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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Bank of Scotland/ Gavin Masterson thing has been around for a while and sounds convincing, it's the International Arrest Warrant issued in South Africa for Murray and King for money laundering that I think is a wind up..

While Kings legal entanglements kinda of invite these type of theories, "my best mate is X ( very high up) and he says Y is happening". Most people who have good sources within this whole maelstrom have been very, very careful about implying where the source is from for obvious reasons. I suspect here either the source isn't really a best friend (if so, They won't be soon) or isn't really very high up. Interesting but pure speculation.

The problem with the whole Bank of Scotland angle is that going after BOS for lax lending practices towards Rangers and MiH is kinda like handing out speeding tickets at the Monaco Grand Prix -- plenty of even more objectively stupid stuff was going on, so making the story about Rangers is kinda impossible. You're left with the argument that BOS generally acted in a reasonable prudent manner with Scottish football teams, but acted just as irresponsibly as it did with broad swathes of its portfolio with Rangers. I can't see tht outraging that many people who aren't fans without more.

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Its like one of those extreme porn videos - people say its bad, but you think it can't be that bad, just a peek and it will be ok.

And suddenly you're looking and staring and ideas and thoughts are burning into your eyes and brain that can never be cleaned or removed.

^^^ watched 1 man 1 jar imo

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Its like one of those extreme porn videos - people say its bad, but you think it can't be that bad, just a peek and it will be ok.

And suddenly you're looking and staring and ideas and thoughts are burning into your eyes and brain that can never be cleaned or removed.

Leggat is the personification of the old Nietzche cliché. If you stare too deeply into the abyss the abyss stares back at you. Only in this case the abyss is a drooling imbecile suffering from extreme delusions & paranoia. And he's trying to turn you into something like him, so resist the temptation to stare too long.

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has something very fishy has been going on ? Rangers apperently were allowed to borrow and keep borrowing by the BOS where as Celtic were nearly wound up unless they paid bank debt.

One of McCann's first actions was to move our banking to the Co-op. Given their apparent propping up of Rangers through MIM at everyone else's expense, it seems to have turned out to be a very smart decision.

Edited by deerokus
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While Kings legal entanglements kinda of invite these type of theories, "my best mate is X ( very high up) and he says Y is happening". Most people who have good sources within this whole maelstrom have been very, very careful about implying where the source is from for obvious reasons. I suspect here either the source isn't really a best friend (if so, They won't be soon) or isn't really very high up. Interesting but pure speculation.

The problem with the whole Bank of Scotland angle is that going after BOS for lax lending practices towards Rangers and MiH is kinda like handing out speeding tickets at the Monaco Grand Prix -- plenty of even more objectively stupid stuff was going on, so making the story about Rangers is kinda impossible. You're left with the argument that BOS generally acted in a reasonable prudent manner with Scottish football teams, but acted just as irresponsibly as it did with broad swathes of its portfolio with Rangers. I can't see tht outraging that many people who aren't fans without more.

The sheer amount of malfeasance by the banks in the Noughties means any investigation into Gavin Masterson and his role and direct responsibility along with Murray of football related shennanigans would be prohibitively expensive and time consuming. I can't see the FSA touching it with a bargepole, because they'd have to look at the other banks records too, with most of the principals retired or dead. They're clogged up with present day investigations as it is. The SFA don't have the resources to investigate it. Finding proof that would stand up in court is unlikely, without a very convincing whistleblower with boxes of evidence. Here's a "short" summary of HBOS were up to:


Intriguing as it all is, I think it's a bit of a red herring. We should get back to killing off Rangers..

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One of McCann's first actions was to move our banking to the Co-op. Given their apparent propping up of Rangers through MIM at everyone else's expense, it seems to have turned out to be a very smart decision.

Everything McCann done in his time has proved to be in Celtics best interests . Pity he never got the credit of his fans . This rangers story has holywood blockbuster written all over it but it might be too far fetched for them . Maybe the FBI should be called up

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Don't really belong here, but sick of hearing uninformed comparisons like this. Leeds are not, and never were, a new-co club. They were never liquidated and came out of administration in summer 2007, via a CVA.


Have a read.

Edited by trgf
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I seem to have lost myself in the Minoan labrynth that is the RFC Administration. Can someone give me simple answers to a few simple questions.

1. What are Captain Green and the Mysterons buying for £8.5m?

2. Does the above include Ibrox and Murray Park?

3. if not, and Craig Whytes owns them seperately, if when he sells them, does that money go towards paying any of the creditors?

Edited by Happy Buddie
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As what we are learning about Rangers gets dirtier and dirtier, murkier and murkier the impact has been instrumental in how Scottish football clubs have been managed, the creation of a playing field that was not level. The consequences have been many and varied. Not least at a personal level for many supporters as they say their team missing out on cups, ability to play in Europe, even relegation in some cases.

What is the fesaibility of a class action against Rangers and its directors? I ma aware they don't exist for Scotland, but the wonership of Rangers seems to ahve been all over the world, so hopefully ownership has sat at some stage in a country where a class action could be pursued.

Just a thought!

Would be great to see the supporters of all other clubs hound the dogs.

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I believe that if the Rangers QC stood up in court tomorrow and said that they were withdrawing their action and were willing to accept their punishment due to the administrators of RFC not being football savvy and being unaware of article 64 then that would be enough to keep FIFA/UEFA happy.

It wont happen though because the arrogant b@stards honestly believe that they are Scottish football.

If that happened then yes it should remove any threat of sanctions from FIFA being applied to the SFA.

However, it would leave D&P in a very precarious position due to bringing a frivolous action and the QC will be banging his head of the wall repeatedly asking "Why me? Why Me?"

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Something I don't quite get is where would a newco Rangers play. They can't be allowed to keep Ibrox, so surely they (or the creditors) just have to sell to the highest bidder and hope that the new owner decides the most profitable course is to rent it back to a football club?

I'd imagine Murray Park is a gonner.

Not that this should even be an issue of course, in any other league in the world they'd have been punted to the provincial leagues by now dry.gif

Its possible, and indeed quite likely, that the sale of Ibrox etc has already been agreed to Green, in the event of liquidation. That is, of course, if Whyte doesnt claim ownership.

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Anyone else find it ironic that for years Celtic fans have been convinced of a big cover-up conspiracy in favour of Rangers? :lol:

Whatever the outcome of all this, Celtic fans are still paranoid.

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One of McCann's first actions was to move our banking to the Co-op. Given their apparent propping up of Rangers through MIM at everyone else's expense, it seems to have turned out to be a very smart decision.

Is the 'Nuclear' secret that rangers played an active part in celtic's brush with extinction?

It would be nuclear stuff to celtic, but for the rest of us it would mean we would be in a 'one down and one to go situation' now. <_<

Do nuclear clocks go 'Tick Tock'?

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If that happened then yes it should remove any threat of sanctions from FIFA being applied to the SFA.

However, it would leave D&P in a very precarious position due to bringing a frivolous action and the QC will be banging his head of the wall repeatedly asking "Why me? Why Me?"

It's great, innit?

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