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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In spite of some Chairmen wanting that badly, I just can't see it.

The backlash would be too extreme.

The way they keep stalling on this totally obvious decision suggest that they are trying to run down the clock and make the requirement for a vote void. I don't think anything is outside the realm of possibility here now, and I reckon that they are so short sighted that they don't care about a possible backlash.

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Haud the bus!!!!!

Soooooooooooo 7 of the 12 have already, PUBLICLY stated that when it comes time to vote rankers 2.0 into the SPL (which goes against all their previous rules) that they will vote NO..

BUT, now that they actually get a chance to vote they probably aren't going to take it???

What I don't understand is that if Womblecock and Ronnie Reagan are having to explain to the chairmen what will happen if rankers 2.0 aren't in the SPL, what have these guys been doing for the past few months????? Surely they must have worked it out for themselves.

The deal with SKY that there must be 4 OF is a scandal. If that was the offer put to me as a member of the SFA/SPL at the time my first question would have been "What would happen if something happened to either club and they didn't get their 4 games?" But it seems like that never even occurred to them to ask.

My feeling is that it is now time for the Scottish government to step in. There are too many people in the SFA/SPL/SFL that all want to keep the power and their jobs for a root and branch change to our game. Turkeys voting for christmas.

The government should step in and wipe the slate clean and then start again for season 2013/14. One body covering league and international. And rules carved in stone for ever eventuality so that this never happens again.

Clubs such as Kilmarnock must be so badly run if they rely on rankers being in the SPL. Their chairman is virtually greetin' for them to be allowed in. Which begs the question? What if a game against Killie decides whether rankers get relegated or drop into the lower tier of the spl and they dont get their 4th games against celtic? Will the chairman be driving over the killie players in the car park arriving for training?

Or will his pre-match chat with them go, "look lads I know this is a big game and you want to beat rangers, but I just want to say good luck, and don't let the fact that if you get them relegated today then you will all probably out of a job tomorrow. Just saying. Have a good game boys."

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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Donkey baws has said on Radio Scotland that 'todays meeting will be keenly debated'.

No you fucking fuckwit c**t...this is a scheduled vote, not a fucking debate. You've had 2 weeks to supply everyone with the 'facts', not leave it til today then give us yet another postponement.

Is this guy even aware we can see him?

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Newco in the SPL.

Doncaster continues in his job.

Turnbull Hutton facing a disrepute charge.

Will somebody please tell me that none of this will happen?

I'd doubt all 3.

1. Clubs don't want.

2. Seems unlikely, he didn't get a glowing report from our board and a member club is prepared to admit that then....

3. Can't see anything he's said which is outrageous.

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The ultimate in ridiculous is that not only they want to elevate a brand new club into the second tier:

It's that the logic of doing so is them being guaranteed to win it! Even though they have 13 players with 4 weeks to go!

What kind of 'competition' is this going to be? Why bother with matches at all?

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Haud the bus!!!!!

Soooooooooooo 7 of the 12 have already, PUBLICLY stated that when it comes time to vote rankers 2.0 into the SPL (which goes against all their previous rules) that they will vote NO..

BUT, now that they actually get a chance to vote they probably aren't going to take it???

What I don't understand is that if Womblecock and Ronnie Reagan are having to explain to the chairmen what will happen if rankers 2.0 aren't in the SPL, what have these guys been doing for the past few months????? Surely they must have worked it out for themselves.

The deal with SKY that there must be 4 OF is a scandal. If that was the offer put to me as a member of the SFA/SPL at the time my first question would have been "What would happen if something happened to either club and they didn't get their 4 games?" But it seems like that never even occurred to them to ask.

My feeling is that it is now time for the Scottish government to step in. There are too many people in the SFA/SPL/SFL that all want to keep the power and their jobs for a root and branch change to our game. Turkeys voting for christmas.

The government should step in and wipe the slate clean and then start again for season 2013/14. One body covering league and international. And rules carved in stone for ever eventuality so that this never happens again.

Clubs such as Kilmarnock must be so badly run if they rely on rankers being in the SPL. Their chairman is virtually greetin' for them to be allowed in. Which begs the question? What if a game against Killie decides whether rankers get relegated or drop into the lower tier of the spl and they dont get their 4th games against celtic? Will the chairman be driving over the killie players in the car park arriving for training?

Or will his pre-match chat with them go, "look lads I know this is a big game and you want to beat rangers, but I just want to say good luck, and don't let the fact that if you get them relegated today then you will all probably out of a job tomorrow. Just saying. Have a good game boys."

Now, now, that is just being ridiculous, there is no situation so dire that a politician's input cannot make worse.

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I'd doubt all 3.

1. Clubs don't want.

2. Seems unlikely, he didn't get a glowing report from our board and a member club is prepared to admit that then....

3. Can't see anything he's said which is outrageous.

Beat me to it. Don't think Doncaster will go quite yet, but he may go. Other two won't happen.

Too many jittery people on this thread at the moment. :)

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If this is stalled out what is the procedure? I don't think they can just drag it out and do nothing as the transfer of "assets" as I understand it has taken place. They will have to vote on the newco being given Rangers SPL share. This is a stand off and the SFL should hold firm. If they are bullied into accommodating the newco into division one then the entire game in Scotland can be tarred with the same corrupt brush. Make the SPL make the decision.

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Scottish football (and by that I mean it's administration and governance) is nothing short of a shambolic disgrace. I for one will be finished with it if (and now I believe when) it comes to pass that the new team formerly know as Rangers are shoehorned into something other than the SFL division 3.

