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Watching Day of the Doctor made me feel like Smith was just trying to mimick Tennants Doctor, kinda felt like a cheap knock off. Ive still to watch the Smith episodes, so ill see if its truely the case

I really like Smith as a Doctor, although I didn't realise just how much I missed Tennant until the special came along. I think actually that had it been a few years down the line with a bit more experience in his career and as a Doctor of a more 'normal' age, Smith could have eclipsed him.

Also having watched the 2 hour special on all the Doctors, seeing the introduction of Colin Baker as The Doctor, the basis of that alone would have made me put my foot through the TV if something like that had happened in the present.

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Colin Baker's a good Doctor with some stinking stories. As SGMilne said, Big Finish have been instrumental in making people reconsider his value as the Doctor. To be fair, I'd rather watch a crap Colin Baker story than a crap Sylvester McCoy story. I also personally think Sylvester McCoy's first season is collectively worse than Colin Baker's first season. Time and the Rani is utterly horrendous. Even worse than the Twin Dilemma.

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Colin Baker's a good Doctor with some stinking stories. As SGMilne said, Big Finish have been instrumental in making people reconsider his value as the Doctor. To be fair, I'd rather watch a crap Colin Baker story than a crap Sylvester McCoy story. I also personally think Sylvester McCoy's first season is collectively worse than Colin Baker's first season. Time and the Rani is utterly horrendous. Even worse than the Twin Dilemma.

Sylvester McCoy, for me, was by far and away the worst Doctor Who of all. He turned the Doctor into a ridiculous little court jester.

The actor seems like a c**t as well.

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