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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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ok, i have heard a lot of nonsense from Orcs who are bleating about the workings of individuals and they cannot be blamed for the individuals misdeeds. yeah that worked well at nuremburg all the accused stated they were 'only obeying orders', it didn' wash then and it doesn't now.

on another note, i seem to recall swindon town getting into serious bother over financial irregularities and being refused entry into the epl (poss div 1) does anyone remember this?

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One of the record's sports reporters suggests the SFA get round a table with Green and "thrash out" a suitable punishment. Why on earth would you negotiate a punishment with the perpetrators of the crime! Not to mention the fact that it is to be decided by an independent tribunal. Some of these guys are on another planet.

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I havent seen this written here yet and certainly not by the papers who seem to be missing this fact when the write about the rosy future of the **** but I find this quite amusing.

Lets just assume it all goes rangers way they force through their cva or go Newco and the EBT case doesnt get called.for a while yet. HMRC policy when they have been done out of money by a company who has refused to pay tax is to make the company pay the tax up front for the next year. So green better get finding 10 million!!! That will fairly nuke his war chest.. Oh did I mention that it has to get paid within 30 days :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's the first I've heard of that. If HMRC did request a years tax to be paid up front then Green would have to substantially increase the amount of his investment. If he somehow got a CVA then he'd have to top up his £8.5million loan with enough extra to cover this future tax bill. In the event of the newco in addition to paying the creditors £5.5million for the assets he'd have to loan the club the amount of this future tax bill then get the club to repay him over his first year in charge.

Either way I wouldn't be confident that the Green Brigade could find the extra capital required (nobody seems to know how much funds they have available, all we do know is that they've paid £200k so far to H&D).

Also, don't forget Charles Green is due to "take the helm" at the Rangers this Wednesday. (link: http://www.guardian....ransfer-embargo). Odds on another delay from H&D on that one?

Edited by Jie Bie
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ok, i have heard a lot of nonsense from Orcs who are bleating about the workings of individuals and they cannot be blamed for the individuals misdeeds. yeah that worked well at nuremburg all the accused stated they were 'only obeying orders', it didn' wash then and it doesn't now.

on another note, i seem to recall swindon town getting into serious bother over financial irregularities and being refused entry into the epl (poss div 1) does anyone remember this?

Swindon were denied entry into the top division after beating Sunderland in the play-offs after it became apparent the Swindon players had been betting on themselves to win. Sunderland then got the top division spot and Swindon punted down into the third tier. After appeal Swindon got the lesser punishment of staying in the same division rather than going up.

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Cos We Arrra' Peepul, Jamie. For heavens sake, why are people still struggling with this?

Its no rocket science. There's also another rule about big hooses and staying open. Do people just forget these crucial points?

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If they are suspended or expelled, will Green still have to front up the 5.5 mil or whatever it is for the assets or is there any way at all he can pull out?

I've always reckoned he could walk away any time he chooses for whatever reason. What are the gonna do? Threaten to sue him?! They'd be deid n buried long before it ever came to court!

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One of the record's sports reporters suggests the SFA get round a table with Green and "thrash out" a suitable punishment. Why on earth would you negotiate a punishment with the perpetrators of the crime! Not to mention the fact that it is to be decided by an independent tribunal. Some of these guys are on another planet.

Exactly and now Chasbo is coming out with the Jardine, Hately, Gorum, RM way of issueing threats. Who the hell do these cretins think they are.



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In what sense can Green "take the helm" before a CVA is agreed?


It's a good question, and one I was wondering myself. However it's been widely reported that H&D are going to appoint Green to run the club from this Wednesday (see this Guardian article from 29th May: http://www.guardian....ransfer-embargo). H&D's justification must be that as he is going to be controlling Rangers whether he gets a CVA or not, there's no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to begin running the club from next week. Although I'd assume that until the takeover has been completed any major decisions he makes (such as selling key players) would need to be approved by Clark and Whitehouse.

If they are suspended or expelled, will Green still have to front up the 5.5 mil or whatever it is for the assets or is there any way at all he can pull out?

I don't think H&D have published the deails of their agreement with Green, so unfortunately there's no way to know what get out clauses (if any) he has for the asset sale. The fact they were able to announce he'll be appointed as the man in charge from this Wednesday seems to suggest his scope for bailing will be extremely limited. I don't know if that's much of a problem for him though, at the end of the day if any of us had access to £5.5million to buy Ibrox and Murray Park when we knew we could charge the new RFC £1million a year + maintenance costs for the pleasure of renting them from us (maybe organise a 99 year lease or something like that) it's actually a pretty good deal!

Edited by Jie Bie
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I wouldn't normally do this but I'll make an exception in your case.

I am a Celtic supporting proddy; brought up in the west of Scotland. I went to the Church of Scotland Sunday school and even joined the Boys Brigade. I was the only Celtic supporter in a school of Rangers supporters. I have had endless grief from both sides of the divide since the very early 1960's - treated with suspicion and hatred in equal measure by fans of both clubs. I am not a bigot. Don't jump to conclusions just because you think they happen to support your own hate filled agenda.

