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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've said it before, the 40 non 'OF' clubs should get together and leave the bigoted 2 to there hate filled battlings, let Sky cover it for 6 months and drop them like a stone.

Scottish football and society doesn't need either of them, but as long as the clubs cower like a battered wife and let Traynor and his ilk tell us we'll die without them, we'll leave ourselves open for all kinds af abuse.

Bollox to them, bollox to Traynorites and bollox to Doncaster & Regan.

Just boycott the Record, he'll be off soon enough.

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Indicative of the current Celtic board? Do they want Sevco in the SPL, and the trophy count reduced? Lawwell and co have been extremely quiet over the whole issue so we just don't know what their opinion is.

Ric, Gilmour said last night, Lawell was fuming and had met Rangers. He would try everything possible to keep 11-1 vote and stranglehold on revenue. Reading between the lines, Celtic do want Sevco in SPL but cannot say so because their support would revolt.

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They would likely introduce a 14 or 16 team league to save them....

If the SFL chairmen manage to force a 16 team top tier (Belgian model) for season 2013/14, and kill off the SPL, I'd be prepared to lube up and let them in Div 1. Fcuk sporting integrity.

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A Sky insider said: “Three years without Rangers while they climb from the Third Division to the SPL would blow the whole deal out of the water.

“If Rangers are kicked out of the SPL, the longest Sky will wait for a return is a year.

“It’s not worth it commercially if it’s going to be longer than 12 months with no Old Firm games.

“Four Old Firm games a season is what Sky export around Britain and the world – that’s what they pay for.

“No Rangers equals no Sky, unless they’re back very soon.

“It’s not about an agenda against one side of the Old Firm, it’s business.”

Apart from the loathsome use of "a Sky insider", I am not sure if Sky now realise they can play a little hardball here (they have been suspiciously quiet up until now).

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I hope this vote doesnt get defered, im getting fed up of people not making a decision and passing it off to somebody else at any and every oppertunity. My only slight concern is that if it does get defered, the SFL will vote for Divison 3 and then i wouldnt be at all surprised if there was a U-turn from the SPL to keep them in.

Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan should get the bullet, both of them have balls the size of smarties and they should be told to GTF after the way they've handled this saga, smacks of incompetance and cowardise.

EDIT: i also see the scaremongering from the media has gone into overdrive aswell :rolleyes:

Edited by DavieCFC
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As we all know the sky money is the dealbreaker across the board here.

It's a shame that we don't know what their position is, only what the cockwomble is implying to us.

Saying that £17M will be lost to the game implies strongly that the sky money would dissapear completely, to this end I have sent the following email to sky complaints. I know it will have no effect, but if enough people do the same perhaps there may be a glimmer of hope that the situation could be made clearer:

Good Day,

I write to complain about sky's position regarding the on-going issues in Scottish Football. I know sky have not made any public statements to this effect, but Neil Doncaster (CEO of the SPL) is on record as saying that "17M would be lost if the new Rangers are admitted to Division 3". So this leaves only 2 scenarios. either:

a) Sky have told Neil that they will pull out of Scottish Football if the clubs do what 95% of football fans (including Rangers fans) think is right and admit new Rangers to division 3.


b) Neil Doncaster is publically using sky as a scapegoat for his ulterior motives, to try and force the clubs to admit new Rangers at a higher level than would be sportingly right.

If b) then sky could end the speculation at any point by making a public statement that you will not pull out of Scottish Football, even with Rangers in Div 3. This would end the threats that are being made to the smaller clubs in Scotland by SPL executives, and show your company up in an extremely good light.

If no statement is made, and Doncaster's threat of all TV money vanishing forces the hand of these small community clubs, then I will have to assume (as will many other Scottish sports fans) that a) is true and will cancel my sky package immediately.

If sky is threatening to pull money from Scottish Football to pervert the true course of justice, then I will have to withdraw any money I pay to sky. I know that many others will do the same, even if they have not currently made these intentions known.

Best regards,


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Ric, Gilmour said last night, Lawell was fuming and had met Rangers. He would try everything possible to keep 11-1 vote and stranglehold on revenue. Reading between the lines, Celtic do want Sevco in SPL but cannot say so because their support would revolt.

The problem is it's still "reading between the lines". It's clear Celtic need the duopoly to continue and their continued silence on the matter has only added weight to that fact.

The sad thing after all this is that all I am left with is a bad taste in my mouth, I genuinely don't care what happens to Sevco/Rangers or the SPL and in truth I now just don't care what happens to St Mirren. Football is a sport that I enjoy and the clubs can't take that away from me, but professional football in Scotland is a busted flush and it can whistle...

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With all these delays are the beaks at Scottish football just stealthily bringing in summer football for next season? Everything should be sorted for the start of the new summer season in March with any luck.

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The problem is it's still "reading between the lines". It's clear Celtic need the duopoly to continue and their continued silence on the matter has only added weight to that fact.

