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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aye, they need 8 votes. So if it's 8-4 in favour then they're in, if it's 7-5 they're out. 5 no votes needed, thats what we're pushing for.

It's been a long day, my brain's turned to fucking mush. Apologies!

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And BBC too:

"Should Green's group not get the required 8-4 vote in their favour for top flight football, they would have to apply to fill the vacancy that would be created by a team being promoted from the Scottish Football League. "

I'm not sure what you're asking with your last two posts.

Rangers would need an 8-4 vote or better to get in.

That means that if 5 clubs vote against it, they won't be in the SPL next season.

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The Rangers HAVE to go down to Division 3. If they get accepted by the SFL. That's where Livingston ended up and we would have too, if we were in the close season. And what we were guilty of is nothing, nothing, compared to the serial decade or so of cheating that went on at Ibrox.

Just don't see where any compromise comes in. What would be the argument for The Rangers in SFL1?

I'm happy to boycott Dens if Dundee vote for this shocking state of affairs. We must all do the same. We've seen what power the fans have.

Rangers (IA, PL) will soon no longer exist. You mean a new club HAS to apply for the vacancy into the third division. There is no 'going down' as the old football team don't exist any more.

Starting to grind my gears that people are continuing to talk about them in terms of "Rangers", "relegation", and "going down". That'll only give their already arrogant fans the excuse to treat this new club as a continuation of the old one.

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I always think its better when people write their own letters, but I'll take that as a compliment I guess. :lol:

I didn't claim it as original, just said it reflected my views entirely.

You saved me from having to think, thanks.:D

Its not...

Sorry. Got confused by reposts. 'Mon the Jags, no fuckwittery necessary.

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Surely the interesting part of that quote is the last half?! Is it a done deal that Dundee (see what I did there?) are going up?

Dunfermline are an SFL club too now, and I suppose they would technically be getting "promoted".

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Although these two chairmen can be regarded as the mavericks of the SPL.

Vlad isn't an insider, he issues crazy statements, briefs against other clubs, his former players and delves into conspiracy. Stephen Thompson while not the only chairman against the 10 team SPL proposal was by far the most vocal which might mean his voice isn't listened to by the other chairmen and I don't think they were too pleased with his constant bleating to the press on the issue.

Vlad isn't an insider, he issues statements, briefs against other clubs, and delves into conspiracy.

And we now understand how justified these statements from Vlad have been.

Stephen Thompson being 'the most vocal' means he is prepared to stand up for his club against the old firm and their apologists in the media.

You can spin it all you want, but it is Rangers and Kilmarnock who are both in the naughty corner. :lol:

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There was a suggestion in one of today's papers, can't remember what one, that to placate other First Division sides who may lose out promotion if newco are parachuted in, there may be a play-off to the SPL in addition to the automatic promotion/relegation. That would obviously need SPL approval. I would think the SPL teams would be crazy to agree to this if the sole purpose was as an appeasement, but if this proves to be the case then it would stink of collusion and behind-closed-door deals.

I may be reading too much into ST's comments, but after the stance the club took last night I see no reason for him to comment on where newco could or should end up.

I hope I'm just a grumpy paranoid old bugger. :lol:

Doesn't mean you're not right unfortunately.

ST has consistently flip-flopped between "We want them out" and "We might need them".

I thought last night he finally nailed his colours to the mast, but apparently that may not be the case.

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I'm with the others expressing unease. That seems to be three of the bigger first division clubs who have havered around the point and added big fucking caveats. Is it maybe a calculated gamble that since the SPL clubs make up the majority of the fans, then hell mend the lower leagues? Losing our sporting integrity isn't worth having an extra playoff place.

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Rangers (IA, PL) will soon no longer exist. You mean a new club HAS to apply for the vacancy into the third division. There is no 'going down' as the old football team don't exist any more.

Starting to grind my gears that people are continuing to talk about them in terms of "Rangers", "relegation", and "going down". That'll only give their already arrogant fans the excuse to treat this new club as a continuation of the old one.