The game in Scotland is effectively dead as a sport.

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Haud the bus!!!!!

Soooooooooooo 7 of the 12 have already, PUBLICLY stated that when it comes time to vote rankers 2.0 into the SPL (which goes against all their previous rules) that they will vote NO..

BUT, now that they actually get a chance to vote they probably aren't going to take it???

What I don't understand is that if Womblecock and Ronnie Reagan are having to explain to the chairmen what will happen if rankers 2.0 aren't in the SPL, what have these guys been doing for the past few months????? Surely they must have worked it out for themselves.

The deal with SKY that there must be 4 OF is a scandal. If that was the offer put to me as a member of the SFA/SPL at the time my first question would have been "What would happen if something happened to either club and they didn't get their 4 games?" But it seems like that never even occurred to them to ask.

My feeling is that it is now time for the Scottish government to step in. There are too many people in the SFA/SPL/SFL that all want to keep the power and their jobs for a root and branch change to our game. Turkeys voting for christmas.

The government should step in and wipe the slate clean and then start again for season 2013/14. One body covering league and international. And rules carved in stone for ever eventuality so that this never happens again.

Clubs such as Kilmarnock must be so badly run if they rely on rankers being in the SPL. Their chairman is virtually greetin' for them to be allowed in. Which begs the question? What if a game against Killie decides whether rankers get relegated or drop into the lower tier of the spl and they dont get their 4th games against celtic? Will the chairman be driving over the killie players in the car park arriving for training?

Or will his pre-match chat with them go, "look lads I know this is a big game and you want to beat rangers, but I just want to say good luck, and don't let the fact that if you get them relegated today then you will all probably out of a job tomorrow. Just saying. Have a good game boys."

Bet you feel better after that rant.

I agree.

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If the vote is deferred today and SFL clubs DO vote on thursday then they are a disgrace. All football league clubs' fans should be lobbying their clubs to ensure the vote next week gets punted until these clowns can ACTUALLY get around to making a decision.

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It needs a statement from the SFL at around 9.59am saying that a vote will be taken next week if and only if there is a "no" vote today. Any other outcome, including postponement of the vote, will see the SFL's vote go likewise.

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I don't understand all this talk of financial armageddon.

Surely if any club gets into a wee bit of bother when it comes to money, they can follow the Rangers Recipe for Resuscitation...

1. Pay players illegally by offering them healthy contracts with little tax coming off. While not a solution to the problem, it will create more on-field success by attracting better players.

In the event of (1) not creating enough revenue to pay bills...

2. Don't pay NI or PAYE contributions for as long as possible. Instead, use the money to pay players and for delaying the club going into administration. Fob off all suppliers for as long as possible. Try to sign more players, so long as paying in instalments is an option.

Eventually (1) and (2) become impractical, most likely when HMRC and creditors start to get a bit 'rumbly'. In that case...

3. Appoint a crony as an administrator and try to get a CVA through. Just make sure HMRC don't have more than 25% of what's owed! Also, get a business chum to set up a few companies, ideally a few years in advance of 'armageddon'...

Should HMRC be owed too much...

4. LIQUIDATE! Transfer all assets to your chum's company and change the name. Ask the SPL nicely to let you back in, debt free. If they look unlikely to accept, get the SFA and SPL to bully the SFL to accept you into the 1st Division.

Is there a moral to this story? Aye right. Though the one thing I find hardest to accept is that the commercial strength of the SPL is almost entirely built upon one club's insidious cheating at the expense of all others, and in order to sustain this mutant organisation, every single sporting principle of every club needs to be rammed where the sun don't shine, or else 'Financial Armageddon' will occur.

Which reminds me, there's a 4 Step Recipe for Resuscitation in those circumstances....

That scenario would be utterly bonkers, if it werent true :( It is a good point, though, are the governing bodies setting a dangerous precedent for any future insolvency events if the vote Rangers 3.0 into Division 1? How would they justify kicking St Mirren out, for example, and not making the same exception for them?

Im utterly astounded that their will be no vote today. The worrying thing about it is that it points, in my opinion, to the SPL clubs being prepared to vote Rangers 3.0 back in if they think (or as they would like, already know) that the SFL wont have them in the 1st Division.

If the SFL had any balls whatsoever then they would be refusing to hold a vote until the SPL do - which is only right and proper anyway, given that there isnt, technically, anything for them to vote on as Rangers 3.0, as far as we know havent actually applied to the SFL yet - but its obvious that Longmuir wants them in the 1st Division almost as much as cockwomble wants them in the SPL. Longmuir really isnt coming out of this looking any better than cockwomble, at the minute.

The SFA are, then, in the strange position of not really being able to do anything until Rangers 3.0 have actually been accepted to a league. I guess it would be possible for them to set a deadline for any application. Is that the only thing they could do to influence the process? Not that theyve shown any actual desire to do so.

We all thought this week would bring some more clarity on the situation and we could all move forward to next season. As it stands, all we've clarified is how inept the SPL are.

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Newco in the SPL.

Doncaster continues in his job.

Turnbull Hutton facing a disrepute charge.

Will somebody please tell me that none of this will happen?

I change my mind about the outcome frequently but yeah I think it will happen.

Also Newco will be able to transfer Rangers FC titles with the SFA waiving all penalties.

Soon Scottish Football will be back to normal with Rangers fans harking on about 54 titles, singing about the Billy Boys and signing overpaid players.

As long as Newco don't go into the SFL1 I'll go back to Firhill.

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