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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As a Killie fan of 40+ years, I would like to apologise to everyone here (except the idiot berz and their green business partners) for the spineless, craven eunuch who is our current chairman. I gave him the benefit of the doubt once, but it's obvious he's got the KY out and is ready for the currants to make him their bitch (like he isn't already). Well, Mr Johnston, in my time at RP I've watched Killie in every division of Scottish football, as a full-time club and part-time. I've seen us win national trophies and I've seen us fail to win the A*rshire Cup. If you do not listen to the fans, not just Killie's but the overwhelming majority of Scotlands' clubs, then you should get the feck out of football. You. Sir, are a disgrace, a fannyclanger knobflump mingemuppet complete and utter arsehole.

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i have a question about this vote,

its about rules for any SPL team who goes down the newco route or is it just for this case

because i was under the impression it was for new rules for all but the SPL chairmen seem to be talking about Rangers.

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It is people like you that make my blood boil...Reveling in other teams misery because you choose to support some shitty team that contributes very little in the grand scheme of things but feel so superior to Rangers suporters...f**k off!!

Why should i and 50,000 other Rangers fans along with the estimated 1 million armchairfans allow your club to live off our money whilst we are unfairly penalised?

You and the other diddies have lived of Rangers for too long and now your chairman are worried things are going titis up..Yep they most certainly are. I have always defended the Scottish game as a whole but after reading the utter drivel that is posted on here on a daily basis i have had enough. It is long over due that Rangers looked after No.1 and starting from next season that is exactly what we will be doing...First thing i do when i get my Season Ticket renewal form in is cancel my CCCS..No away games from me or anybody i know.

OK it wont kill you off but it will lead to a massive reduction in your income and will mean the loss of players and staff at every SPL except for maybe celtic.

I hear diddiies like you are going to boycott Ibrox :lol: :lol: :lol: That boycot has been going on since 1986 and has made very little difference.


This is the attitude that makes your club so universally despised. You and your club are the equivalent of the school bully. I cant think of any other big club in any other league that behaves in the way rangers have and continue to do. The refusal of your club, its fans and former players to accept the reality of this situation is quite simply breathtaking.

For years we have all had to put with your unsufferable bleating about how you are to good for scotland and how your club is going to takeover europe etc etc. It was all lies built on dodgy deals and double contracts. The fans of your club are just as responsible as if Murray had turned round and said the money had run out he would have faced a riot. Every other club and their fans had to face reality with the exception of perhaps hearts and live within their means. Not rangers though they continued to spend like there was no tommorow.

This season your club decided that they werent going to pay tax and instead used the money to buy players in the hope that they could get into the champions league like so many of your other european adventures this was unmitigated disaster. Has Sally or the players said sorry for their role is screwing the club over? No life at Rangers just continues as normal no one accepts responsibilty for anything and it is always somebody else fault.

Your clubs runs out of cash and goes into administration and all we here about is how the creditors better accept this CVA as rangers have to keep their history. No thought for all the families and businesses that are going to struggle because your club cant be bothered paying bills.

The SFA actually did you a favour and didnt throw you out of football all together. Do we hear a sorry from rangers and their fans and an acceptance of their wrong doing. Hell no its all about how unfair it is because you cant be competitive with Celtic and talks of boycotting other teams for a reson I still cant fathom we have all paid our tax and played to the rules.

In short your club and your fellow fans have no moral compass and go against everything that sportmanship is supposed to stand for. The fact that no one including my own clubs chairman has not stood up to Rangers now or in the past is to their eternal discredit.

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As a Killie fan of 40+ years, I would like to apologise to everyone here (except the idiot berz and their green business partners) for the spineless, craven eunuch who is our current chairman. I gave him the benefit of the doubt once, but it's obvious he's got the KY out and is ready for the currants to make him their bitch (like he isn't already). Well, Mr Johnston, in my time at RP I've watched Killie in every division of Scottish football, as a full-time club and part-time. I've seen us win national trophies and I've seen us fail to win the A*rshire Cup. If you do not listen to the fans, not just Killie's but the overwhelming majority of Scotlands' clubs, then you should get the feck out of football. You. Sir, are a disgrace, a fannyclanger knobflump mingemuppet complete and utter arsehole.

Ditto. Word for word.

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Unless i'm massively mistaken here i understand some SPL chairmen feel Rangers have been punished enough by the SFA and won't be too harsh on newco Rangers?

