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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rob McLean and Pat Fenlon on Sportscene... 'Sympathy for Rangers, we need Rangers for a viable league....' blah, blah. I know Fenlon has to say this sort of thing, Danny Lennon has said it too.

No matter what the pundits and managers say publicly - all we ask is fair play, transparency, no special treatment. It's their own shite they're lying in - everyone needs to remain objective.

Please will someone break ranks and say what the true supporters, those of us who follow our local teams actually think!

Just because its always been this way does not mean it has to stay this way for ever.

I'd take less TV money and a lower standard of football for a few years and then see a proper competitive league without any bigotry any day ahead of the embarrasment of a product we have just now where 10 teams are too scared to say or do anything that upsets the establishment that is the "infirm". The media are the same.

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In fact, the most outrageous thing about that site is the constant indignant cries that other people within Scottish football (and Celtic fans especially) shouldn't be allowed to comment on the goings on at Rangers and they are more concerned with rangers than their own club so should mind their own business.

Which is fair enough, but isn't this the same set of fans who for years have been shouting about Jock Stein 'knowing', Celtic being a club full of paedophiles and potato famines?

Holy exploding irony meter, Batman!

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I wish that the fans had some way of getting across to the media, our club owners/chairmen and the SFA/SPL exactly what we really think about Rangers situation and that we don't want them back at any cost.

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I wish that the fans had some way of getting across to the media, our club owners/chairmen and the SFA/SPL exactly what we really think about Rangers situation and that we don't want them back at any cost.

Sounds like a job for....ONLINE PETITION MAN...

No, no no I'm jesting

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I wish that the fans had some way of getting across to the media, our club owners/chairmen and the SFA/SPL exactly what we really think about Rangers situation and that we don't want them back at any cost.

They all know fine well what we all think.they're just going to ignore it,and hope it goes away

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I wish that the fans had some way of getting across to the media, our club owners/chairmen and the SFA/SPL exactly what we really think about Rangers situation and that we don't want them back at any cost.

I can see most diddy clubs rolling out the red carpet when the Old firm come to their place. It makes me sick thinking about them laughing at their pish jokes and agreeing with everything that these tossers say.

Does anyone think the Old firm do anything for the good of Scottish football ahead of themselves?

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I can see most diddy clubs rolling out the red carpet when the Old firm come to their place. It makes me sick thinking about them laughing at their pish jokes and agreeing with everything that these tossers say.

Does anyone think the Old firm do anything for the good of Scottish football ahead of themselves?

Of course not, the OF think the money they bring to our grounds by way of their hordes of bigoted followers is more than enough, that's why they set up the 5% handling charge.

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Sounds like a job for....ONLINE PETITION MAN...

No, no no I'm jesting

Lol, f**k no - online petitions are for acne riddled, pre-pubescent teenagers who want to delude themselves into believing they have done something semi-important and saved the world.

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Does anyone think the Old firm do anything for the good of Scottish football ahead of themselves?

As someone said (maybe even on here). It's all good mouthing off about 'Scottish football needs us' as this point in time when the shit has well and truly hit the fan. It wasn't so long ago, not even 2 years, that the attitude was 'fuck Scottish football, we're going to England, you shite are holding us back' and they were desperate to leave us bottom feeders behind.

But now that they are in total peril, they are all of a sudden regular Florence Nightingales, genuinely concerned about how Scottish football will cope without them? Do me a favour, you don't think that you are so fucking transparent that anyone with half a brain can't see through it?

Any journalist with a set of gonads would be quick to seize upon this fact, but they have to toe the party line, really. They have had such an easy ride through all of this and yet they genuinely think they are being given the sharp end of the stick by the press.

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not just rangers fans to be fair . you see it even on p&b a fair bit, sad bitter twistes spiteful.wee men who think the fact a peadophile abused boys at celtic bc in the 1970s or theres been incidents of it in the catholic church, they actually revel in that.. its great to use to have a go at celtic/catholics..

I remember when the jim torbett story broke a guy at my work rubbing his hands that morning declaring it as 'one od the best days of my life' sadly this country is full of scum like that.

