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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As it looks increasingly likely that the SFL clubs will vote to have the newco in SFL3, I wonder what impact this is having on the odds of the SPL performing the most ignominious volte-face in the history of football. I sense the odds are shortening with each SFL club announcement.

Does anyone genuinely believe that the newco could still get a berth in the SPL for next season? I can scarcely contemplate that such a thing is remotely possible, but something continues to niggle, nevertheless.

Don't get me wrong, my knickers aren't wringing over this. If the unthinkable does happen, then I'll have a wry grin to myself, and look forward to Saturday afternoons (and Tuesday evenings etc.) doing anything other than attending a football match. Such an abomination of an outcome would actually make my decision to chuck it for good very straightforward indeed, and relatively painless, as it happens.

Could this yet be the outcome? Frankly, I wouldn't bet against it.

Edited by Drooper
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If only there was a Scottish branch of Supporters direct that didnt have to deal with Kettering/Darlo/everyone else madness and which could instead concentrate on Scottish matters. If only said organisation had a head who had started this week and who was looking to make his mark, If only said new head had said something like - "It is a real privilege to be given this opportunity to help represent the interests of sport's most important stakeholders. This is a crucial time in Scottish football. I firmly believe that now more than ever, the voice of the fans should be heard loud and clear and Supporters Direct Scotland will be pivotal in making sure the opinions of fans are influential."



Am I right in saying Goodwin's predecessor at Supporters Direct was James Proctor... who took a job at the SFA?

From a few whispers I have haerd it may also have led to Derek Weir's resignation from the SPL board.


Why the f**k are they giving MacPherson airtime? He was laughably annihilated by Cosgrove for being so out of touch.

Are they running out of apologists?

You get the feeling Archie thinks people look at him as a "respected father-figure".

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I defended Archie on Off the Ball, but that was pathetic. Malice is not motivating SFL clubs, most of whom have nothing but positive recent interaction with Rangers-That-Was (a massive cash boost from cup runs for most of those below the First0. Gordon Smith and that fud with the speech impediment were little better.

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Its scary that Gordon Smith held the position he did in the SFA. He says "this is a great institution" and seemed to have a go at lower league clubs by saying the smaller clubs "who have no ambition to even be higher in the leagues" get to vote on a "massive institution". Go f**k yourself and your wig is fooling nobody. Tit.

Edited by Cameron1875
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Auld Archie = dignity personified.

Just naw. He's an auld boy that's been wheeled out the golf club for a last hurrah, and he's wittering on about the real motivations of diddy fans. Lost the plot.

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As expected, Thommo was shouted down by hairpiece and Smit; but remained the only sane voice in the whole debate. Who was that wee fud journalist spinning his scare stories. He must have been a Tarrier(?).

Message to Gordon Smith in response to his quote "Rangers have lot to offer Scottish Football" - RANGERS ARE DEAD, SO STOP REFERRING TO THEM AS IF THEY'RE STILL ALIVE. AND SEVCO 5088 HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER SCOTTISH FOOTBALL.

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He's a bit of a dick to be fair. Not going to read all that, sorry. If he's wanting rid of Regan, isn't that what most other fans want too?

It is more the reasons for wanting him gone......... Fatty thinks he has done nothing but damage Rangers since Feb, compared to everybody else wanting him gone for all the bummery he is doing to protect newcorpse.

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a reasonable post for a rangers fan, and especially for anyone at 0109 in the morning...but...

I got a bank charge the other day, was my fault you know. See I completely messed up my budget but now I guess I'll have to pay the fine and just get on with it. Shame I'm not a football club then I could just blame Rangers...

well at least you are paying it and not firstly trying to scam so you dont pay bank charges, then bankrupting yourself to avoid them, then demanding the bank better give you a credit card and overdraft coz your a big spender and businesses will lose out if you arent back to your spending ways.

I know what you're thinking, here's another bear with a chip on his shoulder. Well it's not true. Rangers messed up monumentally, they stiffed the tax man (strange how many denizens of parkhead suddenly care about the queens bank balance) they stiffed other football clubs they stiffed small businesses and they eventually went down in a blaze of arrogance one news of the world phone hacker was said to have described as "a bit dis-tasteful".

intelligent and fair, you clearly arent a poster on FF. this for me has been one thing thats missing from the whole thing and it all could have turned on its head, if rangers fans instead of being angry at everyone, were embarrassed and wanting to put right the wrongs. MccOist and jardine didnt help here either, i know ally is under huge off the field pressures but his behaviour put anything lenny, levein or any other manager in the shade. his 'we demand names' speech now seems will go unpunished, it was a disgrace and i think a lot of fans of other teams that was a turning point.

