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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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To be honest i don't actually think there would be a problem from where the club plays it football,and which league it is in. The Welsh league gets to be represented in europe,yet they have Welsh clubs who play in England who can also qualify for Europe.

If Green does buy Bury then it is no different to when Jim Ballantyne bought Clydebank,he only renamed,and relocated the club.Everything else was as is.So if he does buy Bury then they will not be a Scottish club,they will still be English,only renamed and moved to Glasgow.So european qualification will still be the same for them.The SFA have not got a leg to stand on either as they are not part of the Scottish football setup,and have no right to refuse anyone from England to play their football from Scotland.If UEFA/FIFA get involved it may be different,but Green just points out they are still an English side,who now unfortunately had to relocate to a bigger ground,which just happens to be in Scotland.Reminding them of the fact this already happens with Welsh teams and the Welsh league.

So i feel Green would have a very good case to get his wishes if he actually did buy an English side.

While I can totally see and agree with the logic of this post, I think that the FA/SFA et all will want to quash the idea for the simple reason that it would set a precedent which at least one other large Scottish Club would wish to follow.

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1340286022[/url]' post='6358155']

Keith Downie@STVkeith Hearts say they will vote against Rangers staying in the league. Romanov says "it had to happen sooner or later"]#

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Gon yerself Vlad!

Not a real surprise but good to know. Boards starting to be more vocal now. Must reach the tipping point soon, where the MSM realise they won't be getting into the SPL. Might take a while for them to realise they won't be in the SFL either.

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Mr Romanov is bang on the cash as usual :)

That is great news.

Vlad Statement :-

Mr Romanov, who has been consistent in his views since investing in Scottish football in 2005, said:

"The opinion of Heart of Midlothian FC in regards to the current situation of Scottish football is clear and robust.

"The football mafia represented by former owners of Rangers FC and Rupert Murdoch's media are to blame for some of the worst problems to hit Scottish football and must not be allowed back in under any circumstances.

"As regards the club itself, we can only express our deepest condolences to its supporters, who have been lied to for so many years.

"It had to happen sooner or later. Victories were achieved not by sporting merits, but through slander, conspiracies amongst players and their poaching via third parties, unfair pressuring of referees, who in themselves are as valuable to the fabric of football as the football stars themselves.

"All of this brought hollow victories and destroyed football. We can also mention the attempts to eliminate Hearts with the help of the tax petitions, through false accusations and threats to revoke the club license. There is a saying about digging a grave for someone: you get it for yourself …

"Without these people football will become cleaner and stronger. Without Murdoch the whole of society will improve, in particular sport and culture.

"Supporters deserve a new beginning and have to accept the fact that their club has to start from the lower league, keeping order in the SPL and without creating unfair competition with other clubs.

"As regards the pitiful state of Scottish football finances, a lot of the blame should be placed at the doors of Murdoch's media. They pay huge sums to English clubs, whilst in Scotland, where football is better supported per capita than anywhere else in Europe and there are more cable or Sky subscribers per capita than in England, clubs receive peanuts for their broadcasting rights.

"At the very least this is discrimination and protectionism for the English football product, which at the same time stunts the development of the game in Scotland, that is regarded as the cradle of football.

"I feel that it is absolutely realistic to create a company that would bring to Scottish clubs at least the same broadcasting income, and even grow it by 50-100% over the next two to three years. This company should be in the hands of Scottish clubs and work with those who want to earn money the honest way, instead of conducting business the Murdoch way.

"They have lived beyond law and all morals, and should now be declared beyond the pale. A society that allows the destruction of integrity in sport, which is a crucial part of Scottish culture, is destroying itself - and all for the benefit of a media aborigine." :blink:


Bit of a rant but saying what a lot of suits must be thinking.

(Just hope that there is no skeleton in the jambo closet with Campbell Ogilvie and EBT's.)

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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http://www.motherwel. ..-newco-rangers/

As a member of the Well Society (Along with my two sons) I know which way I'll be voting!

:thumbsdown Off with their heads!

Well done to the board. This is what co-operation between the fans and custodians of the club looks like.

