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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Because they are looking at the long game, like the rest of us they know it will kick off but they also know that will be the death knell of Rangers. In the long run if they can allow a few wee controlled, prepared for skirmishes tomorrow and Rangers die as a result of news headlines and newspaper front pages then it save on future domestic abuse, Saturday night scrapping, post old firm match carnage. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

Probably just me being totally cynical but it could be the case.

You're wrong. They're just thinking 'Overtime: bonus'.

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Why are the police entertaining this shite?

The loss of Rangers would make a massive dent in the pay packets of many an officer. Have you not looked at the cost of policing games involving Rangers. They'll be desperate for the big hoose to remain open, after all where else would the get the overtime?

Oh, and yeh, of course, it's because all police are masonic b*stards.. ;)

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I think that Ralph Topping and Neil Doncaster will be more interested in the business case for the SPL rather than any sporting integrity of the league and will therefore vote to admit.

Topping and Doncaster have shown scant regard in terms of the opinions of fans, that has been shown time and again. It would be pleasing to the extreme to see the SFA go ahead with their threat of creating their own league structure thus making both men immediately redundant.

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A couple of things about the march.

1) They are doing this from Queens Park. Not only is Victoria Road populated by several well known Celtic minded boozers, the area itself is hardly a unionist stronghold.

2) Just what is this march intended to prove? Will there be anyone there? QP don't play at home that day (in fact they are down in Stranraer), and other than Partick Thistle's game there isn't any professional football matches going on in the city and as it's Saturday I wouldn't imagine the SFA staff will be in their offices at Hampden. It seems almost as if they are marching to prove they can march.

3) Don't they realise all that will happen is that countless Celtic fans will turn up, line along the march and taunt them?

4) Do they not realise that organising a march like this costs the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds. It's going to achieve nothing and can only end in embarrassment when either violence breaks out, too few people turn up, or they reach their destination only to give a shrug of the shoulders and a "what now?" gesture.

They are marching on Hampden because they are buffoons. There will be nobody there except a security guard or two. Will the gates even be open to let them through? I don't see how this costs hundreds of thousands of pounds. Even if you have to pay a hundred cops a hundred pounds for an extra shift you are still an order of magnitude out. I don't expect there to be trouble and I'm not sure how many people will actually show up. Let them have the march and have Sandy Jardine talk about how the SFA are out to get them.

Clearly Rangers, like Celtic, have suffered massively from a conspiracy from within the SFA that has stopped them dominating Scottish football for a hundred years.

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McCoist's tax dodge game is without question the funniest moment of this whole escapade so far. It really will take some going to top this one. Imagine signing up for that one, bet Ally has shat himself thin on reading about something so relevant that he must have forgotten about. Hope he has a different agent these days!

Anyway, onto a more pressing point that this raises once again. Consider this........

Do you have a job? Do you sometimes discuss elements of your job with your colleagues? Even including your pay/tax/holiday pay etc, etc. Of course you do, it's human nature to yap/complain/gloat. So are we all really supposed to believe that none of the playing staff, none of the management, the cleaners, the ground staff and the bold Ally himself knew nothing of each others tax dodge whilst dishing out dressing room and day to day banter?

They knew. They all knew. Even Stuart McCall knows.....

Used to be a show called The Red Hand Gang on kids telly......if I was of the mind to be a TV producer, what an aptly titled documentary that would make as a double hit.

Edited by chrismcarab
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So neither of you will be there? Unbelievable, this is your big chance to help save your club!!

You pair don't deserve "The Rangurs" mad.gif

It's my big chance to walk to Hampden with a bunch of fannies. Cup Finals and Scotland games have sated my appetite for that just now, thanks.

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So what is the likely outcome?

Likely? The decision's known. A self interested whitewash is the only outcome.

The kick in the teeth to all decent, right minded supporters will be completed by the decision being announced as unanimous, even if Thompson is the one likely to rock the boat. That'll give everyone the PR carte blanche to get Scottish football back to normal after this slight inconvenience.

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Therefore it doesn't matter how the other 3 vote. If they all vote against then the casting vote goes to the Chairman, Ralph Topping, and therefore Rangers are in.

...........UEFA & FIFA are watching closely ;)

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Likely? The decision's known. A self interested whitewash is the only outcome.

The kick in the teeth to all decent, right minded supporters will be completed by the decision being announced as unanimous, even if Thompson is the one likely to rock the boat. That'll give everyone the PR carte blanche to get Scottish football back to normal after this slight inconvenience.

Sadly, I fear you are correct. And if anyone thinks that Rangers fans are loud, arrogant braggarts at present, it's nothing compared to what they'll be like if (probably when) they're allowed to waltz back in as if nothing's happened.

"Haha, yeez a' tried tae kill uz an' we're no deid! WATP!!!!""!11"

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Sadly, I fear you are correct. And if anyone thinks that Rangers fans are loud, arrogant braggarts at present, it's nothing compared to what they'll be like if (probably when) they're allowed to waltz back in as if nothing's happened.

"Haha, yeez a' tried tae kill uz an' we're no deid! WATP!!!!""!11"

If the embargo stands, the peepul will at least have to suffer watching their team struggle to stay in the SPL with a team of boys. I wouldn't settle for that but it could be enormously entertaining.

If the carve up happens what do we do? Mass e-mail UEFA? Refuse to buy season tickets?

I don't know if my earlier question was ever answered but who is currently investigating the EBT issue, aside from the big tax case?

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The loss of Rangers would make a massive dent in the pay packets of many an officer. Have you not looked at the cost of policing games involving Rangers. They'll be desperate for the big hoose to remain open, after all where else would the get the overtime?

Oh, and yeh, of course, it's because all police are masonic b*stards.. ;)

Police aren't paid over time for doing football matches any more.

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