The sad thing after all this is that all I am left with is a bad taste in my mouth, I genuinely don't care what happens to Sevco/Rangers or the SPL and in truth I now just don't care what happens to St Mirren. Football is a sport that I enjoy and the clubs can't take that away from me, but professional football in Scotland is a busted flush and it can whistle...

One of Lawell's first statements when this whole saga begun was that Celtic do not need Rangers, he's making a rod for his own back if thats the case. Celtic supporters have not forgetten that. Believe you me, we will be as pissed off as the rest of you if Celtic were to say yes. I would like to hear something from the club now though, i felt the silence was justified at the start as there was nothing that could be said that was really make any difference in regards to the situation but now with all the stuff being said about Lawell, i think its best Celtic come out a clarify all this.

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A Sky insider said: “Three years without Rangers while they climb from the Third Division to the SPL would blow the whole deal out of the water.

“If Rangers are kicked out of the SPL, the longest Sky will wait for a return is a year.

“It’s not worth it commercially if it’s going to be longer than 12 months with no Old Firm games.

“Four Old Firm games a season is what Sky export around Britain and the world – that’s what they pay for.

“No Rangers equals no Sky, unless they’re back very soon.

“It’s not about an agenda against one side of the Old Firm, it’s business.”

Apart from the loathsome use of "a Sky insider", I am not sure if Sky now realise they can play a little hardball here (they have been suspiciously quiet up until now).

Spl sell the world wide rights separately IIRC?

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One of Lawell's first statements when this whole saga begun was that Celtic do not need Rangers, he's making a rod for his own back if thats the case. Celtic supporters have not forgetten that. Believe you me, we will be as pissed off as the rest of you if Celtic were to say yes. I would like to hear something from the club now though, i felt the silence was justified at the start as there was nothing that could be said that was really make any difference in regards to the situation but now with all the stuff being said about Lawell, i think its best Celtic come out a clarify all this.

You think Doncaster would come and say that pish if celtic were not in agreement. I doubt he cares what Aberdeen or hibs think or hearts.

You think he would disregard the opinion of Celtic of which he must know and is surely banking on.

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St mirren statement from last night makes it clear its not just sky that is the deal breaker. SG said that some sponsors will terminate, some will.renegotiate and some will carry on regardless. Clubs not allowed to name individual sponsors.

It seems crazy to me that even when.clubs are coming out and saying that their future is in very real danger still the fans won't listen.

"Sporting integrity" will mean f**k all when your response to rangers' cheating puts your club out of business while rangers still exist.

There has to be a balance between punishment and personal survival.

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In spite of some Chairmen wanting that badly, I just can't see it.

The backlash would be too extreme.

Not had the time to catch up on the last 20 pages, so this may have been dealt with, but posted this on B&W Army in response to last night's meeting where SG basically said it has to be SFL 1 or we're all doomed:

"Still can't believe people haven't noticed the emperor is naked.

It seems pretty clear that all the manoeuvring and lying is aimed at Sevco not being admitted to SFL1 but the SPL.

1. Doncaster releases a statement guaranteed to do one thing.... make sure the SFL clubs react the only way they could to it... ie, no to them entering at SFL1 level.

2. He then takes the same scare story, spun in a slightly different way, and gets the SPL chairmen to start panicking.

3. Ensures that the SPL vote gets postponed until its a clear choice for the SPL of letting Sevco jump straight in to the top division, or 'The World Ends' with them in SFL 3.

Points 1 and 2 seem to be coming along nicely.

Next week, the SFL chairmen will rightly not submit to blackmail, and vote SFL 3.

At the SPL meeting which follows, Sevco will be voted in to the SPL with the chairmen doing u-turns applauded by the very fans who would have balked at it even a week ago.

People think Doncaster is incompetent, but it looks to me like he's a genius. Next stop special advisor at No 10? "

This has been set up so that Sevco WILL be in the SPL, and the chairmen will look to have done the only thing possible.

I also later used a poor poker analogy:

"On reflection it might not actually be Doncaster that's behind this. Celtic have been almost totally silent publically on this, but I can't for a second imagine that they've not been working away behind the scenes to ensure their key business partners are kept just where they need them. Lawell seems a lot more capable of creating this scenario than Doncaster is.

Either way it looks like we're about to throw away our full house to the guy with a pair of twos."

The whole thing makes me sick.

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You think Doncaster would come and say that pish if celtic were not in agreement. I doubt he cares what Aberdeen or hibs think or hearts.

You think he would disregard the opinion of Celtic of which he must know and is surely banking on.

I don't believe anything thats comes out his mouth, the guy's full of shit imo.

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Just do a google search on the history of the swastika,the NAZI's used it as propaganda but means something else in other cultures..

I believe the Nazis subverted an ancient peace symbol (chinese?) by reversing it.

Pub quiz knowledge, haven't bothered to check if true.

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