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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'm beginning to think that regardless what the proposals on offer are on Friday, and the subsequent vote, the only sane outcome should be a 11 team SPL with one team idle every week for season 2012/2013 and status quo for the 3 SFL leagues.

As the Clyde statement correctly points out- how can any SFL club be expected to admit an entity to the SFL (in whatever division) with zero information on the entity's assets and ability to fulfil it's fixtures? League reconstruction should not be implemented at a couple of days notice and without proper deliberation and agreement of all relevant bodies.

This outcome would allow 10 months for SevCo to get it's act together and submit a proper application to join SFL and also for the proper winding up of Old Rangers and the conclusion of any subsequent court actions against them and previous directors, Duff and Duffer, HMRC etc.

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At this rate Doncaster & Co will be scouring the darker parts of Glasgow on Thursday night rounding up hookers as a last resort.

"Vote Sevco into the 1st and we'll offer a top 14 with maybe some promotion into it once in a while, plus head from one of these lovely ladies."

Might need to have an alternative for our rep, though.

Similar to the manner in which Ayr are trying to sell their new strips!!!;)

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I'm beginning to think that regardless what the proposals on offer are on Friday, and the subsequent vote, the only sane outcome should be a 11 team SPL with one team idle every week for season 2012/2013 and status quo for the 3 SFL leagues.

As the Clyde statement correctly points out- how can any SFL club be expected to admit an entity to the SFL (in whatever division) with zero information on the entity's assets and ability to fulfil it's fixtures? League reconstruction should not be implemented at a couple of days notice and without proper deliberation and agreement of all relevant bodies.

This outcome would allow 10 months for SevCo to get it's act together and submit a proper application to join SFL and also for the proper winding up of Old Rangers and the conclusion of any subsequent court actions against them and previous directors, Duff and Duffer, HMRC etc.

it's a fucking dug's dinner. A Newco free SFL is the way forward.

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I'm quite confident that the vast majority of SFL boards will not sell out so cheaply. As I posted pages and pages ago, if the SFL clubs come back with lots of desirable bangles and voting parity with Newco in the 1st, I'd be easily swayed, I know we might be able to get everything with Newco in the 3rd but I know we will get it with Newco in the 1st, as long as the diddies are strong that is.

The low churn rate of the SPL is worse than the numbers of clubs IMHO.

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Similar to the manner in which Ayr are trying to sell their new strips!!!;)

The Bodog man's got more marketing and self promoting abilities than all the blazers put together.

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Sevco Press Release : We don't plan to pursue the use of goal-line technology in the forseeable future as we have been reliably informed that it won't work as long as we have to use "jaikets fur goalposts":P

Sevco know fine well that in any event they can always have the goalposts moved in their favour. wink.gif

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The only clubs that will be attracted by this new 'offer' are those that were already sitting on the fence looking for an excuse to jump in one particular direction. The problem with Regan and Doncaster is that they share the same low opinion of SFL club chairman that Craig Burley has; they think that they are fools and non-entities. The more concerning thing is that Longmuir, their own league's chief executive, also seems to share this view.

I'm still sure the vote will go the right way on Friday, but I am disgusted by the SPL club chairman who must have been a party to any deal offering an expanded SPL. It's disgraceful that a few months ago when football fans were arguing for an expanded SPL we were told it wasn't practical. Now the authorities are looking for a berth for a newco based on a very discredited oldco somehow the whole thing can work.

f**k the people who are tainting Scottish football for their own narrow aims.

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I admire your optimism, I really do. However, I think it was on sportsound last week that someone said that the votes and wishes of the people could very well just be ignored completely and newco forced into div 1. Whats to stop them?

As far as I can gather, a LOT of the dust seems to have settled in the minds of fans. Sadly, there are far too many supporters stating "I cant give up seeing my team", more than a few weeks ago. The governing bodies know this. I hope I'm wrong.

I was thinking something similar I have to admit. The "no to sevco in the SPL" part of it was seen as a major victory for supporters (and it was) but I sense that a lot of heat has gone out of the situation amongst SPL fans especially and there does not seem to be the same pressure on now that the decision is with the SFL. Anecdotally, most football fans that I know personally just want an end to this and a final decision so that we can get on with the new season and I hope this "Sevco Fatigue" doesn't allow them to be dropped into the 1st division with only token resistance. I am still 100% of the view that now that Sevco need to start in the SFL, they are treated as any other applicant and we move on and deal with the consequences - but I can see the grubby compromise coming soon dry.gif

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I'm beginning to think that regardless what the proposals on offer are on Friday, and the subsequent vote, the only sane outcome should be a 11 team SPL with one team idle every week for season 2012/2013 and status quo for the 3 SFL leagues.

As the Clyde statement correctly points out- how can any SFL club be expected to admit an entity to the SFL (in whatever division) with zero information on the entity's assets and ability to fulfil it's fixtures? League reconstruction should not be implemented at a couple of days notice and without proper deliberation and agreement of all relevant bodies.

This outcome would allow 10 months for SevCo to get it's act together and submit a proper application to join SFL and also for the proper winding up of Old Rangers and the conclusion of any subsequent court actions against them and previous directors, Duff and Duffer, HMRC etc.

What advantage does an 11 team league have over, say, Dundee stepping up ? Sevco can get itself sorted over the next year and apply to join Div 3 next year. If, in the meantime, the SFL has given the vacancy to, say, Spartans then Sevco join the queue waiting for admission. Pimples

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The Bodog man's got more marketing and self promoting abilities than all the blazers put together.

New Scottish football fun competition for all fans: Spot the tits. This photograph shows some cleverly disguised tits. Simply mark two red 'Xs' where you think the biggest tits are.

£2 per entry. All monies raised will be donated to the Sevco Works XI Div 1 or DIE Fighting Fund.


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Guest Flash

If the proposal is only for a 14 team top flight why would any team outwith SFL1 vote for it? I still reckon it'll go the 'right' way on Friday

Unless they change the stadium criteria as well, this proposal would potentially only benefit 7 of the voting clubs in the First and 2 in the other divisions (Airdrie & Queen's Park).

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Sorry on phone. Longmuir interview was on stv site.



Interesting quote below the video:

One proposal being examined is the expansion of the SPL to 14 teams for the 2013/14 season.

Longmuir added: "There are a number of options being looked at which involve the restructuring of the league. It's part of a mix, there are others as well that we are looking at.

"Let's be under no illusions. What we are trying to do here is to take Scottish football forward, and to take it forward in a way that excites fans, interests fans, keep clubs viable and doesn't lose fans to the game.

"That's our important mission and that involves a number of scenarios regarding bigger leagues, play-offs, better governance, better distribution of finance throughout the game and that is something worth going for."

EDIT: This is very confusing. Longmuir makes it clear the detail of the plan is being finalised. He confirms the SPL clubs are looking at it like SFL are. But they're looking at it on Monday, after SFL has!!

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Albion Rovers chairman has released an ambigious statement stating that, without the 'derby' against Airdrie next season, the club stand to lose 8% of their overall income. They say they are still weighing up the decision, but normally this would be a no.

On the fence, arguments either way for which way they're likely to go I'd say. I'd say they're a probable yes if there vote would allow Rangers into division 1, but will vote no if if their vote is a likely dead rubber.

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