Probably going to vote No to Newco although I will have a good read through the material provided by the board before coming to a definite conclusion.

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Looks like Hearts may be about to vote No against a newco as well if Romanov's comments are anything to go by:-

Keith Downie ‏@STVkeith

Romanov outburst: He says Rangers have "lived beyond law and all morals" and "football will come back cleaner and stronger" without them. :D

Good to see Motherwell consulting their fans, pity more teams aren't following this example.

Edited by Gaspode
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So how do we stand?

We need 5 NO votes, and as things stand we have..........

Motherwell NO (almost certain if its a fan vote)

Hibernian NO (Petrie places integrity over money)

Hearts NO (wahey Mad Vlad)

Dundee United NO (the pressure from the fans will be too much)

Aberdeen possible NO (as above)

Celtic possible NO (every commentator says so, but they have the most to lose)

St Mirren unknown (about to hand over the reigns to the fans)

Ross County unknown (very quiet on the issue)

Inverness unknown (as above)

St Johnstone unknown (as above)

Rangers Oldco YES (obviously)

Kilmarnock YES (chairman is a clown)

Edited by ArabFC
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Smart move by the 'well board.

I'm sure the Fir Park fat cats are as keen to chase the Rangers $s as the next team, and they're probably quietly confident 6 others will vote "Yes". This way they can play the "it's no our fault" card and get the best of both worlds- keeping long-suffering fans' loyalty and keeping Rangers in.

Whether that's the cynic in me or the realist, who knows? Maybe they're the one club in the world who really do give a shit what their fans think...

I don't think there are many fat cats at Fir Park

I think all clubs have to take their fans opinions on board because if the fans turn against the clubs they are definetely finished they cant reley on the bigot brothers for ever.

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Well done to the board. This is what co-operation between the fans and custodians of the club looks like.

Probably going to vote No to Newco although I will have a good read through the material provided by the board before coming to a definite conclusion.


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So how do we stand?

We need 5 NO votes, and as things stand we have..........

Motherwell NO (almost certain if its a fan vote)

Hibernian NO (Petrie places integrity over money)

Dundee United NO (the pressure from the fans will be too much)

Aberdeen possible NO (as above)

Celtic possible NO (every commentator says so, but they have the most to lose)

St Mirren unknown (about to hand over the reigns to the fans)

Ross County unknown (very quiet on the issue)

Inverness unknown (as above)

St Johnstone unknown (as above)

Rangers Oldco YES (obviously)

Kilmarnock YES (chairman is a clown)

Hearts YES (all noises point to yes)

blink.gif Did you read anything above before posting laugh.gif

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So how do we stand?

We need 5 NO votes, and as things stand we have..........

Motherwell NO (almost certain if its a fan vote)

Hibernian NO (Petrie places integrity over money)

Dundee United NO (the pressure from the fans will be too much)

Aberdeen possible NO (as above)

Celtic possible NO (every commentator says so, but they have the most to lose)

St Mirren unknown (about to hand over the reigns to the fans)

Ross County unknown (very quiet on the issue)

Inverness unknown (as above)

St Johnstone unknown (as above)

Rangers Oldco YES (obviously)

Kilmarnock YES (chairman is a clown)

Hearts YES (all noises point to yes)

Are you sure? :lol:

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So how do we stand?

We need 5 NO votes, and as things stand we have..........

Motherwell NO (almost certain if its a fan vote)

Hibernian NO (Petrie places integrity over money)

Dundee United NO (the pressure from the fans will be too much)

Aberdeen possible NO (as above)

Celtic possible NO (every commentator says so, but they have the most to lose)

St Mirren unknown (about to hand over the reigns to the fans)

Ross County unknown (very quiet on the issue)

Inverness unknown (as above)

St Johnstone unknown (as above)

Rangers Oldco YES (obviously)

Kilmarnock YES (chairman is a clown)

Hearts YES (all noises point to yes)

Romanov says NO !

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Smart move by the 'well board.

I'm sure the Fir Park fat cats are as keen to chase the Rangers $ s as the next team, and they're probably quietly confident 6 others will vote "Yes". This way they can play the "it's no our fault" card and get the best of both worlds- keeping long-suffering fans' loyalty and keeping Rangers in.

