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Grand Theft Auto V

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Been playing GTA 4 on the PC recently to get it out the road before 5 comes out. I expect this to be game of the year, trailers look tremendous.

Am i missing something here? The trailers havent shown any of the gameplay screens, its just cut scenes and such. Im sure the game will be great but for everyone to be juicing over clips like that i find strange.

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Am i missing something here? The trailers havent shown any of the gameplay screens, its just cut scenes and such. Im sure the game will be great but for everyone to be juicing over clips like that i find strange.

I think what impressed me from the trailers was the setting and scale more than anything. There's always a buzz around GTA but I thought that trailer was fantastic.

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That will probably only be a week or two before FIFA 14 and about a month before the new COD game. It'll be interesting to see if casual gamers will fork out for all 3 games, or if one series will take a sales hit.

you'd think GTA 5 wont take that big a hit as its been a while since the last GTA game, whereas the likes of FIFA and COD were only out last year and people may well wait another couple of months and get them for xmas

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you'd think GTA 5 wont take that big a hit as its been a while since the last GTA game, whereas the likes of FIFA and COD were only out last year and people may well wait another couple of months and get them for xmas

And every preordered GTA V thinking it was getting a Spring release!

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Apparrently it just isn't ready, they thought it would be, but it isn't. Better getting a late, working game than a released, buggy as all hell one.

eta: GTA games are exceptional for how stable they are, games like fallout and skyrim have shown me just how buggy some games can be on release. Doesn't mean they're not graet games, but they can sometimes have gamebreaking bugs in them which is unacceptable.

Edited by Tamdunk
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Apparrently it just isn't ready, they thought it would be, but it isn't. Better getting a late, working game than a released, buggy as all hell one.

eta: GTA games are exceptional for how stable they are, games like fallout and skyrim have shown me just how buggy some games can be on release. Doesn't mean they're not graet games, but they can sometimes have gamebreaking bugs in them which is unacceptable.

good point, especially with all the in game stuff that GTA has always offered, testing the game must take a fucking age, its not like other games where its simply the main game and thats it, GTA sells itself on being a practically functioning city and then state/country etc

you would be fucking gutted if a GTA game was released and the in game environment simply stopped working outside of missions

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I finished GTA 4 on pc this morning. Thoroughly enjoyable game....until the last mission which was almost ruined by a ridiculous bug.

Basically to climb into the chopper you need to press space bar on pc as fast as you can however the bug meant it just kept changing the view and it was very frustrating. Found on a forum that is was an fps issue so you had to keep up pressing space with the frames per second so the solution was to lower my frames per second by recording my game as I was doing it. Bizarre that the fix was to make the game run worse but it worked and I eventually finished. What happens when you port console games I guess.

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