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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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£2.6 million pound home for a Muslim family AND £90k a year benefits?

Usually I'd be a bit cynical about this, but it's a picture on facebook which is a cast iron guarantee of authenticity.

Where's my bhurka? I'm in! :)

Edited by Monster
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There's an idiot on mine who has shared a photo of Bill Cosby accompanied by a big wanky rant blaming everything from Muslims to people with tattoos for all of the world's problems. It would be bad enough that he's shared this because of the content of the rant, but the fact he actually thinks Bill Cosby has said this makes it worse.

A quick google search shows it to be a hoax from a couple of years ago, it was actually said by a right wing American politician.

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do some people not know that refugees are banned from working

they can still volunteer though.

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Dear Dundee fans,

Nice to see you I assume we'll see you in a few years when we're back at the top and you come to see the rangers again!

Ps no surrender Iain Black xxx

Even ignoring the idiocy of not knowing the difference between Dundee and Dundee United, the seethe is glorious.

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There's an idiot on mine who has shared a photo of Bill Cosby accompanied by a big wanky rant blaming everything from Muslims to people with tattoos for all of the world's problems. It would be bad enough that he's shared this because of the content of the rant, but the fact he actually thinks Bill Cosby has said this makes it worse.

A quick google search shows it to be a hoax from a couple of years ago, it was actually said by a right wing American politician.

Have none of these idiots hears of Snopes or Hoaxslayer?

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Not annoying, but worth sharing...

"Aww just love it when ur boyfriend lets a monkey b*****d whore w**k um aff infront of yeh trying to disguise it under eh covers hahaahaaa! Your lossss suckaaaa gd luck with the aidssss i heard monkeys have that"

The bold bit is my favourite.

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Not annoying, but worth sharing...

"Aww just love it when ur boyfriend lets a monkey b*****d whore w**k um aff infront of yeh trying to disguise it under eh covers hahaahaaa! Your lossss suckaaaa gd luck with the aidssss i heard monkeys have that"

The bold bit is my favourite.

I pride myself on being good at interpreting foreign tongues, but I don't know where to begin with this.

Awww. I just love it when your boyfriend lets a simian fatherless prostitute masturbate in front you, trying to disguise it under the covers. Hahaha. Your loss sucker, good luck with the AIDS, I heard the monkeys have that.

Actually, when you type it out, it does actually make sense. Megasoz lol.

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All the Superbowl statuses. I don't mind the people doing it who'll post throughout the season but it's from the people who probably haven't seen any other game this season and won't see another till the next Superbowl. Suddenly they're supporting American Football and just so happens their team's in the final match! :o

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All the Superbowl statuses. I don't mind the people doing it who'll post throughout the season but it's from the people who probably haven't seen any other game this season and won't see another till the next Superbowl. Suddenly they're supporting American Football and just so happens their team's in the final match! :o

I know how you feel with that, I have no real interest in American Football unless it's the Super Bowl, so I know virtually nothing about it other than te game itself. However there appears to be many a fan from last night and indeed I believe a group of girls were playing a drinking game with it and seemed to be keen for people to know.

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There's a status-happy girl on my facebook who would appear to be pregnant - and every time I look at my newsfeed, I am treated to a whistlestop tour of every nuance of her uterus.

She's saying the child's arrival is imminent - and it's just struck me that I must have been reading this shit since last summer! I hardly even know the bloody girl!! The best of it is, if I was to meet here somewhere I'd politely enquire how things were going; and she'd politely reply "fine". Civil niceties in order, we'd both go our separate ways - but on facebook it's completely different. I genuinely can't believe how public people are with their most intimate private lives on fucking facebook.

Worst of all is that her profile picture is still the almost pre-requisite mirror set, 45 degree, duck-faced, pouty, parody of sexuality favoured by an unlikely proportion of people. It sits awkwardly with the mental image of a woman lying in a bath of warm water to alleviate the pain of braxton hicks (whatever the f**k they are - my newly-gained knowledge of their existence is another thing that I resent).

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I know how you feel with that, I have no real interest in American Football unless it's the Super Bowl, so I know virtually nothing about it other than te game itself. However there appears to be many a fan from last night and indeed I believe a group of girls were playing a drinking game with it and seemed to be keen for people to know.

Aye, nothing wrong with watching it or taking an interest but posting on facebook like you're a massive fan of the sport or team is just stupid.

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The people that post on the superbowl ever year are essentially just Robbie Keanes aint they? No matter who is playing what year its always. " Cmon- * Insert Baltimore/Chicago/New York/New England- So good to see a team you have always supported since you were a wean in the superbowl" The team rotates to fit whoever is in it each year. Mind you I guess its easy to have a team in the Superbowl if you support half the bloody league.

Its even worse if there is a cinderella story and people claim to have always supported the " Illinois Nobodies" there entire life.

I mean f**k off man. Its like if they dont seem like an expert on it or claim to have a team in the final they think they will be hung drawn and quartered.

Edited by Zizou-5
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