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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Monday morning I was wondering what delights would be presented to us this week. Things are looking good and it is still just Wednesday. :D

Let's have a guess at what is still to come - this week.

Players and old Rangers staff will continue to walk away.

Players who are the most stupid and with the most stupid agents will turn up at Murray Park for training on Thursday and to collect their pay. Neither of which will happen.

Fraser Wishart will be advising his members to stay away from Green, while they support players to take legal action against him and Duff & Duffer

More detail of the asset stripping/transfer to theNewerNewco will emerge.

SFA will not receive any detail as requested from Green about his 'football club' before 5pm on Friday

Green will be working furiously over the weekend so they are ready when the Court offices open on Monday.

Green will prepare Sevco to be wound up, the dirty deed to be done next week.

Bomber's consortium will make lots of noise about buying the club. By the weekend they still won't have worked out what it is they should be buying, whether anything worthwhile exists or not, or who they should be trying to buy it from. This clueless approach will still be reported as something with serious potential by the BBC, Sun and Record.

The SFA will prepare their panel decision which will equate to a bolt stunner on the back of the neck. Detail to be announced next week.

SFL Club NO votes will be volunteered to the mainstream media on the hour, every hour.

HMRC will be 'having chats' with BDO and the Fraud Squad.

Whyte will be mentioned in despatches by various experts, but will keep his head down for the present.

SportScotland will make a statement about Murray Park and their controlling charge. With clarity about what they will NOT accept happening. And if they haven't already done so they will get their legal people prepared for rapid defensive action.

By 5pm Friday will be accepted there will be no Rangers/Newco/Newerco team next season.

Ally will whisper some statement confirming he has no idea what to do, as he has no team worth talking about, no hot showers and no one to play against. But he won't walk away as long as he thinks he will get paid.

Sandy Jardine will berate players who walk as he benefits from Green's generosity. When that stops, he walks too.

Just a load of guesses, but suspect we are getting closer to some nuclear style incidents which will demand the authorities moving in. ;)

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Just watched Brown getting interviewed on the Scottish News, bloody hell what a total embarrassment.

Inarticulate and incoherent do not begin to describe this clown. Just imagine you are waiting for a knight on a white charger coming along and you get Stanley Unwin on a pushbike. Hilarious.

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SO whit did Green say to Brown that was so upsetting he could not tell the crowd tonight?

It has to be that Craig Whyte still owns Rangers.

Which would be the ultimate Chekov's Gun/Masterstroke ending to the whole saga.

Edited by Broccoli Dog
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I've watched the whole charade now. He literally avoided any difficult questions he was asked, changed the wording of questions to suit his agenda and was full of general bluster throughout, with vague statements about his own investors. What I don't understand though; how can he go on about Green's consortium being shady because they haven't named their investors, when he wont name the investors backing his bid? :huh:

Whenever the crowd started to get a bit restless, and when they did ask important questions, he'd come out with a Rangers friendly punch line about following on or not surrendering, and all of a sudden the crowd's mood would just turn back to elation.... 'yaaaaaaaaaaaaas'.

I don't doubt he has the club at heart, but I can't believe any sensible business person would allow him to front their consortium. Uncle Walter was a different story, at least he's coherent, but John Brown? Really?

Edited by Kyle
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Just lifted this from Orctalk, not sure if I am being whooshed here but does this imbecile mean condescending? Also witty use of random capitals! This is in reply to the Falkirk fans topic.


Despicable ,this is disgusting .

I am sick now of Fans of other Clubs coming on here ,and being Con descendent, and Preaching to us about Sporting Integrity .Enough is enough no more Debating with you's ,Canabilism is alive, and well in Scottish Football.

The Bridges have been Burned.

Now do one ya Twat, and don't Come Back.

We have put our points across to you people, and you have all made your Minds up, and decided to go with what the Corrupt and Unfit for Purpose SFA /SPL Dealt Rangers .

The time will come when you all will be in the position where we are and you will see what it is like when that Day comes.

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I just remembered when watching "John Brown prt 2" there was a few numpties asking where Charles Green was now near the end of the video :unsure: ! now why would they ask a question like that ? surely not to shake the guys hand for sure ! sounded dodgy at best and expect the orcs to use the royal mail to send him wee thank you pressies :o.So does that mean that CG is now public enemy number one at orc central command headquarters for terrorism ?.

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I've watched the whole charade now. He literally avoided any difficult questions he was asked, changed the wording of questions to suit his agenda and was full of general bluster throughout, with vague statements about his own investors. What I don't understand though; how can he go on about Green's consortium being shady because they haven't named their investors, when he wont name the investors backing his bid? :huh:

Whenever the crowd started to get a bit restless, and when they did ask important questions, we'd come out with a Rangers friendly punch line about following on or not surrendering, and all of a sudden the crowd's mood would just turn back to elation.... 'yaaaaaaaaaaaaas'.

I don't doubt he has the club at heart, but I can't believe any sensible business person would allow him to front their consortium. Uncle Walter was a different story, at least he's coherent, but John Brown? Really?

His only investor is the old wife that let him put back her trolley...he is now using that pound to fund his takeover bid :lol:

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Will anyone that's actually got any money come forward and try buy them? Seems to me all the people who have came forward never have anything haha. Anyone can turn up at Ibrox say they have investors talk shit and get a few days in the press, I wander who's turn it is next.

Me, me, me.:D

I am going to win the Euro Lottery on Friday night.

£8million will be chicken feed from my winnings. Rangers Media will love me dearly and treat me as if I walk on water. I will mix with legends like Sandy Jardine and he will suck up to me bigtime. The lovely Leah will come pleading for me to resign the lovely Alan. First reaction is to say no, but every man has his price :o

By Monday morning I will be scunnered by their stupidity and the crawling. I will then turn into Green 2 and take the lot of them for every penny I can squeeze out of the ashes of their corrupt empire.

But I do think that being a corrupt fantasist makes me the ideal person to be the Big Man ay the Big Hoose. :lol:

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Midnight to find out if the players have been paid.

Am i missing the point here?

The players and i mean those that was getting paid by Glasgow Rangers will not be paid because that company is in liquidation.

Now the 3 players that have signed up for Newco company will get paid along with staff that work at Sevco, is that right or has Green come out with a statement saying all players in the old company will be paid regardless if they signed for sevco?

Other point i would make is that i always thought Green group would be in the short term for running Rangers as a club but i always thought they would Rent out Ibrox and Murray Park to those that will take over with the clubs best interests at heart. Only a very good offer for the stadium and training facilities would make them sell overall.

Edited by betting competition
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Charles Green appears to be personally replying to emails tonight as well.


:o they will swap Green for someone else ? does this method have the ragers running after ghosts ? I mean if too much heat off the orcs then stick some other clown to get badgered for a month or so then change regime to keep everyone chasing their tails.

This is starting to get really silly now ffs,a millionaire with a minority shareholding ? what's that all about ! has Green bought all of the club and gave most of the shares to his dog,cat,parrot or whatever in a Harry Rednapp type scenario ? I'm thinking this is Greens investors pyramid scheme and why he can't name his investors ! they are all animals but somehow legally own shares :huh:.

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