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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No, makes it hard when you just lost to a breakaway goal from a 9 man Rangers team ph34r.gif Oh how we laughed!

I remember being at Anfield at Euro '96 when Holland lost in the Euros and we walked back into town after the game behind 10 guys head to toe in orange, wearing clogs and in pigtail hats looking suicidal. I vowed that day never to wear fancy dress to a big game.

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1337850088[/url]' post='6267413']

Celtic did the correct thing in approaching HM revenue to clarify the matter and agreeing a settlement.

If he didn't play a game while in receipt of these funds then that's ok, is it not?

Wouldn't this be a deferred payment set up and agreed to be paid when he left? Otherwise why would you pay someone once they've left?

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A Strathclyde Police spokesperson stated:

"Mr. B. Uddie was asked to cease and desist from driving his Volvo around town centres given the alarming number of people being struck on pedestrian crossings."

Edited by Hipster Dufus
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Exactly what sanctions could they impose during the close season? A fine??? What would be the point in that.

They plan on lifting the transfer embargo for a week so that Ian Black can sign.

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To be fair to Regan, what's the point in two organisations based in the same building simultaneously conducting investigations into Rangers EBTs? The SPL investigation seems to be going swimmingly. Seems the CockWomble has stamped his feet and said that they'll hit Rangers with sanctions if they don't hand over the documentation.... wonder what the CockWomble has in mind? 100 lines or detention?

I think they're taking it in turns. The CockWomble and Regan played 'scissor paper stone' and whoever lost got to do the EBT investigation.

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You sound desperate. Did you really think that last night's one hour BBC documentary would be choc-full of startling and shocking new revelations that were so explosive that Murray and Whyte would be arrested this morning, the SFA would immediately throw the book at Rangers, Platini would jump on the first flight to Glasgow, and HMRC would be telling Haudit & Daudit to do one?

Others have already said something similar, and I've had it said to me by people who's opinion on these things I trust - the BBC will be sitting on a ton of other stuff that will be passed onto the relevant authorities, and what they DID broadcast, will have had to be watertight before the BBC lawyers would let it go to air.

The BBC aren't the judge and jury - they simply presented some evidence. They tarted some of it up with cringeworthy presentation techniques though, but still - it's one domino...once it hits the next domino...you know how it goes.

I found that intriguing during the Newsnight Scotland interviews with Paul Murray and Graham Spiers; Paul Murray claiming that there's a lot more info sitting on the sidelines that wasn't revealed during the BBC programme. More to follow, surely. Paul Murray claimed that the Blue Knights were of the view that a CVA wouldn't be completed in time to make a takeover worthwhile as long ago as 2 weeks. God knows how often he said he was trying to "save" Rangers, too.

Tick tock. Oh yes indeed; tick tock.

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To be fair to Regan, what's the point in two organisations based in the same building simultaneously conducting investigations into Rangers EBTs? The SPL investigation seems to be going swimmingly. Seems the CockWomble has stamped his feet and said that they'll hit Rangers with sanctions if they don't hand over the documentation.... wonder what the CockWomble has in mind? 100 lines or detention?

I think they're taking it in turns. The CockWomble and Regan played 'scissor paper stone' and whoever lost got to do the EBT investigation.

I quite agree, but we're never going to get Neil Doncaster to the top of google as CockWomble if we never mention his birth name, and link it as I have. rolleyes.gif

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The BBC aren't the judge and jury - they simply presented some evidence. They tarted some of it up with cringeworthy presentation techniques though, but still - it's one domino...once it hits the next domino...you know how it goes.

Who do the 'missing' EBTs belong to?

If McLeish had one I am astounded Uncle Walter doesn't, or Ally. :rolleyes:

If Souness had one to flush £30k into at an appropriate time, what are the chances of some favoured and well known football agents having been invited to join the party?

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Rangers: SPL set deadline for investigation documents

_60193973_chris1.jpg By Chris McLaughlin Senior Football Reporter, BBC Scotland The Scottish Premier League has set a deadline for Rangers to hand over key documents relating to an investigation into possible dual contracts.

Oh really?


I said WHEN? If there's a deadline, there has to be a date!

Come on then you baldy speccy wee lickspittle - you're supposed to be a journalist!

Or is this you doing more PR stunting for your mates at Ibrox and of course Chief Executive Of The Scottish Premier League Neil Doncaster?

A complete journalistic turd kowtowing to even bigger and more rancid turds.

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Surely the SPL guys who have waited this long, and are only now realising how serious this situation is, should be SACKED

I think it'd be naiive to believe they just realised. I'm certain Doncaster either overtly or by inactivity was putting a 'go-slow' on pushing Rangers/H&D for info. I'm sure everybody can see that the BBC prog has simply forced his hand to be seen to be making some sort of headway.

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