline illiterate simpletons who probably have trouble tying their own shoelaces. It's actually quite entertaining to read some of the exchanges that appear on my newsfeed :ph34r:

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There's one guy on my Facebook who likes the Dead Baby Jokes page, and the amount of idiots wishing death on anyone who likes the page is fucking mental. The morons seem more likely to fall into categories 1 and 3, and pretty much all of them are borderline illiterate simpletons who probably have trouble tying their own shoelaces. It's actually quite entertaining to read some of the exchanges that appear on my newsfeed :ph34r:

Whenever i see a notification it's a total battle with myself to resist posting :lol:

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Whenever i see a notification it's a total battle with myself to resist posting :lol:

I can understand the temptation, but if I'm going to have to put up with neds posting semi-literate pish, I'd rather it was idiots I know.

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The "Alf Stewart" page is becoming my favourite thing on facebook just now. It's basically a troll posing as the great Alf of Home and Away fame who sends abusive messages to celebrities. He's fucking brilliant.

My favourite one recently was "born this way. what, born a weird c**t?!" I'll let you guess which celebrity it was to :lol:

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My facebook feed is full of either a) people saying how well they/their siblings/their kids did in the exams or b) total seethe from people about the pass rate.

There also seem to be fannies posting on stuff with "I don't know you but....". Well if you don't know them, don't post on their f*cking feed!

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Gotta love how people just lie sometimes. A girl on mine was asked how she got on in her exams, when she replied "an A, a B and 2 Ds (one of which was maths)" she was told "That's brilliant, well done!"

Failing 50% of your exams is not brilliant in any way. It's shite.

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A Pakistani lassie who regularly posts utter shite just put up the status "I'd be ruubish at trying to lose weight everytime am back from the gym or do any form of exercise I'm starving after it and have a proper feast!!" Not the worst status in the world but one of my pals replied with "Just kid on its Ramadan." laugh.gif

Shit is going down.

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There's a page on the go the now called Old Pictures of Falkirk. It's really excellent seeing all the old places, but they've been uploading loads of pictures of local galadays and fetes from back in the day. They look, without exception, utterly horrible :lol:

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