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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Somebody did mention this a couple of pages ago (my apologies for not remembering who)...but can't we find a way to charge the SFA and SPL with bringing the game into disrepute?

If a player or manager even thinks of complaining about something they get charged.. Surely Doncaster and Regan have gone way beyond that?

Whoever suggests it will get a fine. blink.gif

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The SPL were clearly going to vote no after the fans made it clear that anything else was unacceptable.

What were they saying before the fans made the decision for them? What do you think they'd have done had the fans not made the decision for them?

Once more you continue to ignore the point I made and go off on a tangent. You claimed the SPL chairmen were voting on the Sevco being in the SPL or the 1st division. That's simply not true, they were voting on Sevco being in the SPL or not, and that is it, nothing more.

The SPL will throw more money and basically do anything to ensure it happens. The SPL chairmen knew that this is what was going to happen before they voted today.

Complete conjecture at best, utter bullshit at worst, I call closer to the latter unless you wish to provide some level of evidence of this. So far all you've done is bump your gums in what sounds like a bitter rant. Your premise makes absolutely no sense what so ever. Why vote to refuse the Sevco only to spend money on forcing it into SFL1? It simply doesn't make sense and smacks of conspiracy theory craziness.

Believe me that Rangers WILL be in Division 1 next year as things stand. It was decided long before the vote today - and that is the ONLY reason why the vote went as it did. Otherwise they'd have been voted in to the SPL.

I believe your tin foil hat is slightly squint.

Every single SPL club knows about this and is party to the decision.


Sorry, I hate to laugh, but your paranoid ramblings can only be answered sensibly for so long before I start to giggle.

I think SPL2 and Rangers in division1 is a cast iron certainty to be honest... wether you agree with it or not, and i amongst many others dont, the noises and soundbites sneaking out just tell you its been decided and f**k all our opinions.

Initially the opinion was that Rangers would somehow get a CVA, then Sevco would somehow get in the SPL, now as the line in the sand is re-drawn Sevco is somehow going to be rolled into SPL2.

Somebody did mention this a couple of pages ago (my apologies for not remembering who)...but can't we find a way to charge the SFA and SPL with bringing the game into disrepute?

If a player or manager even thinks of complaining about something they get charged.. Surely Doncaster and Regan have gone way beyond that?

Oh, you'd think wouldn't you. Considering both sides of the OF were slagging the SPL off when they were looking to exit the SPL the rules regarding bringing the game into disrepute (which certainly covered their comments) seemed to be forgotten.

Edited by Ric
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I just listened to both yesterdays podcasts :blink: wow and wow and WOW.

All I can add is this in response to if the newco gets voted against joining the SFL on the 12th of July is the SFA running around like below.


And a little bit of this


And Turnbull doing something like this if the SFA decide to veto and insert the newco into the 1st division anyways


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I still think as this whole thing moves on we're still being hoodwinked by those in charge.

I thought the SPL said TCFK as Rangers had a case to answer over dual contracts?

Surely then the SFA must have questions over registrations for the Cups for that period?

Why are the two bodies that have to punish the newco over that being the ones to publicly tout the newco for as high a league as possible?

Where's UEFA's inquiry into Europa League/Champions League registrations over that period, didn't Rangers make it to a final in that period, screwing over at least 10 other European clubs to a lucrative pay day, a chance of silverware or at very least a sporting chance to play on a level playing field?

At least 10 years of cheating has potentially gone on in our league system. This wasn't just one or two games, or an administrative cock up, this was blatant cheating by a club who given their size shouldn't even have to cheat at all.

Why are they being allowed to apply to SFL3? They don't have a full team, no idea over whether or not they can fulfill fixtures, oh and let's not forget that they f***ed over any team that has faced them in a cup or league since around 1998.

The only reasonable thing to do at this point is expulsion. At least 10 years of cheating is almost unheard of, the Swiss FA got their a*se felt when Sion cheated for one year and took UEFA to court. The Italian league nearly lost it's head when it was discovered one season had been rigged. Rangers rigged ours for many years and Regan has the balls to tout Rangers for SFL1???

Get Regan and Cockwomble to f*** along with Rangers and let's actually get some fans or at the very least a person with a pair between their legs (i.e Cosgrove) to help run this game at the highest level. Not just because we want it but because it's the only way our game can actually continue after this whole sordid affair.

TL;DR - TCFK as Rangers are c*nts, as are Regan and Cockwomble. Newco shouldn't be in SFL3, they should be left to whoever will have the cheating sc*m and Regan and Cockwomble should be on the dole.

Edited by double0pie
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I still think as this whole thing moves on we're still being hoodwinked by those in charge.

I thought the SPL said TCFK as Rangers had a case to answer over dual contracts?

Surely then the SFA must have questions over registrations for the Cups for that period?