Well this rule isn't getting made up for Rangers is it?

It's meant to be made up for any SPL club who wants to cheat.

Here's the shock news for the SPL, not every team that uses the newco route will have been punished by the SFA for tax avoidance so you'd better draw up some sanctions or the SPL will shortly be a newco league.

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This is precisely why we all hope your club dies.

Incidentally this is a pretty pathetic but entirely unsurprising stance from yourself. All nice and contrite while things were at their darkest for you lot, now at the first chink of light the mask slips and you've just become personification of the entire grotesque triumphalist shit-for-brains spectrum of hate and bigotry we've all come to expect from the Rangers support.

Either that or i was just bored .... I'll let you decide :P

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As a Killie fan of 40+ years, I would like to apologise to everyone here (except the idiot berz and their green business partners) for the spineless, craven eunuch who is our current chairman. I gave him the benefit of the doubt once, but it's obvious he's got the KY out and is ready for the currants to make him their bitch (like he isn't already). Well, Mr Johnston, in my time at RP I've watched Killie in every division of Scottish football, as a full-time club and part-time. I've seen us win national trophies and I've seen us fail to win the A*rshire Cup. If you do not listen to the fans, not just Killie's but the overwhelming majority of Scotlands' clubs, then you should get the feck out of football. You. Sir, are a disgrace, a fannyclanger knobflump mingemuppet complete and utter arsehole.

I hate Killie. Not for anything you've done wrong but you beat is in a cup final (97) beat us in a semi final (07) and relegated us (10), so you see why you aren't flavour of the month in Falkirk.

Anyway, it must be tough to slag your chairman rotten so close to picking up siverwear and for that i say well played sir. Maybe some of you Killie fans are alright tongue.gif

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If Celtic's board stays silent all the way through the process and casts no votes only when it's clear the measures to allow them back in are going to pass anyway based on votes from smaller clubs making understandable (even if wrong both morally and quite possibly financially) short term decisions, I really hope my fellow Celtic supporters aren't fooled and accept that Celtics board deserves just as much blame as those who voted yes despite the meaningless gesture of a no vote.

I can understand keeping away from public media to avoid further ratcheting up the hatred from Bears, but if Celtic isn't conveying clearly through channels to the other clubs how they intend to vote and that they will be there to take the flak for a no vote then they will be putting potential diddy resistors in an impossible position.

If Celtic acts as I believe the overwhelming majority of its supporters wish, they'll be offering assurances of a more equitable split of TV money in the near future as a sweetener to potential no votes.

Here's hoping.

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"In terms of how it affects a sporting competition, I do share the view and I think the football authorities have traditionally taken the view, that a football club is not to be identified 100% with the people that own it, or the corporate entity that owns it.

"A football club has its own identity which consists of various components - the history of the club, the stadium, the players but most importantly, the supporters. So you have got to be careful if you are trying to protect a football club which is a very long-standing and historical institution.

Presumably that means that Michael Johnston, as a mere custodian of our club, has to vote in a way which reflects the view of the "most important" people - the supporters. I won't hold my breath.

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Either that or i was just bored .... I'll let you decide :P

Nah, I reckon that was you showing your true (blue) colours. At least until 'nice' No8 shows his contrite face again, a la......


Edited by Caff
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Enough for a boycott?

Depends what the sanctions are.

If Rangers liquidate, they are no more. They have killed themselves by directly cheating for at least 20 years. The affect of this is to open up the Scottish game for all other clubs bar one. Anyone who chooses to ignore this once only opportunity and helps resurrect them, compounding this crime against football and society by immediately allowing them back into the SPL, no matter the punishment, will not see any more of my hard earned pounds.

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I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

Do these guys have no long term view? Are they so driven by the mighty dollar that they don't care that posterity will lump them together as craven cowards long after they're gone? They're only around for 70 or 80 years but their reputations and actions will be laughed at for decades after that.

If you're so driven by the moment, only concerned about instant gratification, you might as well spend your whole life masturbating in the corner.

Grow some.

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Granny Danger my man! Fabulous post. Following on from the recent apologist Arabtrust statement the other day, and comments from other club chairman, confidence is low.Yet that articulates perfectly the consensus of most fans here. Kudos and greeny owed!! Does anybody have any inkling what may be revealed in the BBC doco tomorrrow? Sadly, I have a feeling it`ll be all the issues we`ve discussed here ad infinitum for general (primetime) consumption. No genuine bombshell material......

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