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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No matter how hard you try, you're still a Celtic supporter.

Here's the thing. I know most users here believe (as McCoist himself claims) that there's one rule for the old firm and one for everyone else. In most cases it's probably true, the SFA and media don't really seem to give a shit about the game, just about these two clubs. When we were in financial trouble we didn't have all of this 'Celtic are too important to Scottish Football and must be saved' crap from the media though. This really is a special exception for them.

Anyway, their problem is and always has been that instead of organising to save their club during the years and years when they might have had the opportunity, they divided into factions and derided anyone who tried to make them confornt reality as a 'timmy conspirator'. :D Fans of other clubs who have faced similar problems pulled together and campaigned successfully, but it seems to be anathema to their nature. The media ignored the problems for years too, which actually worked against their favourite club.

Also, this 'walk' is all of a mile and a half, and it passes a chip shop and several pie shops incase they get hungry, a few pubs, and the Victoria Hospital if it all gets too much for them. Some historic dsiplay of commitment to their cause - I've walked old, arthritic, overweight dogs further than that just for a jobby.

Edited by deerokus
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Also, this 'walk' is all of a mile and a half, and it passes a chip shop and several pie shops incase they get hungry, a few pubs, and the Victoria Hospital if it all gets too much for them. Some historic dsiplay of commitment to their cause - I've walked old, arthritic, overweight dogs further than that just for a jobby.


Well played.

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oooh - get you with your high standards - what's a girl gotta do to impress, eh ? icon_e_wink.gif

Have her waist smaller than her chest would be a good start....especially when her chest is DDDD.

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At least Dodds understands how irresponsible naming the decision makers was. Traynor is defending it to a hilt, primarily because his shitty paper was partly responsible for whipping up the frenzy.

Traynor is a cnut. A complete ahd utter cnut. End of.

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Traynor et al seem to keep saying fat Sally may have known who the panel were. Has anyone actually asked the muppet if he did actually know or would that make them feel like they were betraying their pal?

On o.t.b earlier they were taking about the spl poll and that 95% of fans want rangers to gtf. Pretty much said that the Sfa/spl will ignore anything that the fans say.

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Just on Sportsound that Raith Rovers (a board member was on the SFA Panel) have had to have police at Starks Parks over the last 24 hours due to threats to torch the ground

Fucking pathetic :angry:

There you go McCoist,Traynor and Young mission accomplished.

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Traynor et al seem to keep saying fat Sally may have known who the panel were. Has anyone actually asked the muppet if he did actually know or would that make them feel like they were betraying their pal?

As the media has neglected over the last 10 weeks to ask ANYONE if they had an EBT, I doubt they will ask.

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I love this thread. Its great to see fans of all the so called diddy clubs uniting in the hope that Rangers are finished off.

The only blackspots on this thread are the posts from Celtic fans who somehow think they are in this with us. They aren't. We need to get rid of them too.

What is happening at Ibrox may be overshadowing everything just now - but rest assured, Scottish football fans won't forget the way Celtic, Lennon, Lawwell, Reid, et al, went about stirring up sectarian hatred last season (and this) and their intimidation of referees and match officials. We won't forget how they have used sectarianism, bigotry and hatred for the past 100 years to gain success on the pitch and lord it over us all.

Once we get Rangers out of the way its time the remianing clubs acted to get rid of Celtic. We need to get shot of all the bogots in one fell swoop.

post of the millenium 8)

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