Grind away. :D

I dribble with excitement every time I read your grinding gears. :o

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"As a club, we want to ensure the sporting integrity of our game is upheld. At the same time, however, we also need to be mindful of the commercial situation within Scottish football as a whole, especially that of Partick Thistle."

What's the point in even bringing up sporting integrity if they later go on to basically say 'f**k sporting integrity, we're fucking skint'?

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Rangers (IA, PL) will soon no longer exist. You mean a new club HAS to apply for the vacancy into the third division. There is no 'going down' as the old football team don't exist any more.

Starting to grind my gears that people are continuing to talk about them in terms of "Rangers", "relegation", and "going down". That'll only give their already arrogant fans the excuse to treat this new club as a continuation of the old one.

OK, OK. But I always call them The Rangers now, for accuracy, but mainly in the hope it gets right up the noses of any of them looking in

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OK, OK. But I always call them The Rangers now, for accuracy, but mainly in the hope it gets right up the noses of any of them looking in

I doubt it will, to be honest, since loads of their fans referred to them as The Rangers even when they weren't.

Sorry, I'm not meaning to make this personal! :(

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This is the Thistle statement. The first paragraph can be safely eliminated as it contains nothing of substance.

The situation regarding the Rangers NEWCO has nothing to do with Partick Thistle Football Club. It is a matter for the SPL which will be discussed at their board meeting on July 4th. At the moment, what is being reported by the media is purely conjecture and opinion.

As a club, we want to ensure the sporting integrity of our game is upheld. At the same time, however, we also need to be mindful of the commercial situation within Scottish football as a whole, especially that of Partick Thistle.

We believe Scottish football needs to be restructured, financial distribution needs to be fairer for all clubs and we strongly believe that Play-offs must be introduced between the First Division and SPL as a bare minimum.

However, before making any decision which will affect Partick Thistle Football Club we, as a board, will look at all the facts and make what we believe is a fully informed decision which will benefit Partick Thistle Football Club and Scottish football going forward."

So focusing on the relevant bits:

As a club, we want to ensure the sporting integrity of our game is upheld. At the same time, however, we also need to be mindful of the commercial situation within Scottish football as a whole, especially that of Partick Thistle.

We want sporting integrity, but we see £ signs. f**k sporting integrity.

We believe Scottish football needs to be restructured, financial distribution needs to be fairer for all clubs and we strongly believe that Play-offs must be introduced between the First Division and SPL as a bare minimum.

Now that we've established that we don't care about sporting integrity, this is our negotiating position. This is what we can be bought for.

However, before making any decision which will affect Partick Thistle Football Club we, as a board, will look at all the facts and make what we believe is a fully informed decision which will benefit Partick Thistle Football Club and Scottish football going forward."

f**k the fans, f**k sporting integrity. Toss us the bones we've asked for, and we'll roll over.

Thats how I read that statement.

Edited by xbl
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With it looking more and more likely that the The will not be invited into the SPL the decision must soon be taken about who takes the vacant spot. As Dunfermline have said that they do not have a team capable of avoiding relegation and I would imagine that Dundee may be in the same situation, I would like to suggest the following compromise.

The two clubs should play a two-game play-off with the winner staying in D1 and the loser playing in the SPL. If nothing else we should have a good vote on the best and worst own-goals of the ties. :lol:

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With it looking more and more likely that the The will not be invited into the SPL the decision must soon be taken about who takes the vacant spot. As Dunfermline have said that they do not have a team capable of avoiding relegation and I would imagine that Dundee may be in the same situation, I would like to suggest the following compromise.

The two clubs should play a two-game play-off with the winner staying in D1 and the loser playing in the SPL. If nothing else we should have a good vote on the best and worst own-goals of the ties. :lol:

Matt Johnson will not be to sure, he will have an uncertain smile about himph34r.gif

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I doubt it will, to be honest, since loads of their fans referred to them as The Rangers even when they weren't.

Sorry, I'm not meaning to make this personal! :(

Think your quite right there. It's just like them not saying "We Are People"! :D

Edit: Will they now start to use WATTP as their call sign?

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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Dunfermline are an SFL club too now, and I suppose they would technically be getting "promoted".

Ah, fair play. I thought they knew something we didn't about Dundee.

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