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Really liked that episode, despite the premise of the moon being an egg. That was stupid but was actually inconsequential to the episode. It was just a framing device for the interactions between The Doctor and Clara. There is a rapidly widening gap between them and The Doctor and how he views humanity in general. Him saying that it's not his moon and not his problem was very significant.

Didn't catch who the director was but he must be a big sci fi fan as I noted at least 3 obvious references. The Doctor saying "I'll be back" was Terminator, the spider jumping on the astronaut's face was just like a facehugger from Alien/s and the moon hatching at the end looked just like the Death Star exploding.

Strangely it also referenced Doctor Who. On the beach when The Doctor replied to Clara's question he used phrases that have been used by previous Doctors. The bit about humanity going out and spreading among the stars was something Ecclestone's Doctor said and the part about enduring was something Tennant's Doctor said. I think there was another one but I can't recall it.

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Enjoyed tonight episode a lot, although I felt it would have been better severed over 2 parts as it felt a little rushed, also I already don't like that Courtney

Seems to me her story is already over.

Enjoyable episode. Would definitely have worked better over two episodes IMO.

Clara ditching the Doctor was a bit cringy. She has been calling out for weeks to make a decision, and when she got one she nearly bottled it yet it's the Dr's fault?

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Excellent episode.

The Doctor finally telling Clara (and humans?) that they really need to grow up and take responsibility!

Slap the whiny tart with words and actions, if she wants to cry about it, tough!

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Was a decent episode until the end, can't see any way for Clara and The Doctor to make amends tbh, their time together is over.

Looking forward to a couple of episodes of just Capaldi aswell. Hopefully half the episodes aren't showing mundane conversations between Clara and Danny Pink though.

Quite liking this Doctors approach to things aswell, the previous ones always seemed to view themselves as human, while he makes a point of making a distinction.

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Really enjoyed that episode a lot. As someone said earlier the actual premise was pretty inconsequential to the episode itself.

I have to say with each episode I'm liking Capaldi more as the Doctor and I was already totally sold on him before the first episode.

They can piss off with the wee lassie though.

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Really liked that episode, despite the premise of the moon being an egg. That was stupid but was actually inconsequential to the episode.

Thought they could have blown a bit more of the budget on the moon hatching a space chicken who then squeezes a new moon out of its arse. All we got was a blur in the sky.

Edited by welshbairn
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Thought they could have blown a bit more of the budget on the moon hatching a space chicken who then squeezes a new moon out of its arse. All we got was a blur in the sky.

This. Was quite excited about the whole thing but it just sort of petered out into nothing.

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Capaldi excellent as always. I can see the US audience turning off though. Posh boy band Matt Smith replaced by vicious looking Scot Capaldi isn't going to play well with the hard of thinking.

This series has picked up after a VERY shaky start.

And you can see they're preparing for Christmas when Clara gets written out. I'd like to see Capaldi on his own for a bit, as Tennant was.

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And you can see they're preparing for Christmas when Clara gets written out. I'd like to see Capaldi on his own for a bit, as Tennant was.

I half wondered if she'd not see The Doctor again until Christmas, when he appears and forces her into one more adventure, where she gets killed and he spirals into a wild frenzy of depression and self hate. Reckon it could lead to some special episodes with a depressed Doctor skulking about wiping out any c**t who annoyed him, seems like that sort of character would fit Capaldis doctor. Doubt it'll happen that way though.

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Finally caught up with the series. Its getting better after few very pish episodes, Capaldi being the reason for sticking with it; if it had been Matt Smith's incarnation i'd have given up, the Robin Hood guff being a turd too far after the Dalek shite.

I really enjoyed The Doctor not saying that the school girl was special even when pushed. So much has been made right from the start of the Eccleston era reboot of how everyone is incredible and amazing so nice to see the girl was left to prove it to herself.

Capaldi is living up to what i wanted the new Doctor to be; ruthless, often incredibly grumpy and cannot be arsed pissing about with people's feeling, making them feel all warm inside and trying to save everybody. First time i can remember a major argument between the two lead characters, tho we know Clara will be back. Many wont like the lack of love interest between the Doctor and his assistant but without all that bollocks its far far better - "no being sick and no hanky panky" :thumsup2 .

And f**k me Clara even looked hot in her spacesuit. :wub:

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I am not geting into this series, I have my box record the series but i have not bothered rewatching any of them. The new doctor is ok but not enough to keep me entertained as none of the stories has got me at the edge of my seat. If it stays the same for the rest of the run I can see me just giving up on it.

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I never thought I'd say I'd miss Matt Smith as the Doctor but Capaldi is embarrassing to watch. What's got into him?

I like Capaldi as the Doctor but he's being let down by gash writing. I think Capaldi is capturing the true alien spirit of the Doctor well.

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That was pretty gash. They could have just held up a piece of cardboard reading 'Clara finally understands the Doctor better and so will continue to travel with him' instead of subjecting us to that pish. I got that the mummy was an ancient soldier, but I don't get what the point of it was or the point of Gus was. Obviously 'soldier' is a common theme throughout this series and is pretty significant when it comes to Danny Pink, but if it was just to shoehorn a soldier reference in then it was a waste of time.

Oh and no chance they could get so close to a black hole without being sucked in, although I get the futility of pointing that out in a show like Doctor Who.

Also for a horrifying moment I thought Frank Skinner's character Perkins was going to become a companion.

Foxes' cameo was the best thing about the episode.

Next week looks like ANOTHER London set episode. For a guy who can travel all of space and time, why is the Doctor always in London?! It's jusy lazy and unimaginative.

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Oh, I seem to be out of step here, I liked that one. Self-contained, neat enough premise, no story-arc gubbins and no moons-turning-into-giant-eggs. That one worked, for me.

Oh and no chance they could get so close to a black hole without being sucked in, although I get the futility of pointing that out in a show like Doctor Who.

No of course there isn't, because it's a programme in which all sorts of things are possible. Faster-than-light travel, for one, and as soon as you have that you have the means to escape the event horizon of a black hole. Which they were well outside anyway. And not that there was any sense of scale.

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