I fully understand that you get it from all sides. From a non old firm supporter's view, what we hold against you is that you openly support a club that has such baggage in terms of exploiting sectarianism to get to the size they are and which to this day has a hardcore of nutcases who openly support the IRA. Whilst I will accept that the problem and proportion of nutcases is far worse with Rangers, it is unquestionably there with Celtic also and I cannot understand why anyone who would normally claim to be against sectarianism can lend his support and allegiance to such an organisation!

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Also nice quote from Richard Scudamore in todays Sun about Rangers moving south if they get kicked out of Scottish football

"The Premier League doesnt want them. Weve never wanted them. Weve never needed them. Theres more in it for them than there is for us"

Now Richard, you do realise you are talking about one of the biggest club teams in the universe..........................on a par with Linfield (copyright Rankers meedya).............hahaha!!:lol:

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Swindon were denied entry into the top division after beating Sunderland in the play-offs after it became apparent the Swindon players had been betting on themselves to win. Sunderland then got the top division spot and Swindon punted down into the third tier. After appeal Swindon got the lesser punishment of staying in the same division rather than going up.

Thanks for the clarification. Pity I thought it would have had a bearing on the Orcs. Still roll on Wednesday, Friday, 14th err, err....

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In what sense can Green "take the helm" before a CVA is agreed?


If I recall rightly, isnt there some precedent for this with Steve Archibald and Airdrie? Didnt he run the club for a while before they were wound up after coming to an agreement with the administrators, despite not having any cash of his own?

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If they are suspended or expelled, will Green still have to front up the 5.5 mil or whatever it is for the assets or is there any way at all he can pull out?

The CVA is conditional on them playing in all the competitions they currently play in - I would guess that the newco option is too, the CVA document refers to conditions on the offer, so I would assume that the newco option is part of the overall offer and therefore conditional too.

But a more legal mind than mine might offer a different interpretation!

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Captain Green says suspension from the Scottish Cup would be a very severe punishment and would be a disaster for Scottish football. Is he setting this penalty up, hoping that the tribunal will go for it as a sanction, cos he's kacking his boxers in case they go for suspension or expulsion? And in what way would booting Gers out of the cup be a disaster for Scottish football? No worse than them losing to Berwick Rangers in the 3rd round. Anyway, according to Paul McConvile, suspension from the Cup is not an option open to the tribunal. The Man is A Prize Ar$e.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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http://www.heraldsco. ..-money.17769614

To be honest I feel sorry for all the reasonable Rangers supporters who see their club being ripped apart by conmen.They seem to be popping up from everywhere to see if they can scam a few quid out of this without actually spending a penny.White certainly picked his administrators with care as they seem to be the biggest wide men of the lot.

Cue The Blue Shytes re-entering for bid no 666 ;)

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The CVA is conditional on them playing in all the competitions they currently play in - I would guess that the newco option is too, the CVA document refers to conditions on the offer, so I would assume that the newco option is part of the overall offer and therefore conditional too.

But a more legal mind than mine might offer a different interpretation!

I don't think any of us are able to offer any interpretation, as (to my knowledge at least) H&D haven't released their agreement with Green into the public domain.

As I mentioned above I'm starting to think that Green's no fool. Imagine picking up Ibrox and Murray Park for less than £6million, when you know there is a ready and willing tenant with a turnover of approximately £40million per year. Even if a newco Rangers could only generate half of that then they could still afford to pay his Sevco company £1million a year rent.

If any of us had the cash what would stop us from doing the following:

1 - Buy all of Rangers for £5.5million

2 - Sell off all key players, then spin off the football club into a new entity which would be fan owned. Offer shares to all and sundry for £500 each, I'm sure the bears would lap it up.

3 - With the transfer cash + the fan investment the newco RFC football club now has enough working capital to begin trading. Sevco still owns Ibrox and Murray Park

4 - Sevco leases Ibrox and Murray Park to the new RFC for £1million per year. The lease is set to run for 99 years, upon which point ownership will transfer to the RFC newco. However under the terms of the lease all maintenance to both facilities will be the responsibility of the tenant.

5 - The freeholder would retain certain revenue generating operating activities within the stadium (e.g. Corporate Hospitality), providing a nice little earner.

6 - In the even of suspension from Scottish Football for a year the first years rent is simply deferred, and split pro rata over the following five years making the rent £1.2 million per year for that period before falling back to £1million per year.

After six years it's money for nothing. Not a bad return on investment if you ask me (in fact it's a lot better than loaning the club £8.5million to do the CVA). Doesn't really matter if they are in the third division or the SPL, all Rangers need to do is find £1million a year to pay the rent, which I reckon they could probably manage even down in SFL3.

Edited by Jie Bie
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