Why are the two bodies that have to punish the newco over that being the ones to publicly tout the newco for as high a league as possible?

Where's UEFA's inquiry into Europa League/Champions League registrations over that period, didn't Rangers make it to a final in that period, screwing over at least 10 other European clubs to a lucrative pay day, a chance of silverware or at very least a sporting chance to play on a level playing field?

At least 10 years of cheating has potentially gone on in our league system. This wasn't just one or two games, or an administrative cock up, this was blatant cheating by a club who given their size shouldn't even have to cheat at all.

Why are they being allowed to apply to SFL3? They don't have a full team, no idea over whether or not they can fulfill fixtures, oh and let's not forget that they f***ed over any team that has faced them in a cup or league since around 1998.

The only reasonable thing to do at this point is expulsion. At least 10 years of cheating is almost unheard of, the Swiss FA got their a*se felt when Sion cheated for one year and took UEFA to court. The Italian league nearly lost it's head when it was discovered one season had been rigged. Rangers rigged ours for many years and Regan has the balls to tout Rangers for SFL1???

Get Regan and Cockwomble to f*** along with Rangers and let's actually get some fans or at the very least a person with a pair between their legs (i.e Cosgrove) to help run this game at the highest level. Not just because we want it but because it's the only way our game can actually continue after this whole sordid affair.

TL;DR - TCFK as Rangers are c*nts, as are Regan and Cockwomble. Newco shouldn't be in SFL3, they should be left to whoever will have the cheating sc*m and Regan and Cockwomble should be on the dole.

100% spot on. All these newco fans spouting we'll go down to SFL3 take wir punishment and we'll be back, they don't deserve a place anywhere in the SFL. How many of their supporters lost £100,s of shares in the club, yet they are just accepting that ? More fool them.

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SPL2 - Best joke yet.

Doncaster & Regan ( Cagney & Lacey / Cockwomble & Fannyfraggle - whatever we call them). Have led the SPL/SFA to one vote through a mirade of bollox and lies taking weeks over one club. How long to get agreement of another organisation (SFL) regarding multiple resignations and new league structures. They have 4weeks. It is impossible even with competent leadership

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Had another listen to the Sportsound Podcast during the night there. It seems churlish, but I'd take issue with what Sir Cosgrove said about Green after his performance on the Hampden steps. The only reason he sounded reticent, humble, call it what you will, is because he had a statement in front of him (which was probably drafted days ago). Had Charles Green opened his mooth and let his belly rumble, which has been pretty much his default setting since he arrived, I'm sure he wouldn't have sounded so concillitary (sp?).

With regards Regan - I can only assume that he came out with his ramblings at some Mount Florida taverna, blootered out his skull, shortly after the meeting broke up. If he hasn't resigned by teatime I'll be mystified.

Edited by mozam76
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Why is it every time some in 'authority' says something some people on here go running scared?

Regan can do nothing on his own, he is answerable to the SFA Board.

The SFA Board is answerable to the Scottish football clubs.

The Scottish football clubs must pay attention to their fans, we have already shown them this.

Whether you're an SPL or SFL supporter get on to your club, tell them no more pressure or threats to the SFL or the boycotts are back on.

E-mail the SFA and tell them you will boycott the national team.

We as fans have gained too much in recent weeks to let an arsehole like Regan try to take it from us.

Edited by Granny Danger
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I love how when Rangers (and Celtic) were wanting to go to England and ply their trade they were saying that it would be good for the rest of the SPL clubs and how they could now all challenge for the title and all the cups etc and that they would all be fine but now that they haven't been allowed to play in the SPL they are all saying that the whole league is fucked without them and they're gonna die a slow death.

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I'm not, although technically at present it isn't our problem, I was merely pointing out that your assertions regarding the SPL vote being a sham was misplaced.

However I think it's clear from my posts that Regan's comments are at the very best worrying and at worst shameful and should result in his immediate dismissal.

Regan is the hired help, one would have to imagine that the tenor of his comments had been discussed and approved by his masters.

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"Without Rangers, there is social unrest and a big problem for Scottish society," claimed Regan. "They have a huge fan base and to contemplate the situation where those fans don't have a team to support, where those fans are effectively left without a game to follow, I just think that could lead to all sorts of issues, all sorts of problems for the game.

"Tribalism in football is really important. It is part of the game. People follow their clubs with pride, it is passed down from generation to generation. There are thousands of Rangers fans whose fathers and parents and grandfathers have been Rangers fans. You can't contemplate a situation without that and if Rangers weren't to exist that could have real dire consequences.


If this guy wasn't chief executive of the sfa this would be quite funny......

Talkshit doing what they say on the tin. Paraphrasing , I don't know anything about Scottish football so this is what should happen......

I'm seriously getting bored of the whole clusterfuck. I'm not far from giving up on the Scottish game.

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