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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's no coincidence that the general quality of this thread dips markedly each and every time a Celtic fan decides to post on it. Maybe it's their unabashed joy at Rangers' predicament, or perhaps an innate anxiety that they might be next, but their enthusiasm in spouting pish left right and centre is ruining an otherwise highly entertaining read.

Beat it ya tinks.

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Any idea when Rangers current sponsorship deals with Umbro and Tennents expire, surely any future deals will be at a vastly reduced rate for a newco, potential sponsors might see them in a weakened state offering significantly less than they might have done in the past. Rangers might not be in a position to shop around for better deals.

Rangers sponsorship deal with Tennents will expire at the same time as Celtic's. That's a surprise...eh? :whistle

Two cheeks, one arse.

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It's no coincidence that the general quality of this thread dips markedly each and every time a Celtic fan decides to post on it. Maybe it's their unabashed joy at Rangers' predicament, or perhaps an innate anxiety that they might be next, but their enthusiasm in spouting pish left right and centre is ruining an otherwise highly entertaining read.

Beat it ya tinks.

It isn’t all the celtic fans, just a couple of the cerebrally different guys with their stunted Terry & June humour. Put them on ignore and it’s like the sun breaking through cloud cover.

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Would it not just be easier to ditch any remaining "senior management team", assuming any are left?

Depends what you mean by "easier". If you mean creating an entirely new club run by people who had nothing whatsoever to do with the dead club but happen to be wearing its name as a flag of convenience then yes, that would be easier.

At that point, though, I'd start questioning what precisely I was supporting. Wouldn't you?

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Yes it is, if the big tax goes the way it should then I think I'd be right in assuming criminal charges could be brought against ex directors, Bain certainly would need to explain his actions, maybe there is other evidence also. However I'd be happy for you to explain as to why you think Bain could not be charged with deliberate tax evasion and potentially fraud as shown by channel 4?

:D I was doing "a Captain"

It's posts like this which make me realise that regardless of the outcome of the whole saga we will have months or even years of Old Firm baiting. One half is always going to be spitting the dummy. It's their wives and kids I feel sorry for.

ETA part of me wants Rangers to limp out of this now so we can have a go at the other lot properly, I feel like one of those Celtic supporting bigots at the moment, I am sure it's not quite legal just to laugh at one set of OF supporters.

Edited by stonedsailor
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It's posts like this which make me realise that regardless of the outcome of the whole saga we will have months or even years of Old Firm baiting. One half is always going to be spitting the dummy. It's their wives and kids I feel sorry for.

ETA part of me wants Rangers to limp out of this now so we can have a go at the other lot properly, I feel like one of those Celtic supporting bigots at the moment, I am sure it's not quite legal just to laugh at one set of OF supporters.

Why? if it was ICT I'd have said the same thing.

Just because you, like most on here, break your back bending over to be seen hating both side equally is your problem,

Celtic have not cheated the tax man, Rangers have, it's uncomfortable for you, too bad

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Why? if it was ICT I'd have said the same thing.

Just because you, like most on here, break your back bending over to be seen hating both side equally is your problem,

Celtic have not cheated the tax man, Rangers have, it's uncomfortable for you, too bad

I don't hate both sides, I hate the shame and ridicule that both cheeks bring to our game and our country. The more discomfort that both sets of fans feel the better. There's only two reasons for supporting the old firm, bigotry or gloryhunting The latter being a vehicle to either perpetuate bullying or gain favour with bullies the former speaks for itself. None of you are in it for footballing reasons.

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I don't hate both sides, I hate the shame and ridicule that both cheeks bring to our game and our country.

I go to most away European games and I see no shame being brought on Scotland with our fans behaviour, in fact it's the opposite, just because you have a need for Celtic and Rangers to be equally culpable in all areas, seemingly including the cheat that's gone on for decades does not make it so

The more discomfort that both sets of fans feel the better. There's only two reasons for supporting the old firm, bigotry or gloryhunting The latter being a vehicle to either perpetuate bullying or gain favour with bullies the former speaks for itself. None of you are in it for footballing reasons.

You believe that pish :D

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Nothing at all surprising in any of that article. On a much more trivial level, the Scottish press knew fine well that Ally McCoist had "an eye for the ladies" but it took his well publicised affair with Patsy Kensit to bring it out into the open. Before then, the "cheeky chappy" Question of Sport image had been carefully nurtured by a protective wall of sycophants, anxious not to upset the cosy relationships.

It is still going on, with other fitba personalities.

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Hope there's some news to digest and discuss this coming week, because the last few pages of this otherwise enlightening and entertaining thread have been fcuking brutal.

You maybe need to request Celtic fans stopping commenting like fans of other teams, it's upsets them it seems

Edited by LordHawHaw
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None of you are in it for footballing reasons.

That is not true. There is a very good chance Rangers will be demoted to the 3rd division and the entire squad released from their contracts and we will be made to start from the bottom of the senior game in this country. If this happens it will not influence in anyway my attendance at the games..I will be there 100% behind the team and the Club..The thought of not going has never even entered my head. For footballing reasons that might actually be the best thing to happen to the game as a whole in this country for decades.

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No, I'm not kidding. It is indeed very common for clubs to buy players in instalments

(Incidentally, according to the administrators' statement we are owed more for players than we owe to other clubs for players, just to put the instalment business in perspective.)

Yes, It's also very common for clubs to intend to pay back the instalments that have been agreed.

Again, Yes I'm pretty sure the clubs that are due you money have every intention of paying you for the players. (The way it's supposed to work)

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I answer posts, is that not what P&B is about, or is it simply that most on here have different standards for Celtic and Rangers fans

This thread was about discussing the issues, which several Rangers and Celtic fans have managed to do admirably. You're trying to turn it into a personal bitchfest.

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