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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Folk I know to be No voters suddenly coming to the realisation that Westminster doesn't represent the views of the Scottish population, liking and sharing pro-SNP stories and images. Too fucking late, dickheads!

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Folk I know to be No voters suddenly coming to the realisation that Westminster doesn't represent the views of the Scottish population, liking and sharing pro-SNP stories and images. Too fucking late, dickheads!

On a similar note the uber Yessers are going into hyperdrive with poorly researched and misquoted political memes, while just coming across as smug and bitter in equal measure.

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Folk I know to be No voters suddenly coming to the realisation that Westminster doesn't represent the views of the Scottish population, liking and sharing pro-SNP stories and images. Too fucking late, dickheads!

On a similar note the uber Yessers are going into hyperdrive with poorly researched and misquoted political memes, while just coming across as smug and bitter in equal measure.

Yep, the "Yes" voters trotting out the "let's blame the no voters for this - hope you're feeling pleased with yourselves" type posting - ignoring the fact that even with a "yes" vote - there's no way we'd be an independent nation yet.

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Anyone no what time the last train from Edinburgh is this Saturday?

If only there was some kind of online train timetable available.

But then again, if you looked it up yourself, you wouldn't get a stream of sycophantic pals commenting "ooo, going oot doll?" and "cheeky wee nite oot hen?" and "#carnage" etc.

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As it didn't embed, it's a clip from Anthony Jeselnik's show, Thoughts and Prayers. It's only a 2 minute clip. The whole thing's on Netflix though he makes Frankie Boyle look like Michael McIntyre.

Edited by Mrs M
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Offshore employees now seem to be trying for the same level of eye-gougingly twee sympathy votes as soldiers now:

Just a thought.............

For all the guys wanting to work offshore and abroad take stock before you sign on the dotted line :
Yes the wage is good
Yes you can up your lifestyle with a nice home, car and Holidays
Yes the financial rewards are tempting
Yes it gets in your blood
Yes you see the world
Yes you get considerable time at home when you are at home
Yes you are in a cabin or prison cell for twelve hours a day and work the other twelve
Yes you have to share with people who snore and smell
Yes you have to put up with substandard cramped conditions and food
Yes you see things you hope your kids never have to see
Yes you miss Family and loved ones
Yes Relationships will be strained and pushed to breaking point
Yes you will be out of complete contact for days sometimes weeks at a time
Yes you wish your life away when you are away
Yes you lay awake at night sometimes wondering "why do I do this" and "Is this really worth it"

No you will not make every party, BBQ, wedding or funeral
No you will not be home for Christmas or easter
No you will not be there for your children's birthdays
No you will not see your kids swim, ride a bike for the first time or be there to read stories at night
No you can't just pick up a phone or email your family whenever you like
No you will not be there to take them to watch sports games
No you will not be there for presentation nights, school plays or parent/teacher interviews
No you will not be there to see them win medals at school sports days
No you will not always be there during times of family crisis and feel helpless being so far away
No you might not be there to bury a family member or close friend

So, before anybody judges someone who has the guts and courage to work away to try and make a better life for themselves and those around them, DONT say "YOU MUST BE MINTED" or "YOUR LUCKY'.

These people sacrifice more than half of their life being away from loved ones to make their dreams come true.

Just sayin............

:lol: :lol:

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Oil be darned. I thought working offshore would be a bit of a gas...

I'm literally off to get my coat and take the mutt out in this Storm Desmond pishy weather.

*instant karma

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I would never say "YOU'RE LUCKY" to someone working on the rigs. I would say "f**k that, you wouldn't find me doing that shit for all the money in the world." I've always thought it sounded like a horrendous way to make a living.

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To be fair, getting your arms blown off and carrying on regardless is quite some feat.

attachicon.gifSoldiers wages.jpg

I'm FB friends with a co-worker but I have her page blocked simply because 99% of the stuff she posts is drivel like this. Curiously, for someone apparently so anti-footballer; She's a huge Man Utd fan and yes, she lives in the south of England.

The way I see it, there are two solutions to the 'problem' outlined above. She and everyone else could stop attending football games, buying merchandise, tuning into the television coverage or buying the products of the sponsors. As a result, footballers would get paid less. Or, every soldier could be paid $250,000 a year which would cause taxes to skyrocket. Somehow I doubt she would be happy with either of those options.

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I'm FB friends with a co-worker but I have her page blocked simply because 99% of the stuff she posts is drivel like this. Curiously, for someone apparently so anti-footballer; She's a huge Man Utd fan and yes, she lives in the south of England.

The way I see it, there are two solutions to the 'problem' outlined above. She and everyone else could stop attending football games, buying merchandise, tuning into the television coverage or buying the products of the sponsors. As a result, footballers would get paid less. Or, every soldier could be paid $250,000 a year which would cause taxes to skyrocket. Somehow I doubt she would be happy with either of those options.

To be honest, I'm beginning to think that the only reason I retain a presence on Facebook is to mock such inane nonsense.

Of course, the sentiment is entirely emotive and irrational. There are very few footballers with the ability to command £250,000 every week, but, where they are available, there will inevitably be high demand. There are many potential soldiers, however, and disregarding exceptional circumstances, supply would surely be expected to outstrip demand.

I do sometimes wonder why footballers are the subject of this particular comparison. Why not, for example, top actors? The cynical side of me says it might have something to do with the working-class upbringing of many footballers. Likewise, it could be related to latent intellectual snobbery.

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