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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Now, I like Charles Green. But I also like John Brown. Which is best? There's only one way to find out.....

Who gave Brown permission to use Ibrox to make his "speech"? Craig Whyte? If you owned the place and a former employee was mouthing off to the media about you, would you let them use your property to continue such behaviour? Strathclyde's finest didn't seem to mind <_<

Ah, but you are forgetting that Ibrox is owned by the people!

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Well I think Green has now shown his hand like we all thought ! THE ASSET STRIPPER and QUICK BUCK TAKER.

If you want the assets and your are seriously Rangers minded men ! then fcuking stump up the dosh or I will kill off any chance of a newco rangers ever playing at Ibrox.I feel that Green has them by the balls for sure after everyone else probably waited to pick up the assets after liquidation at a pittance,Green flew in and bought them and has the clubs assets at ransom and no one wants to pay what Green wants ! probably twice what he has spent acquiring the assets, mibbes around £15 million plus.

Well played Mr Green well played.

I said before in the thread the final sale of the gers carcase could top over £20 million and no bugger wants to save the clubs assets for a newco at that price.They think they can terrorise anyone into giving the club back to rangers minded men for a pittance because they are the ????? fill in with any witty comment there :D.

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Now, I like Charles Green. But I also like John Brown. Which is best? There's only one way to find out.....

Who gave Brown permission to use Ibrox to make his "speech"? Craig Whyte? If you owned the place and a former employee was mouthing off to the media about you, would you let them use your property to continue such behaviour? Strathclyde's finest didn't seem to mind <_<

It's close to Govan police station.

The big Jailhoose?

Just a thought.

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It more a case of every chancer business man in Britain gets some "real rangers man" to front a bid for them, except these backers must have felt like the board of Enron after Browns slabberings.

The supply of articulate Loyals is getting outstripped by demand, especially after all the questions arose about Cardigan's EBT when he put his head over the parapet..

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Just watched Brown's video. What a load of absolute tosh. I can't believe the Rangers/Sevco/whatever else you want to call them fans are taking this is and not challenging it. There's absolutely no way Brown walked in and went 'haw, here's yur money...nooo giiies the club'. If he did, he's a buffoon. He's potentially prejudicing his own 'consortiums' position with all this media nonsense. Green really doesn't come across as the kind of man who will take much notice of this kind of thing, and I hope the sensible Rangers fans don't (or do, depending on my mood) get drawn in by this rubbish.

I can't believe how wrong their priorities are. Green has been given a deadline for Friday to apply to the SFA. If that deadline is missed, then there wont be a Rangers of any kind next year in the leagues. If this happens, Green has some potential valuable assets (on the open market) to sell, and I'd wager he'd get much more than £5.5million for them. Unbelievably short sighted once again by Brown and his band of merry neanderthals.

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I'd imagine the Sun will be furious - it sounds like Brown has come out with at least two days worth of "exclusive" quotes.

...and what exactly does he want the fans to chip into and buy ?

'old' rangers will soon be dead, can Brown's 'mob' buy the name ?

or will it just be a bid for the 'newco' name ?

does he actually feckin' know ?

I think we should be told

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Just watched Brown's rally call from the doors of Ibrokex. What a deluded fool and watched and listened to by more deluded fools. There's not one sentence he says that sounds believable.

Was expecting Gazza to appear beside him with the chicken, the fishing rod & a can of lager.

I'm gonna start carrying my title deeds around just in case some tube in the pub asks me if I own my house. Actually Barclays Bank have them, cancel that.

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Just watched Brown's video. What a load of absolute tosh. I can't believe the Rangers/Sevco/whatever else you want to call them fans are taking this is and not challenging it. There's absolutely no way Brown walked in and went 'haw, here's yur money...nooo giiies the club'. If he did, he's a buffoon. He's potentially prejudicing his own 'consortiums' position with all this media nonsense. Green really doesn't come across as the kind of man who will take much notice of this kind of thing, and I hope the sensible Rangers fans don't (or do, depending on my mood) get drawn in by this rubbish.

I can't believe how wrong their priorities are. Green has been given a deadline for Friday to apply to the SFA. If that deadline is missed, then there wont be a Rangers of any kind next year in the leagues. If this happens, Green has some potential valuable assets (on the open market) to sell, and I'd wager he'd get much more than £5.5million for them. Unbelievably short sighted once again by Brown and his band of merry neanderthals.

You had me at 'he's a buffoon'. There are a lot of very desperate people now, clutching at straws. Anyone who is willing to go on the telly/speak to the papers is being used as fodder.

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How does Browns consortium and their lack of information differ in any way to what happened with Green when he first swooped in?

so how can the rangers fan groups tell them not to support one over the other when they are both similarly shady.

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As a slight diversion to this thread I went and looked at the Rangers FC wikipedia entry. A bit of a editing battle seems to be taking place with over 50 edits today alone. I was tempted to change the first line to "were" from "are" but I don't think it would last long.

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