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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wee Murdo is right, though. I don't know how I'll cope with the boredom of knowing that Celtic will win the SPL title next season. It was so much more exciting when it was between Rangers and Celtic.

I already long for the days when I would sit by my wireless radiogram awaiting the results of the Glasgow giants' respective results. Quite how I will fill the void in my life that will be left when only Celtic feature is something I can scarcely bring myself to contemplate. Self-harm most likely.

Perhaps we'll have no option but to manufacturer a collective interest in who finishes second in the league, as opposed to third. It'll be tough Murdo, and we will no doubt lose some brave campaigners along the way. Stay with us in our hour of need, we beg you!

Murdo MacLeod is a fucking tit, he's another one whose 'insight' into the Scottish game wouldn't be missed.

Edit:- Not sure if already posted, Douglas Rae response to Doncaster / Regan blackmail & lies.


Surely someone must be calling a taxi for Regan now! :o

Edited by Granny Danger
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I got a bank charge the other day, was my fault you know. See I completely messed up my budget but now I guess I'll have to pay the fine and just get on with it. Shame I'm not a football club then I could just blame Rangers...

I know what you're thinking, here's another bear with a chip on his shoulder. Well it's not true. Rangers messed up monumentally, they stiffed the tax man (strange how many denizens of parkhead suddenly care about the queens bank balance) they stiffed other football clubs they stiffed small businesses and they eventually went down in a blaze of arrogance one news of the world phone hacker was said to have described as "a bit dis-tasteful".

Since February everybody's had their pound of flesh and oh boy what a party it's been. In the beginning it was fair and the criticism which flowed was justified but fuelled by lashings of pent up anger / jealously / self-righteousness all and sundry have had their say, one hundred years of hatred and envy has poured forth. No critisim is too much, no ancient slight or percived controversial loss has been left un-avenged and truly the mob has spoken. Rangers must be punished. Then again. then again. then again. Repeat until bored.

Sporting integrity is the new black (or should I say Japanese tour grey...). That fantastic little phrase © Lawwell '08 has made a comeback in a major way. Rangers we are told must not be allowed to darken the SPL's hallowed turf / sand again; they must be cast asunder and taught a lesson. And do you know what? I agree; we knew the rules because we bloody helped make them. We were part of the cabal and ran it arrogantly for our own means for far too long forgetting that one day even the mighty might just need a friend. We built a castle on sand and when it collapsed we should pay the price, no bailout for "the establishment".

But now the pygmies have spoken. Every no mark supporters group has had their say and "people power" has rescued the Scottish game, for after all what is the SPL without its integrity? Well pretty much the same as it is now. It's a flawed broken product were teams can play 18, 19 or 20 games home or away each season. Where Falkirk can't get in with a new ground being built but Gretna can swan in and ground share a swimming pool. Where special dispensation cannot be given to clubs to solve a fixture crisis but can Gretna can play Celtic at Almond vale. Where chairman speak of punishing Rangers for their fiscal failures while presiding over £33 million of debt.

But with those big nasty bigots from Govan the spl is going to thrive. Blue chip sponsors will rush to buy into the new super competitive league were any one of half a dozen teams can come second to Celtic! Sky will no doubt cancel super Sunday to broadcast Dundee vs. Ross County from a packed Dens park as families have picnics outside the new sectarian free grounds of the spl. Everybody will hold hands and sing when hopefully in a few years Rangers will gain a place in this footballing Utopia. Maybe that day will coincide with Rooney signing on at Aberdeen citing "pure financial greed" as the motivation for his move to the best league in the world?

I'd at least have respect for any fans group who simply said "yeah we just want to stick it to the Rangers" instead of hiding behind clichéd phrases. But what of this sporting integrity? Surely it should be followed through to the last and most Rangers fans agree. Apparently we only want to go to the third division to see others in financial trouble, it's awfully good when people tell you what you are thinking isn't it? For me and many others that is not the case, we want to go to the third division to start again, to build anew. We want to build bridges and if not forget the past then at least be given a chance to put it behind us. We have been punished more severely than others already (just how many points did Motherwell get docked?), but for some no punishment is enough. The twitching corpse must be flogged until it bleeds no more.

