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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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we've a chance to to clean up the whole thing if the chairmen throw that away, feck them. Me and my money will go elsewhere.

No. Scottish football will never be clean until both of the bigot brothers are dead. You are equally despised and never think otherwise.

You know old cliche about my enemy's enemy is my friend? It's not true.

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I think seeing them dead would be the preferable option and having to start in the west region juniors (if they want them)

As a fan of a West Junior team - no thanks - we don't want them either.

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I just nabbed this from KDS...........F*uckin' hell.......

New Celtic Quick News:

The tens of millions Rangers denied SPL clubs laid bare

Posted on 18 May, 2012 by Paul67

The SPL deadline for clubs to provide information on improper registration of players was six weeks ago today but the league has yet to report findings to clubs, while the chief executive rallies support to allow a Newco access to the league.

Time has expired on this policy of non-disclosure until it’s too late.

If the SPL chief executive ever tells us that Rangers fielded improperly registered players between 2000 and 2012, resulting in years of 3-0 defeats being awarded, there will be an enormous amount of anger, not only among supporters, but in boardrooms across the country, as they ponder money which was rightfully theirs but which went to Rangers – perhaps including Rangers prize money for finishing second this season.

We have made an attempt to quantify this money. Some of the losses were easier to calculate than others. For example, it was easy to calculate that when Rangers won the title in 2009 with improperly registered players, earning automatic qualification to the Champions League group stage, they denied Celtic £15m European earnings, plus £340k SPL prize money. Other losses are less clear, specifically when a club was denied a place in a qualifying round for the Champions League or Uefa Cup, which they may or may not have progressed from.

We have established three figures for each club in the SPL during the season just finished, to cover the period from 2000 to 2012:

Minimum loss:

The absolute minimum each club was denied from European and SPL prize money as a result of Rangers finishing above them with ineligible players.

Weighted loss:

The figure based on Scottish clubs gaining entry to Champions League/Europa League (Uefa Cup) group stages from 20% of their qualifying campaigns (which is slightly less than trend).

Maximum loss:

The maximum a club could have achieved if it qualified for the European group stage it was denied entry to.

Out estimates take no account of the subsequent effect money has on future years. For example, If Celtic earned an additional £15m from entering the Champions League group stage in 2009-10 their league challenge for that season would have been £15m stronger, and Rangers £15m weaker, potentially resulting in consequences in future years.

This multiplier effect would have benefited Celtic but it would be likely to have a greater effect on other clubs, some of whom would be denied the enormous percentage increase in budget automatic qualification to European group stages would have brought.

Hearts finished immediately behind Celtic and Rangers more often than any other club over the period and suffer the greatest potential losses, even more so than Celtic. Hibernian, Aberdeen, Dundee United and Motherwell also suffered significant losses.

Several clubs got nowhere near European football over the period, and some of the 11 spent only a few years in the SPL but each club lost over £1m.

Figures for each club are:


Maximum: £72.3m

Weighted: £16.3m

Minimum: £6.2m


Maximum: £46.7m

Weighted: £21.9m

Minimum: £17.4m


Maximum: £34.8m

Weighted: £8.4m

Minimum: £3.6m


Maximum: £21.1m

Weighted: £5.5m

Minimum: £2.7m

Dundee United

Maximum: £20.8m

Weighted: £5.2m

Minimum: £2.4m


Maximum: £16.7m

Weighted: £4.4m

Minimum: £2.1m


Maximum: £5.1m

Weighted: £1.9m

Minimum: £1.3m


Maximum: £3.4m

Weighted: £1.8m

Minimum: £1.5m


Maximum: £1.3m

Weighted: £1.3m

Minimum: £1.3m

St Johnstone

Maximum: £1.1m

Weighted: £1.1m

Minimum: £1.1m

St Mirren

Maximum: £1.1m

Weighted: £1.1m

Minimum: £1.1m

In the event Rangers fielded ineligible players during the period under consideration, which everyone apart from Neil Doncaster knows, and even he will be unable to deny next week, we know the following:

Rangers received a minimum of £40.9m which should have gone to the 11 other clubs, assuming each clubs lost all their European group stage qualifying campaigns. This calculation does not include earnings from clubs now in the Scottish Football League, such as Hamilton Accies or Dundee.

If Scottish clubs progressed to the group stages of European competition on only 20% of their qualifying campaigns the loss would be £69.0m.

The figure for total potential losses if clubs successfully progressed to every European group stage is, as the figure for 100% failure, more illustrative than likely, but the maximum cost to the 11 SPL clubs is £224.6m.

