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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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People that feel the need to tell their wives/girlfriends how much they love them on Facebook when they're almost certainly sitting next to each other in the house really do need to re-evaluate their life. Twice I've seen that on my feed this week, what's going on?

My girlfriend posted something similar on my wall when we first started dating. I told her off and it's not been done since. The argument was worth it laugh.gif

Females seem to be the worst posters. A "friend" of mine was sacked for stealing a few months ago, and every single bloody day has at least two statuses asking if anyone knows of any jobs or about going to an interview and how "this is the one". It's getting kinda funny as she's obviously been knocked back from about 7 jobs in the last month laugh.gif

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People that feel the need to tell their wives/girlfriends how much they love them on Facebook when they're almost certainly sitting next to each other in the house really do need to re-evaluate their life. Twice I've seen that on my feed this week, what's going on?

Last week one of my pals was having a full conversation with his girlfriend who he was sitting in bed next to via her Facebook wall about who was going to make the breakfast in bed. As a couple they're regular culprits for this sort of nonsense too, regularly using words such as 'snoodle' and excessive kisses in wall posts to each other. If it weren't for that fact that they're friends who I see regularly and know that they're actually not even that bad in person (well, him anyway, she's a massive pain in the arse) I would absolutely be deleting them both.

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Last week one of my pals was having a full conversation with his girlfriend who he was sitting in bed next to via her Facebook wall about who was going to make the breakfast in bed. As a couple they're regular culprits for this sort of nonsense too, regularly using words such as 'snoodle' and excessive kisses in wall posts to each other. If it weren't for that fact that they're friends who I see regularly and know that they're actually not even that bad in person (well, him anyway, she's a massive pain in the arse) I would absolutely be deleting them both.

No excuse, get them gone. Seriously, who are they trying to convince with all this shite? I've had another friend at it today, it's cringeworthy. I barely speak to my wife when we're in the house together, let alone have full blown conversations via Facebook.

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Some fanny who I'm friends with "now allows subscribers" but who would be interested in following someone who just gets pished every night?

Aye. Some hippy friend of my aunt (who isn't even no FB herself) has one of those. I think it's a further ego boost for those who thinks having friends isn't enough.

She dropped hints that I should subscribe to it. I took one look at it and it was full to the guddles with trite nonsense, such as a picture of a cloud as a backdrop to pointless phrases like "dreams are to ideas as hope is to inspiration" (© Cardinal Richelieu 2012).

I think she was a bit put out that I didn't subscribe so she added me as a friend. I reluctantly agreed. My news feed instantly started filling with pictures of weans with cancer, beseeching me to cure their terminal illnesses by clicking SHARE. It would appear clicking LIKE isn't enough to cure cancer or stop world hunger in these difficult times.

She was deleted faster than you can say vapid bitch.

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There's a lassie I went to school with who must spend all of her waking hours posting images on Facebook trying to get the "Sheeple" to "open their eyes".

If you can name a pro-environmental, anti-government, anti-capitalism, Save the Children, Save the Whales, Shave the Wales campaign, she'll have posted an image and slogan about it, probably in the past five minutes.

This past week we've had why flouride is a poison; what big corporations "secretly" own the food and drink you buy (Coca-Cola owns a company that makes bottled water. I nearly died with shock.); something about free-range chickens; a lot of stuff about trawlers killing dolphins; and how Diet Coke and other diet drinks cause brain haemorraghes and epilepsy.

Last week, she announced that she and her husband weren't buying their two-year-old son any birthday presents, instead they had opened a charity donation page in his name to help African kids get clean water.

I'm sure the wean will be over the moon at that.

I should note that I do actually like the lassie, it's just her Facebook feed that blows my mind (and not in the way she's hoping).

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Anyone noticed this relatively new fad for writing annoying complaints to big companies/organisations? As if the boy on work experience who looks after the facebook page is going to be able to help. What happened to writing a letter or phoning them up? They all try to be funny as well. Pisses me off.

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