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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Kellyanne Sjay Kerr, naw. Just f*cking naw.

Sometimes you read the drivel posted in this thread and you hink tae yersell "I cannae f*cking read this pish" in a rhetorical way whereby, with a little effort, you could actually decipher it. But see this? See this Kellyanne character? I genuinely cannot figure out what it's trying to communicate to us.

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Kellyanne Sjay Kerr, naw. Just f*cking naw.

Sometimes you read the drivel posted in this thread and you hink tae yersell "I cannae f*cking read this pish" in a rhetorical way whereby, with a little effort, you could actually decipher it. But see this? See this Kellyanne character? I genuinely cannot figure out what it's trying to communicate to us.

Has anyone managed to decipher this yet? Something about battering men that hit women I think.

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Has anyone managed to decipher this yet? Something about battering men that hit women I think.

I thought it was 7 guys has jumped someone (maybe this lassie's partner) but I've honestly no fuckin idea. The fact that someone replied makes me think they're speaking in some kind of new scumbag jakeball dialect.

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All i want for the christmas is for my family and friends to be healthy

share if you agree

Really?! Why would you not agree to that.

Retarded nonsense.

I'll decide if I want to be healthy not some friend on facebook deciding for me.

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I've just been on Kelly Anne's page and her and her girlfriend are stunners. She is a Rangers fan who appears to have done some time in Cornton Vale so the pieces are slowly starting to come together.



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