Results will be changed, trophies can and will, be re-awarded, but these are the harsh financial consequences clubs, their lawyers and supporters, will consider when the facts are presented to them next week. The SPL executive has had six weeks to consider if there is sufficient evidence to commence disciplinary proceedings; they have failed to do so. They have failed you and every other football supporter in the land, while shamelessly pursuing an accommodation for the errant club BEFORE REVEALING THE FACTS TO YOU.

Time will be up soon, Mr Doncaster. You’ve had your chance but you have convinced no one. The people who really matter in this entire debacle are those who buy tickets for Celtic Park, Pittodrie, Easter Road, Tynecastle, Tannadice, Fir Park and the rest, they will hear the truth and read these figures. You have failed them.

You can read our calculations here. European income figures were sources from Uefa data.

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However much we are enjoying the pain Rangers are experiencing just now, a few difficult choices lie ahead for the rest of us.

This is what I find most unacceptable about this entire debacle. The cheating scum will actually have a direct impact on my support of my club.

As you say, there are clearly no ifs or buts about the outcome. It'll be half-arsed penalties at worst as they swan back in. We're being dismissed on the grounds that 4+ meetings between two reprehensible cancers on our game are more important and valuable than any other consideration. This is the stark reality.

When all the laughing stops, the status quo will pretty much remain in place. Business as usual. Nothing to see here.... move along please.

Nah, I can't stomach it. I will do walking away. From the SPL at any rate. Cup competitions might be exempt, but I'll have to give that some thought. Juniors or nowt it might well be. Just so utterly demoralising.

Maybe it's just me but when the full scale of the EBT findings come out, I think RFC or newco whatever will be thrown out of Scottish football.

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Out of curiosity has there actually been an SPL manager come out and said "It's my personal opinion that Rangers should GTF"? I think Stuart Cosgrove touched on it on Off The Ball the other week, it really does seem like there's a bit of a heavy lean on them from Doncaster/SPL to put the positive public spin on Rangers being re-admitted.

Mate. You may well be right. But what an SPL manager says and what an SPL chairman says can be polar opposites. One is governed by on-field issues, the other, £££ is king!

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Time has expired on this policy of non-disclosure until it’s too late.

is it just me that read that and went blink.gif

bearing in mind im no the cleverest here

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According to the Daily Ranger this morning at his meeting with the SFA and SPL he tried to allay fears that he may not be a fit and proper owner. I hope he was not successful.

That's an easy one. Anyone who wants to buy Glasgow Rangers is not, by definition, a fit and proper person.

I've been trying this for a while and it has me stumped.

Can anyone sing 'We are Rangers, We face Dangers' to themselves without instinctively feeling a twitch in their shoulders? Sometimes, if I'm doing well I can avoid the full 'shoulder shuffle' but I still get the twitching inside one of my shoulders (its usually the left first).

I am the only one this has happened to?

You are the only person who has openly admitted this on P&B, which is possibly a bigger issue than the problem itself.

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Does anyone else think the the delay on SPL vote was in order to get rid of Dunfermline (who's chairman said that he would vote to get Rangers to F*** essentially) and take their chances on Ross County allowing it?

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Does anyone else think the the delay on SPL vote was in order to get rid of Dunfermline (who's chairman said that he would vote to get Rangers to F*** essentially) and take their chances on Ross County allowing it?

No. They delayed it because they don't want to make a decision. They want everything to pan out by itself and make their decision unnecessary.

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By whom, though?

Yeh, that's the $64m question isn't it? Considering the almost unanimous stance from all clubs stating they need Rangers in the league in order to balance their books who will be the one to kick Rangers out? It was heartening to see the SFA not crumbling under pressure with the embargo but I can't see the SPL showing such a level of bravery, the members (or the board, whichever takes the final decision) will be too concerned about the short term financial issues.

Could someone tell me what date the SPL vote is for? And do we all think they will continue to postpone it until Rangers either CVA or liquidated so that they won't be seen as biting the hand "that feeds them".

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No. They delayed it because they don't want to make a decision. They want everything to pan out by itself and make their decision unnecessary.

Up to a point.

They're delaying it in order to see if a CVA is granted (which it won't be), in which case, there is significantly less baggage attached to the decision-making process.

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Yeh, that's the $64m question isn't it? Considering the almost unanimous stance from all clubs stating they need Rangers in the league in order to balance their books who will be the one to kick Rangers out? It was heartening to see the SFA not crumbling under pressure with the embargo but I can't see the SPL showing such a level of bravery, the members (or the board, whichever takes the final decision) will be too concerned about the short term financial issues.

Could someone tell me what date the SPL vote is for? And do we all think they will continue to postpone it until Rangers either CVA or liquidated so that they won't be seen as biting the hand "that feeds them".

30th May.

The answer to your question thereafter is very likely to be a straighforward YES.

*edit - typo*

Edited by Drooper
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