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Other than the first episode, which I hated, I've loved every episode so far. Even the singing one, which seems to be hated by most.

I'm really looking forward to this weeks, as I love seeing bits of the TARDIS that we've not seen before or for a long time.

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I think all episodes have been instantly forgettable so far.

So much so that when someone mentioned a haunted house earlier I began wondering if I'd actually finished watching the whole episode as I couldn't remember what happened.

Turns out I did watch it, and forgot it within a few days.

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I liked today's episode a lot more than the others this series. Only query. At the end, when he starts the TARDIS up again, a bit of paper falls down. Was that deliberate or a f**k up I wonder?
Aye I saw that, falls on the console in front of him.
It wasn't a bit of paper guys - if you watch it closely he is dusting the TARDIS time rotor and throws the duster up in the air - that's what comes down and lands on the consoleReally enjoyed that episode - was nice to hear the old voices when the guy was trying to dismantle the console - pretty sure there was Susan and Ian from the first doctor era and defo heard Chris Eccleston as well
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That was staggeringly shit, the worst episode since Vincent and the Doctor.

Piss poor writing, direction and acting from all concerned.

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Hold on...

Vincent and the Doctor was a good episode.

No, no its not.

Its the only episode of Doctor Who I've never seen or listened to the entire thing - christ I've even done the Space Pirates three times but VatD is worthless.

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I like Vincent and the Doctor too. I think the only bit of it that is properly pish is the cringeworthy part where Amy comes back thinking she's convinced Van Gogh not kill himself, only to see he still did and as she does we get that crappy pop music blaring trying so desperately hard to make us be emotional about it.

The rest of it's pretty solid. Karen Gillan puts in one of her better performances (I've come to feel that Amy was a better companion when Rory wasn't around.) Tony Curran's pretty good too I felt. Matt Smith isn't at his best admittedly but the location shooting is really really good imo.

The scene where Amy, Vincent and The Doctor lie down to stare at the stars is wonderful too frankly. It manages to veer clear of being soppy which some of Curtis's stuff has been lately.

I don't see what was so irritating about it that made you give up on it drs but hey ho. I personally ended up giving up on The Krotons on DVD. It just completely bored me. It's really annoying that given how few 2nd Doctor stories exist now in their entirety that The Krotons survived to bore the f*ck out of me.

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felt this weeks was the best of the series so far, and the only one i've actually enjoyed.

I'm the other way round, when I watched it on Saturday, I wasn't sure how I felt about it and wanted to watch it again, but as the week has gone on, I've realised that I have absolutely no desire to watch it again. Worst of the series for me, and the only one I haven't watched more than once. Methinks we have different expectations from Dr. Who! :lol:

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