We do not want any parachute into the first division and it is being forced upon us by the self-same chairmen who proclaimed that sporting integrity has no price. Well apparently it does and its roughly £1 million a year plus play offs. But again this isn't the case, it's all being done to help the Rangers, the hibs fans know this for a fact. Perhaps one of them should ask their chairman why he's the main architect of the plan.

Scottish football is in a dire state but nobody really seems to care, its all Rangers fault anyway. The reformation of the game should not be tacked onto the demise and rehabilitation of rangers. It is an issue in its own right and a far more important issue at that. There will hopefully always be Rangers, a St Mirren, Kilmarnock and Dundee united too. Scotland's needs football, healthy competitive football because its woven into the very fabric of our society.

Right now the baws burst but instead of fixing the puncture people are hell bent on picking the seam...

Typical arrogant pish!

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I am the first to admit that I am sometimes a little bit behind when it comes to topical issues. On that note, how's the Scottish Cup campaign coming along. :rolleyes:

(Awaits response to 'little behind' comment). :lol:

Tsk, tsk.....such a low blow. The equivelant of giving a fish supper to a blind guy's guide dog when they're half way over a zebra cossing.

Anyhoo, by the time Hibs win the thing, I'll be dust.

That is assuming Scottish football gets through the current crisis. :(

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Wee Murdo is right, though. I don't know how I'll cope with the boredom of knowing that Celtic will win the SPL title next season. It was so much more exciting when it was between Rangers and Celtic.

I already long for the days when I would sit by my wireless radiogram awaiting the results of the Glasgow giants' respective results. Quite how I will fill the void in my life that will be left when only Celtic feature is something I can scarcely bring myself to contemplate. Self-harm most likely.

Perhaps we'll have no option but to manufacturer a collective interest in who finishes second in the league, as opposed to third. It'll be tough Murdo, and we will no doubt lose some brave campaigners along the way. Stay with us in our hour of need, we beg you!

Murdo says it'll be dull as dishwater with one half of the gruesome twosome missing in action, presumed dead? On the contrary. Rangers misfortune has already provided Motherwell with the opportunity to participate in the Champions League, and I wlll have absolutely no problem cheering them on, and hoping they do the business.... so, that's already far more interesting than the usual OF duopoly pish. Motherwell in the Champions League is new, and interesting, and different.

Secondly, this will undoubtably give Hearts a kick in the arse to provide a genuine challenge. Not saying they'll manage it, but they'll surely be trying. That's more interesting than deciding if it'll be Celtic-Rangers, or Rangers-Celtic this season.

Thirdly, Rangers Monty Python dead parrot impersonation may well see Ross County and Dundee in the SPL. I can therefore look forward to seeing two different clubs come to Paisley, which will freshen up the SPL grind of playing the same opponents over, and over, and over again. If a Dundee derby was on Sky - I'd get the beer and crisps in, and tune in. So, that's more interesting.

What Murdo really means is that it will be boring for Old Firm media arsewipes who will need to extract their heads from their own behinds and think of something to talk about that doesn't involve 'Ally set to move for Real Betis midfield star', or 'Kris Commons says this could be Celtic's year'.


Edited by pozbaird
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Tsk, tsk.....such a low blow. The equivelant of giving a fish supper to a blind guy's guide dog when they're half way over a zebra cossing.

Anyhoo, by the time Hibs win the thing, I'll be dust.

That is assuming Scottish football gets through the current crisis. :(

Done that; it's quite funny but also a bit messy.

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Interesting line at the bottom of the article, yes it's possible but any new club to the league WOULD NEED TO START AT THE BOTTOM.

