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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I couldn't refer to him as the Hellboy because, as everyone knows, he is busy 'running' the SPL.

If I did run the SPL there would be three demotions a year in the interests of sporting fairness and a better share of the money and Hearts and Hibs would have 30K fans a week with Dundee and Dundee Utd close second and Aberdeen well in there and our league would be the best and most competitive on the planet even if there was only 10 in it :P.

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You need 3 years of accounts before submitting to the league, thats why Gretna couldnt apply to get straight back in (was the reason given anyway)

BUT ! the Rangers are SPESHAL remember and some rules will be bend because these are exceptional circumstances we'll be told.

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Can you imagine how insufferable i am going to be IF the CVA is accepted? We win the BTC...I am laughing right now thinking about it ;)

NAW No8 don't even think it for a second on the BTC even if you avoid the dual contracts coz the SFA would coz you are the peepol an all that ! The HMRC will wind up your club coz no investor would ever in their right minds pay the tax man £70 plus million for a club they can buy for £30 million liquidated !.The EBT scandal is the final straw for Rangers as they are and I know it for a fact with all the research I did into EBT schemes,and don't say loans are legal coz it's the non payment ever of any loan even if it was one penny which not even a penny was ever paid back and will give the HMRC the clout to win on the argument.HMRC will say they have given "these as bonuses to staff" as not one single penny has been paid back in over 10 years FFS it will fall under the bonus taxation bracket HA HA .......

But there will be a newco Rangers FFS :(.

Just for clarification for you No8.The Rangers EBT scheme is the only EBT scheme to have never ever paid a single penny back in loans as all the others have at least a single payment paid back as a clause to beat the tax man by just showing at least one payment has been made on each and every single loan agreement.At least one repayment back into each single loan would in reality win Rangers the case which your hierarchy failed to grasp on and ripped the pish out off it by never making a single EBT repayment.

I look forward to the next Celtic V's whatever from Govan :D.

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They can also give them any punishment outwidth the rules as well (it's within the SFA rules that they can also give any punishment they see fit not just what's written down) secondly the punishment they said was to severe was before Rangers gambled the future of scottish football by going to Court .

^^^^^ this coz the SFA could impose the original panels judgement and there is nowt the gers could do as FIFA will be watching the SFA's judgement and going to court again will get the gers expelled for sure to protect the other members clubs in Europe as well as Scotland's international competition and that's worth more then the mighty Rangers would alone ever bring into Scottish football.

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I keep reading on P&B ( i have read every post in this thread) that a CVA will not/cannot get pushed through and there seems to be various plausible theories for this.

However, this is the ONLY place i find this point of view. Every paper or other media, every person i see interviewed, tells me the opposite.

I know what i would like to happen but i'm starting to think it will be a CVA, not enough evidence of double contracts, practically debt free Rainjurs in the SPL.

Sadly, nothing to see here, move along.

So you forgot the BTC EBT cases then ? Rangers won't win the BTC EVER in a million years cause the HMRC have them by the balls as in a previous reply.

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thats what has struck me, moving away from the rangers thing for a second, in the SPL a player can get a 2 match ban but is allowed to appeal, on the appeal the ban can be revoked, reduced, upheld or even increased, so back to rangers, could that not also be the same outcome?

^^^^^ YES

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Nope...Not true. I have always said it exists but we as a club have made great strides in eradicating it. This latest statement is promising in the respect that Green is willing to carry on the work already started by the old board. It is about the only positive left from their time at the club.

I worked as cleaner at Ibrox and I assure that there is a very small element with a lot off certain influence when things are bad will miss-behave just to be kunts because the their team is getting gubbed beat or whatever.Worse still at an OF game and they are rife then spout shit but only at Celtic because the Celtic are their rivals and any team no matter what get beat by their rival will bring the worst out the best supporter FACT.

Your rival ? the worst supporter you are ever FACT.Hearts V's Hibs as bad as in Glasgow FACT.

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I don't think all Rangers fans are bigots; I don't even think the majority of Rangers fans are bigots. Where I have disagreed with fans and bigot apologists over the years is the size of the minority. Some people would try to suggest it is a fairly small percentage; it isn't. What makes it worse is the people who 'go along to get along' with the bigots in the support. Some may argue they feel intimidated but if the majority started registering their protest then something may be done.

In the years I have attended Tannadice I have seen no real dimunition in the displays of bigotry by Rangers fans inside or outside the ground.

Have a greeny sir

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I wasn't at the Ibrox league match v United after the split, but fans who were there tell me the Rangers support indulged in a bit of a sash fest, and Rangers fans who I speak to tell me that their support has got worse in the sectarian aspect since administration.

But United fans who attended that night also informed me that Mr Jardine did his best to whip up the hatred, making a speech about 'our enemies' then returning with a flag/banner, waving it towards our small group of fans. Rangers followers lapped it all up, cementing the views of those present from United that it really isn't a minority who are arseholes.

In my (long) experience, I'd say the vast majority of Rangers supporters are living in the past, following a team with dated tradition, almost in the manner of the Branch Davidians, with Sandy Jardine all too ready to take on the David Koresh role.

This is our Waco siege! ohmy.gif

My brother is a die Rangers fan and your team is up there along side Celtic simply because recent results have had Dundee Utd humping the Gers at Ibrox in the second Ibrox home fixture of Ran v DunUtd often :lol:.Only coz the Dundee Utd have got results at Ibrox and Aberdeen is not the force they used to be so your team is the new Celtic in his eyes B*STARDS he shouts.

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Traytor interview with Chasbo in the Record. I will say one thing about Chasbo....he talks a good story......even though 95% is bullshit!!! "I will be gone in a year" (aye with a massive wedge in your back pocket) "Politicians must help us get a CVA" (WHY?????) I would be worried reading this, if I was a Rankers fan!!


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Traytor interview with Chasbo in the Record. I will say one thing about Chasbo....he talks a good story......even though 95% is bullshit!!! "I will be gone in a year" (aye with a massive wedge in your back pocket) "Politicians must help us get a CVA" (WHY?????) I would be worried reading this, if I was a Rankers fan!!


"He said: “We could watch the grass grow, or put sheep on the pitch. Make some money in livestock..........."

LOL - He's quite an agricultural bloke at heart - one of the famous Green quotes from his time at Sheffield is that he said he'd grow potatoes on the pitch if he thought that would generate more money than fitba!

Mind you, you might well question his personal gardening acumen from this bit:

"But even if the SFA throw the book at Rangers and expel them Green won’t turn and run. He said: “Jobs will be lost because we won’t be doing anything. We wouldn’t even need groundsmen.........."

How's that Chas? Gonna mow the pitch yersel???? Or know some magic way to prevent grass from growing??


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Gringo says he won't be around in a year's time in that Traynor article, yet his priority is to get the club back into Europe/CL..... from which they are likely to be banned for 3 years?

Surely a journalist worth his salt would be asking how that could possibly happen!

There's your first mistake.

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