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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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For those of you that enjoy doctor who you will be aware of the "silence" enemy from 2 seasons ago, where everyone was putting a mark on their skin when they saw them.

Yesterday some doctor who fans decided to mark themselves with these to commemorate the episode and post the pics on Facebook, one of my friends was swiftly deleted after she uploaded a picture of herself covered in biro, and then a picture of her 3 year old daughter covered in the same marks.

I weep for humanity at times

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Nice to see the P+B collective have their finger on the pulse (or should that be the repulsive). Every single one of these has appeared over the last 172 pages:


Excellent stuff. The link to that article is now my facebook status.

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Just been talking to a guy who works at the DHSS call centre, he was saying that he had a 52 year old self employed builder who has never claimed before but has had no work rang up asking for some help and all he could offer him was the payment of his national health stamp.The next phone call he received was from a somali immigrant who couldn't speak English and required a translator with 7 children and another on the way complaining that her £40.000 a year benefits was not enough to live on !!!!
He also stated that they had been receiving phone calls from Bulgaria and Romania with reference to benefits available in preparation for the window that will be opening soon here in the UK.
I am not a racist and support my own charity in Africa but something is seriously wrong with our system, there are many of us out there who have invested in our nation and asked for nothing in return and when you hear things like this it's like your own government is slapping you in the face.If you agree with me please share. Please share this on your timeline !
Edited by Bobby Skidmarks
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Girl on my Facebook posted earlier today 'what's the date?' Utter simpleton.

I've a lassie on mine who purposely puts up statuses to make herself look thick just for attention. People have stopped replying do her walls now covered with about statuses calling herself thick without anyone else interacting :lol: tremendous!
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I've also got a middle aged man who posts 100 YouTube videos a night and has 5 or 6 statuses about being happy, then sad, about loving his children and saying he's going to end it all and how he hates how he can "turn dark". Lately he's going on about how he'll use his "kung fu" to beat this guy up, the guy who assaulted him in the street a month or so ago. Neither were drunk and it seemingly just kicked off. And he got hospitalised, yet NOW he'll be able to kick him in with his "Kung fu" :lol:

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Some bird I'm friends with is telling everyone on FB how proud she is of her son who is doing a sponsored walk with his primary school for cancer research, not to mention beseeching everyone to donate heavily.

Now the kid is around 6 years old, so I wouldn't expect him to be running a marathon, but his sponsored walk is a paltry 0.7 miles, or approximately 1100 metres. My walk to school when I was his age was longer than that.

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