There's a big difference between the cases. Celtic Football Club, for all it's flaws hasn't been lecturing people on sexual morality for a 958 years. If there's one good thing that's come out of the systematic child rape carried out within the Catholic Church it's the fact that less and less people take seriously it's public pronouncements on what consenting adults should be allowed to do with each other. The supposed moral authority of men like Keith O'Brien is now in the gutter when he makes pronouncements like this weekend's one. To revel in that loss of authourity would be wrong given how it came about but none the less that loss is surely something to be welcomed (except by bigots).

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The most interesting thing for me about the whole Rangers shambles has been watching their support. Now their gonna know how a diddy team's fans feel 90% of the years following their team. Shite team ,shite results ,no money to buy your way out of trouble, slagged to f**k everytime someone see's your teams colours.Welcome to our world .Maybe then the next time they stroll up to hampden for a final they'll appreciate it rather dismiss it as nothing special,just the norm.Howz the latest generation of gers fans gonna take this? not well i think. They've had nine in a row followed by maybe not winning the league for a couple of years but then champions again. It'll be interesting to see their core support after the Celtic game. Follow follow ? Think they'll all chuck it after that.Was at Ibrox when Well won 2-1 and John Greig was the manager.Think he got sacked after that. Bet our post spilt game at ibrox will have a lower crowd than even that

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The most interesting thing for me about the whole Rangers shambles has been watching their support. Now their gonna know how a diddy team's fans feel 90% of the years following their team. Shite team ,shite results ,no money to buy your way out of trouble, slagged to f**k everytime someone see's your teams colours.Welcome to our world .Maybe then the next time they stroll up to hampden for a final they'll appreciate it rather dismiss it as nothing special,just the norm.Howz the latest generation of gers fans gonna take this? not well i think. They've had nine in a row followed by maybe not winning the league for a couple of years but then champions again. It'll be interesting to see their core support after the Celtic game. Follow follow ? Think they'll all chuck it after that.Was at Ibrox when Well won 2-1 and John Greig was the manager.Think he got sacked after that. Bet our post spilt game at ibrox will have a lower crowd than even that

Every Rangers fan who has jumped on the bandwagon in the last 25 years is in for a short sharp shock.

How much silverware and trips to Hampden have they had in that time?

I can't wait to see a half full Ibrox in april/may, this from the fans who go under the banner of "loyal" and "we don't do walking away"

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Every Rangers fan who has jumped on the bandwagon in the last 25 years is in for a short sharp shock.

How much silverware and trips to Hampden have they had in that time?

I can't wait to see a half full Ibrox in april/may, this from the fans who go under the banner of "loyal" and "we don't do walking away"

Rangers fans don't do "walking away", they just pretend they "have always supported Airdrie/ Dundee/ Kilmarnock/ Linfield/ Hearts/ Partick Thistle/ St Mirren/ QOS/ [insert Choice Of Bolthole Here!] all my life!"


Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Absolute shite, McGregor would be one of the first to take a pay cut. Rangers through and through.

Sun spouting their usual pish, they can f**k right off.

:lol: :lol:


Edited by Isaiah Osbourne
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Wouldn't most of the players who are probably going to get sacked be as well playing for free at Rangers?

As I see it they won't get a club before June anyway so why sit in the house/golf course getting more unfit when you could be playing. If they get a club straight away then fair dos.

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they'll probably get special dispensation from UEFA to sign for other clubs.

That cnfusing minute from the admin meeting, aren't they pretty much saying that they hope they can get a CVA that is so low (a few p in the pound) that even if they lost the BTC it would add under £10million & still make the then total debt owed much less of a barrier to finding a buyer. If £100million of debt suddenly became £10million then a someone (even the supporters groups) might beabe to stump up the cash.

It means they reckon that HMRC will eventually buckle & all the police, government & sfa investigations just go away. a lot to be pinning your hopes on

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Play for FREE before you get sacked! :lol: :lol:


I bet you guys like McCulloch and Healy probably would play for free, but insurance reasons would prevent it. What we'll see is most of the peripheral players getting released. There's no way the likes of Wallace, McGregor or Naismith - the guys they can sell - will get released.

Incidentally, somewhere along the line people seem to have forgotten - Rangers are going to come out of this smelling of roses.

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