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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Depends what you mean. Would not being the biggest club change who i support? No. Does being the biggest enhance my pride for my football club? Yes.


as an aside, my main annoyance with the scottish football community is that i really cant understand why people in Scotland find it so difficult to just support their own team and recognise the good that the supposedly evil fans and teams do. Why do they care so much about supposedly dead clubs that they spend thousands of hours on the internet, spending tens of thousands and being given tens of thousands by their readers, just to blog and post for the benefit of people who already believe their nonsense. Why can't, say, a Partick fan go out, support Partick and that be that? There always has to be some chip on their (any club's supporters) shoulder and a large degree of bitterness. The only explanation i can give is that because Rangers (and Celtic) have for so long been dominant, that these people now have it ingrained in them a degree of the wee man syndrome, as a result of living alongside a largely Rangers/Celtic supporting populace, which has led them to automatically hate and despise everything about the club(s) and find a negative in every single thing they do. Rather than maybe see things for what actually happened (a fraudster and criminal illegally acquiring a major business from which to siphon huge amounts of personal income at the expense of the taxpayer, then leading to the same club and fans being financially pillaged for three years thereafter by an assortment of crooks and dodgy folk), people who support these clubs prefer to blame that actual good guys. Although Dave King has been convicted of whatever, and whatever peoples opinions are on him or our fans in general, even the most ardent Celtic fans etc must see that these guys have Rangers best interests at heart, and any sane scottish football supporter would recognise that means they also (possibly indirectly) want to contribute to an improvement of the wider scottish game. Why not help and promote positive stories like Rangers fans groups now owning about 7% of the club, and have the biggest FO scheme in the UK.


In this backward wee country we prefer to slate that, criticise those same fans, yet somehow you all want something similar for your clubs, but just because its rangers (or Celtic), it must be a bad thing right? 




 Fantastic stuff. 


Positive stories?


I'm positive I spent thousands of pounds over 10 years watching  rigged competitions.

I'm positive all the titles and cups won during the EBT years should be declared void.

I'm positive the original Rangers FC died in 2012.


Can I suggest another FO scheme for you.....

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Depends what you mean. Would not being the biggest club change who i support? No. Does being the biggest enhance my pride for my football club? Yes.


as an aside, my main annoyance with the scottish football community is that i really cant understand why people in Scotland find it so difficult to just support their own team and recognise the good that the supposedly evil fans and teams do. Why do they care so much about supposedly dead clubs that they spend thousands of hours on the internet, spending tens of thousands and being given tens of thousands by their readers, just to blog and post for the benefit of people who already believe their nonsense. Why can't, say, a Partick fan go out, support Partick and that be that? There always has to be some chip on their (any club's supporters) shoulder and a large degree of bitterness. The only explanation i can give is that because Rangers (and Celtic) have for so long been dominant, that these people now have it ingrained in them a degree of the wee man syndrome, as a result of living alongside a largely Rangers/Celtic supporting populace, which has led them to automatically hate and despise everything about the club(s) and find a negative in every single thing they do. Rather than maybe see things for what actually happened (a fraudster and criminal illegally acquiring a major business from which to siphon huge amounts of personal income at the expense of the taxpayer, then leading to the same club and fans being financially pillaged for three years thereafter by an assortment of crooks and dodgy folk), people who support these clubs prefer to blame that actual good guys. Although Dave King has been convicted of whatever, and whatever peoples opinions are on him or our fans in general, even the most ardent Celtic fans etc must see that these guys have Rangers best interests at heart, and any sane scottish football supporter would recognise that means they also (possibly indirectly) want to contribute to an improvement of the wider scottish game. Why not help and promote positive stories like Rangers fans groups now owning about 7% of the club, and have the biggest FO scheme in the UK.


In this backward wee country we prefer to slate that, criticise those same fans, yet somehow you all want something similar for your clubs, but just because its rangers (or Celtic), it must be a bad thing right? 


Utterly fantastical nonsense.

I don't for a minute believe that you could follow a smaller club that gets to play with unloaded dice. Your posts establish that football support for you, is all about bully boy dominance.

As for the rest, if you actually believe that stuff, it's remarkable. Your version of what actually happened to Rangers and your notion of the good the OF does to Scottish football are fanciful in the extreme.

Your post should really be put on a plinth so others can enjoy it for the comedy tour de force it undoubtedly represents.

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How much of that £134m debt was apportioned to an unproven tax case just out of interest?


dear Rangers / 'Rangers' fans


please note - Sir David Murray killed your old club with tax cheating jiggery-pokery ( which involved cheating all other clubs with hidden contracts)

please address all such questions and most of your seethe in  his direction.


best wishes


The rest of Scottish Football

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There is no insecurity bud, we have just been getting told for four years we are a new club. However, the majority of us tend to correct the person who says this by reminding them that FIFA, UEFA, SFA, SPL, ASA, and countless others have told us otherwise. We also see a variety of identical cases throughout world football in which the club in question isnt referred to as a new club.

The argument would have great credibility should Rangers have ceased to be a footballing team, they did not, and we go on. Sadly, it seems a lot of fans of other clubs continue to be bitter to extreme levels because of the fact Rangers are and always will be the biggest club in this country.

FIFA- Allowed international clearance for the transfer of TUPE rebels.

UEFA- rules do not allow change of entity during insolvency.

ASA- chief exec referred to "new" Rangers in annual statement.

SFA- refused to allow old Rangers arbitration process over TUPE rebels to be inherited by new Rangers

SPL- no longer exists.

