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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Someone just popped up on my feed with the name "Caseys Mummy". :lol:

Sure enough, Occupation : Full Time Mommy! :)

She's the full set. An exclamation mark, a smiley face and mummy/mommy spelt two different ways.

I've seen that weapon before on one of the Perth based "for sale" pages.

Tragic, sad, pish.

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picture of Casey as her profile pic?

Correct. Same with the cover photo. Tragic.

I've seen that weapon before on one of the Perth based "for sale" pages.

Tragic, sad, pish.

That's where I seen her. Think somebody was selling an iPad for £200 and Caseys Mum offered a fiver. lol (not really, what a moron)

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That's not annoying that's funny!

Surely someone has some irritating royal sprog sycophancy to share?

The original comment is the annoying part, the rest was purely for entertainment purposes.

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Whoever came up with that shit should genuinely be killed. I'm not using a metaphor or hyperbole. They should literally be killed.

Ok, not literally and I am using hyperbole, but still. f**k sake. What sort of cretin comes up with this pish. A severe kicking is called for. And I'm not using a metaphor or hyperbole. They should literally be severely beaten.

Ok, not literally. And I am using hyperbole, but still. f**k sake. A stern, stern talking to is required. And I'm not using a metaphor or hyperbole. They should literally be talked to about the utter bullshit they've come up with.

Edited by DA Baracus
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