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Kelty Hearts v Rangers - Stefan Winiarski Testimonial

10% of the gate goes to the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund.

Will this be their only pre-season friendly?

Not quite, they have a glittering friendly v Albion Rovers to look forward too behind closed doors at Murray Park. Be a good test for sevco playing a big team fae the 2nd div. A chance to be a giant killer.

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So we know that the proposal in its current guise hasn't got a chance of parachuting Ragers into Div One.

My question is what happens on Friday? Is it the case that the horse trading happens at the meeting following a "No" vote, or is it the case that Ragers will be placed in either of the divisions at that point?

Clearly time is marching on re: season start. They can't in my view, afford to pend a decision for another week or so.

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So we know that the proposal in its current guise hasn't got a chance of parachuting Ragers into Div One.

My question is what happens on Friday? Is it the case that the horse trading happens at the meeting following a "No" vote, or is it the case that Ragers will be placed in either of the divisions at that point?

Clearly time is marching on re: season start. They can't in my view, afford to pend a decision for another week or so.

We clearly need a decision on Friday. No excuses. Sevco need to know what hotel to book for the team's pre-match stay.

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I'm genuinely not being negative and I trust the SFL clubs will not vote for the zombie club to get into the first division..........however, you can bet your life that the SFA will ride roughshod over any decision and put them where they want ie first division 'for the good of the game':(

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We clearly need a decision on Friday. No excuses. Sevco need to know what hotel to book for the team's pre-match stay.

I know the thing about Rangers staying in hotels at other teams' expense has been bandied about. I was looking at the SPL rules today and the only reference was in relation to 'morning kick-offs' that necessitated an overnight stay.

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i take your points on board, actual "punishments" in the form of a governing body etc dishing things out have not amounted to much as of now. perhaps a more accurate phrase would have been "just leave us alone now". rangers fans such as myself have been through enough. our club just wants to start again in the third division and build up but we are getting used by everybody to score points. what would be the point in placing a hamstrung rangers in div1? the way i see it we would struggle right now just to stay in that division.

what i was trying to get across is that everyone is obsessed with having a go at rangers, looking backward instead of forward. call us what you want from now on i really dont care, if the next trophy we win is our 1st, 51, or 101st it'll still mean the same to me, look at afc wimbledon. but eventually everybody has to let us get on with trying to win that cup.

if other clubs hadnt ran up so much debt the rangers issue would have been dealt with in five minutes just like grenta etc. but it cant be because other chairmen have build thier business model on living off the back of the old firm and that IS NOT rangers fault. that point seems to be lost on everybody that your own chairmens incompetance has contributed to this shambles and blaming rangers for that might make you feel better for a while but if we do get punted into division three alot of clubs will have to face up to the stark reality that thier own books dont balance.

people in glass houses and aw that....

I note from my many forays onto RM and FF taht fans of TCFKAR seem to be obsessed with the word 'obsessed'.

They imply that other fans have an unhealthy interest in TCFKAR. I don't think tht's fair.

This is the biggest scandal ever to hit Scottish football and it is only right that all fans take an interest.

In fact, I don't think ENOUGH fand are actively getting involved.

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I'm genuinely not being negative and I trust the SFL clubs will not vote for the zombie club to get into the first division..........however, you can bet your life that the SFA will ride roughshod over any decision and put them where they want ie first division 'for the good of the game':(

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I know the thing about Rangers staying in hotels at other teams' expense has been bandied about. I was looking at the SPL rules today and the only reference was in relation to 'morning kick-offs' that necessitated an overnight stay.

Ach well. Here's some words of advice for Charlie Green ahead of any future morning kick-offs that his Works XI might face.... 'Everything's Premier, except the price'.

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Iv said that all along fife saint. If u look at the size of the task they have to get a team in place etc against the time frame they have it makes it very difficult if not nearing the impossible. Hopefully this is the case and they can be remembered in 50 years in the same way 3rd lanark are.

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I know the thing about Rangers staying in hotels at other teams' expense has been bandied about. I was looking at the SPL rules today and the only reference was in relation to 'morning kick-offs' that necessitated an overnight stay.

I'm sure the SFL will introduce a ruling to help out skint teams that have to travel by bike. :D

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The reason this is being delayed is because the SFA/SPL are fighting so hard to get sevco into division one. I am ever more optimistic that if they were to be playing in division one, they'd be there by now. On the other hand... it could be (although I highly doubt it) that they want the decision to have sevco in division one as late as possible so as to protect season ticket sales across the divisions.

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The reason this is being delayed is because the SFA/SPL are fighting so hard to get sevco into division one. I am ever more optimistic that if they were to be playing in division one, they'd be there by now. On the other hand... it could be (although I highly doubt it) that they want the decision to have sevco in division one as late as possible so as to protect season ticket sales across the divisions.

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We clearly need a decision on Friday. No excuses. Sevco need to know what hotel to book for the team's pre-match stay.

They are playing Kelty Hearts soon, guess they will be on google checking out the B&B's around there

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i take your points on board, actual "punishments" in the form of a governing body etc dishing things out have not amounted to much as of now. perhaps a more accurate phrase would have been "just leave us alone now". rangers fans such as myself have been through enough. our club just wants to start again in the third division and build up but we are getting used by everybody to score points. what would be the point in placing a hamstrung rangers in div1? the way i see it we would struggle right now just to stay in that division.

what i was trying to get across is that everyone is obsessed with having a go at rangers, looking backward instead of forward. call us what you want from now on i really dont care, if the next trophy we win is our 1st, 51, or 101st it'll still mean the same to me, look at afc wimbledon. but eventually everybody has to let us get on with trying to win that cup.

if other clubs hadnt ran up so much debt the rangers issue would have been dealt with in five minutes just like grenta etc. but it cant be because other chairmen have build thier business model on living off the back of the old firm and that IS NOT rangers fault. that point seems to be lost on everybody that your own chairmens incompetance has contributed to this shambles and blaming rangers for that might make you feel better for a while but if we do get punted into division three alot of clubs will have to face up to the stark reality that thier own books dont balance.

people in glass houses and aw that....

You make a few good points there. I appreciate the feeling of Rangers fans is that they have been punished enough and what else could be done to them. The fact that they will not be involved in a title race for the short to medium term is a huge punishment to the real, honest, footballing Rangers fans.

However, the only way that the past can be left alone is for Newco Rangers to formally accept they are a new entity, start from scratch and apply for entry to Division 3. A clean fresh start to be assessed against other clubs for the worth they could bring to the league. There is nothing wrong with there being an association with the previous entity in terms of playing at Ibrox, wearing blue, loving the Queen however the trophy count starts at 0 and the club is clearly distinguished from it's previous carnation.

If Rangers fans are unwilling to accept this then I'm sorry but the punishments have only just begun!

The point you make about other clubs business models is spot on. If these are based around support required from other clubs then they deserve to fail too. For football to remain credible there has to be competition and clubs must be self suffiicient. If a club like Kilmarnock can only survive with Rangers in the league then if Rangers fail so must Killie.

Rangers failing so spectacularly shows that the current SPL model doesn't work. Time to plan for a different future as opposed to propping up the failed model of the past.

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