Edited by stonedsailor
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It might make it quite clear that when you overspend utterly recklessly, the consequences can include losing your club and all its history entirely.


And therefore in a kind of "pour encouragement les autres" way, rein in future overspending and a more realistic and balanced sport would emerge.


I do take that point but surely that battle was fought back in 2012 when the whole thing happened.  That fight resulted in them being made to start again in Division 3, which was absolutely correct.


What I'm saying is that the current debate you are all having seems like a waste of energy.  You think they are new, they think they are the same club, nothing is veer going to change that.  And in any case, there is still an unpleasant club playing at Ibrox that will be in the top flight next year.  So old or new, I don't see hwat big impact it's going to have to the here and now.

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mrcat I'll make a stab at this but I am not The Oracle.


For me we seem to have 2 major factions:


1. some recidivists who want a sugar-daddy and huge war-chests and to shoot for the stars (we like stars at Ibrox)

2. Most who want the Mr Micawber approach to our finances.  You're a whistle so I know you've read books ;)


Above all what we hope for is transparency, honesty and living within our means.


However, there are a good-few Bears on here who go to Ibrox and to away games on a weekly basis who can give you a better insight.


Most want the current board in jail?

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This is how the UEFA rules are applied across Europe since 2011 FFP rules were introduced.

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There is no insecurity bud, we have just been getting told for four years we are a new club. However, the majority of us tend to correct the person who says this by reminding them that FIFA, UEFA, SFA, SPL, ASA, and countless others have told us otherwise. We also see a variety of identical cases throughout world football in which the club in question isnt referred to as a new club.

The argument would have great credibility should Rangers have ceased to be a footballing team, they did not, and we go on. Sadly, it seems a lot of fans of other clubs continue to be bitter to extreme levels because of the fact Rangers are and always will be the biggest club in this country.

The FFP rules state that to be a club you must be registered with a football association. The rules also state that if a club changes legal entity during insolvency then their membership of their home FA suffered an "interuption".

Rangers ceased to be a club at the point of metamorphosis of the legal entity.

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So Santa. give us your back story that lead to you only just creating a profile this month, and yet coming into it with such a vast knowledge of 4 years worth of posting?


Previously banned?

Edited by dave.j
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Given how much you post about Rangers you can't possibly believe we're a new club.

It's your use of the word "we" which muddies the water.

As a collective you are the same club, the Rangers club, not the football club though, it died.

You are the same club of Rangers affiliated entities. The fans, the supporter associations, the supporter clubs, the social clubs etc, all part of Club Rangers.

The football club died though. Despite this club Rangers live on.

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How much of that £134m debt was apportioned to an unproven tax case just out of interest?

You do realise the tax case has been proven in court but Rangers' representatives, BDO, are attempting now to disprove it?

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Depends what you mean. Would not being the biggest club change who i support? No. Does being the biggest enhance my pride for my football club? Yes.

as an aside, my main annoyance with the scottish football community is that i really cant understand why people in Scotland find it so difficult to just support their own team and recognise the good that the supposedly evil fans and teams do. Why do they care so much about supposedly dead clubs that they spend thousands of hours on the internet, spending tens of thousands and being given tens of thousands by their readers, just to blog and post for the benefit of people who already believe their nonsense. Why can't, say, a Partick fan go out, support Partick and that be that? There always has to be some chip on their (any club's supporters) shoulder and a large degree of bitterness. The only explanation i can give is that because Rangers (and Celtic) have for so long been dominant, that these people now have it ingrained in them a degree of the wee man syndrome, as a result of living alongside a largely Rangers/Celtic supporting populace, which has led them to automatically hate and despise everything about the club(s) and find a negative in every single thing they do. Rather than maybe see things for what actually happened (a fraudster and criminal illegally acquiring a major business from which to siphon huge amounts of personal income at the expense of the taxpayer, then leading to the same club and fans being financially pillaged for three years thereafter by an assortment of crooks and dodgy folk), people who support these clubs prefer to blame that actual good guys. Although Dave King has been convicted of whatever, and whatever peoples opinions are on him or our fans in general, even the most ardent Celtic fans etc must see that these guys have Rangers best interests at heart, and any sane scottish football supporter would recognise that means they also (possibly indirectly) want to contribute to an improvement of the wider scottish game. Why not help and promote positive stories like Rangers fans groups now owning about 7% of the club, and have the biggest FO scheme in the UK.

In this backward wee country we prefer to slate that, criticise those same fans, yet somehow you all want something similar for your clubs, but just because its rangers (or Celtic), it must be a bad thing right?

Lets not get started on racism pal. If you want to go down that route i could find far more examples of racist behaviour from celtic fans (and staff) than from rangers fans. This seems to be another popular myth in scottish football fandom

Is this the work of someone:

a. Just getting out of bed and still half-asleep,

b. Exiled to some far-flung time-zone, or

c. Just finishing off a Kinky-esque bender?

The idea that Dave King has any interests at heart other than those of a specific shifty-eyed convicted criminal is absolutely laughable, and nicely indicative of your "rangers=good, every other fucker=enemies" mindset.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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dear Rangers / 'Rangers' fans


please note - Sir David Murray killed your old club with tax cheating jiggery-pokery ( which involved cheating all other clubs with hidden contracts)

please address all such questions and most of your seethe in  his direction.


best wishes


The rest of Scottish Football

Dull ken thinks thst he speaks for the rest of Scottish fitba, quite arrogant really, he should show some humility....

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