It's all pretty far fetched though but something those idiots that run the game here should take note of, Rangers or Newco would disappear to England given half a chance, I hope it happens, then what would Regan, Doncaster et al do ? That would just be too funny.

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Murdo MacLeod is a fucking tit, he's another one whose 'insight' into the Scottish game wouldn't be missed.

Surely someone must be calling a taxi for Regan now! :o

It's Murdo McLeod's insight 'as told to Hugh Keevins'.

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Wee Murdo is right, though. I don't know how I'll cope with the boredom of knowing that Celtic will win the SPL title next season. It was so much more exciting when it was between Rangers and Celtic.

I already long for the days when I would sit by my wireless radiogram awaiting the results of the Glasgow giants' respective results. Quite how I will fill the void in my life that will be left when only Celtic feature is something I can scarcely bring myself to contemplate. Self-harm most likely.

Perhaps we'll have no option but to manufacturer a collective interest in who finishes second in the league, as opposed to third. It'll be tough Murdo, and we will no doubt lose some brave campaigners along the way. Stay with us in our hour of need, we beg you!

Exactly, but it's something they simply and I think genuinely, don't get.

Whether it happens to be Celtic or Rangers who win it in a given year, matters not a jot to fans of anyone outside the pair of them.

They really struggle with the idea that for us, a one horse race carries absolutely no less interest than the traditional 2 horse race.

Indeed, as Pozbaird explains, it's actually a little better having only one big monster. They really don't believe that anyone could see it this way though.

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As each day passes, I become more and more concerned that there hasn't been a statement on our official website confirming that Steve Brown hasn't been involved in the blackmailing of the SFL clubs.

Of course, my opinions may clash with the 'diehard' element of the WeArePerth forum who claim 'Saints ALWAYS first', accusing people like me of just making excuses for not wanting to attend matches, clearly believing themselves to be 'better' supporters in the process. This type of attitude is all too familiar on that forum nowadays and it's a crying shame.

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Why are teams scared of losing the £60k? Surely if Sevco were in SFL 3 these clubs would get a few paydays, then SFL2 etc. The only clubs that would miss out would be those going the opposite way at the end of the season?

Given the amount of public 'No's' so far by the clubs there's only the need for a couple more to ensure that the SFA/ SFL board need to completely bend over to get them in SLF1...and that would kill the lower leagues - not Sevco in SFL3.

The only thing I can try and get my head round is that various parties have been told that Sevco would go straight back into admin if in SFL3 due to the Ibrox running costs....but again that shouldn't be a factor to anyone else.

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As each day passes, I become more and more concerned that there hasn't been a statement on our official website confirming that Steve Brown hasn't been involved in the blackmailing of the SFL clubs.

Of course, my opinions may clash with the 'diehard' element of the WeArePerth forum who claim 'Saints ALWAYS first', accusing people like me of just making excuses for not wanting to attend matches, clearly believing themselves to be 'better' supporters in the process. This type of attitude is all too familiar on that forum nowadays and it's a crying shame.


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As each day passes, I become more and more concerned that there hasn't been a statement on our official website confirming that Steve Brown hasn't been involved in the blackmailing of the SFL clubs.

Of course, my opinions may clash with the 'diehard' element of the WeArePerth forum who claim 'Saints ALWAYS first', accusing people like me of just making excuses for not wanting to attend matches, clearly believing themselves to be 'better' supporters in the process. This type of attitude is all too familiar on that forum nowadays and it's a crying shame.

I'm torn two ways on this. On the one hand I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there was some conspiracy involving the SPL clubs. On the other hand I can understand why these guys may just want to keep their heads down.

We, the fans, created the situation where the SPL clubs had to vote NO. Maybe the chairmen feel that whatever statements they make there will just be more pressure to make yet another statement. I think if anything happens where there is even a suggestion of collusion by the SPL clubs then there will be an almighty reaction to it.

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