Whether that's the cynic in me or the realist, who knows? Maybe they're the one club in the world who really do give a shit what their fans think...

It needs 8 votes for the newco, not 6.

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Hearts YES (all noises point to yes)

"The opinion of Heart of Midlothian FC in regards to the current situation of Scottish football is clear and robust.

"The football mafia represented by former owners of Rangers FC and Rupert Murdoch's media are to blame for some of the worst problems to hit Scottish football and must not be allowed back in under any circumstances."

You think?

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So how do we stand?

We need 5 NO votes, and as things stand we have..........

Motherwell NO (almost certain if its a fan vote)

Hibernian NO (Petrie places integrity over money)

Dundee United NO (the pressure from the fans will be too much)

Aberdeen possible NO (as above)

Celtic possible NO (every commentator says so, but they have the most to lose)

St Mirren unknown (about to hand over the reigns to the fans)

Ross County unknown (very quiet on the issue)

Inverness unknown (as above)

St Johnstone unknown (as above)

Rangers Oldco YES (obviously)

Kilmarnock YES (chairman is a clown)

Hearts YES (all noises point to yes)

Read the posts previous to yours re Hearts stance. Prob posted while you were typing.

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Are you serious mate? Really?? You don't seem to get it at all IMO. Perhaps using analogies to disassociate you from this into the moral context that the word 'integrity' implies will help.......

I have a car. Its a good car. Or so it would seem from the outside. Nice and shiny, no dents, looks the same as last year. Only the engine is missing. Would you still want to pay book price on it?

Now, if I tell you I'm waiting on a new engine but I have a lot of people interested in the car, you can secure the purchase if you put your cash in right now. Interested? No? Didn't think so.....

EDITED TO ADD: Seems your club even agree with this sentiment having just reviewed their statement......'mon the Well Society!! tongue.gif

So you aren't buying a season ticket because Used Car Salesman Thompson might rip you off?

In any negotiation if you have the money in your control, you hold onto it until you get things EXACTLY as you want them to be. Verbal promises and even legal agreements are meaningless. Control of the money is understood by all.

So good on all season ticket potential buyers. Sit on your hands. Let you club deliver what YOU want. Jim McLean (an Undercover Bear) and his fellow Rangers supporters have been strong armed by Murray and Green. Now complains when the fans try a bit back.

Loyalty to your club is helping create a club you are proud of, not jumping to short term expedient decisions.

Our club delivered what we wanted because the fans have a strong voice, not some silly season ticket boycott.

Your undercover nonsense is exactly what you get on OF boards when someone dares to have an opinion. Not the kind of attitude I have encountered until recently on P&B.

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While I can totally see and agree with the logic of this post, I think that the FA/SFA et all will want to quash the idea for the simple reason that it would set a precedent which at least one other large Scottish Club would wish to follow.

Dont disagree with you here at all m8...morally it is very wrong,but if it is within the rules what can they do.It would only end up in court as discrimination,as they are a newco,and no longer the old Rangers that the English FA doesn't want,the fact they will be playing out of their old stadium,and have the same bigoted fanbase is just purely coincidental.

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Since this saga started, the one constant that has been on show, has been the obvious reluctance of anyone wanting to make a decision that could hurt "The Rangers".

The SPL have been shown to be the most spineless organisation that has ever been created. One of their members have been shown to have broken several laws, in both football and civil matters, over a long period of time. And yet, up until now, the only thing they-The SPL- have done, is to release a statement saying that they-Rangers-have a case to answer with regards to the EBT's.

The SFA can also be accused of dragging their feet. Given the fact that they will have been privy to the same information the SPL received, they have done their level best to avoid making any worthwhile decisions.

Now it looks like they are both trying to get the SFL involved, by mooting this farcical SPL2 plan. The outcome they are hoping for, is one where the Orcs believe that the SFL, and not the SPL and SFA, are to blame for sending the "Newco" down to the bottom of division 3.

If one thing is to come out of this whole fucking episode, then we must ensure that the people that are left in charge of our football, have the balls to make the tough decisions.

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