Since February everybody's had their pound of flesh and oh boy what a party it's been. In the beginning it was fair and the criticism which flowed was justified but fuelled by lashings of pent up anger / jealously / self-righteousness all and sundry have had their say, one hundred years of hatred and envy has poured forth. No critisim is too much, no ancient slight or percived controversial loss has been left un-avenged and truly the mob has spoken. Rangers must be punished. Then again. then again. then again. Repeat until bored.

Sporting integrity is the new black (or should I say Japanese tour grey...). ah, maybe you are a follow follower after all. we never said we had a tour, just that we were considering one. the league bent over backwards as much as it could without falling over to help you in europe, but you wanted to be helped in the league too, even if it meant clubs hanging around waiting for you to be ready to play them even if they were on holiday mode by then. if you hadnt delayed a game to help you in europe and if you paid for maintenance like every other club so your pipes worked, you wouldnt have had a fixture propblem. That fantastic little phrase © Lawwell '08 has made a comeback in a major way. Rangers we are told must not be allowed to darken the SPL's hallowed turf / sand again;well technically you wont coz you are deed but sevco might. sorry i know that is cheap i couldnt resist. they must be cast asunder and taught a lesson. And do you know what? I agree; we knew the rules because we bloody helped make them. We were part of the cabal and ran it arrogantly for our own means for far too long forgetting that one day even the mighty might just need a friend. We built a castle on sand and when it collapsed we should pay the price, no bailout for "the establishment".

But now the pygmies have spoken. Every no mark supporters group has had their say and "people power" has rescued the Scottish game, for after all what is the SPL without its integrity? Well pretty much the same as it is now. It's a flawed broken product were teams can play 18, 19 or 20 games home or away each season. Where Falkirk can't get in with a new ground being built but Gretna can swan in and ground share a swimming pool. Where special dispensation cannot be given to clubs to solve a fixture crisis but can Gretna can play Celtic at Almond vale. Where chairman speak of punishing Rangers for their fiscal failures while presiding over £33 million of debt.

um if you mean hearts, their 33 million debt is mainly to their owner, not the taxman.

But with those big nasty bigots from Govan the spl is going to thrive. Blue chip sponsors will rush to buy into the new super competitive league were any one of half a dozen teams can come second to Celtic! Sky will no doubt cancel super Sunday to broadcast Dundee vs. Ross County from a packed Dens park as families have picnics outside the new sectarian free grounds of the spl. Everybody will hold hands and sing when hopefully in a few years Rangers will gain a place in this footballing Utopia. Maybe that day will coincide with Rooney signing on at Aberdeen citing "pure financial greed" as the motivation for his move to the best league in the world?

no one is saying it will be. the worst thing is this whole delay makes it seem like the other clubs had a choice, they didnt, the right thing had to be done. scottish football will suffer greatly for this, and its not petrie's fault, or turnbull hutton, its not even majorly regan and cockwomble's fault, its david murrays. full stop. david murray fucked scottish football when he was there, in so many ways, starting a spending spree celtic couldnt keep up with (as we paid tax), taking away long term planning, taking out aberdeen, dundee utd as competitors, doing it all illegally and immorally, and his legacy is to f**k up the game completely.

I'd at least have respect for any fans group who simply said "yeah we just want to stick it to the Rangers" instead of hiding behind clichéd phrases. But what of this sporting integrity? Surely it should be followed through to the last and most Rangers fans agree. Apparently we only want to go to the third division to see others in financial trouble, it's awfully good when people tell you what you are thinking isn't it? and yet you are doing it back, saying all fans of other clubs want to stick it to rangers. imho the fans who want to stick it to rangers are a relative minority, although they do exist. most fans just want whats right, and if they hate rangers its because of the clubs cheating and for its disgraceful behaviour since being caught.

just as there are rangers fans, decent fans, sounds like you are one of them, i know others in real life, who want to go to div 3 because its right and its your best chance of recovering your reputation as well as you club. but on follow follow for example there are many who hope scottish football implodes in the meantime, stupidly not realising that if scottish football goes, therell be nothing to return to.

For me and many others that is not the case, we want to go to the third division to start again, to build anew. We want to build bridges and if not forget the past then at least be given a chance to put it behind us. We have been punished more severely than others already (just how many points did Motherwell get docked?), but for some no punishment is enough. The twitching corpse must be flogged until it bleeds no more.if, as we all suspect, and there is a fair amount of evidence in the public domain, no club in scottish football, and very few in european football can compare in terms of wrongdoing. fiddling taxes to put an unfairly superior team on the park, for over ten years ! writing off 140 million of debt, most to the tax man! even in your dying days, spending 20 million under smith when you had unpayable debts and a tax bill impending, signing players under mccoist you knew you would never pay for, avoiding PAYE when you could just sell 2 players to be above water...

We do not want any parachute into the first division and it is being forced upon us by the self-same chairmen who proclaimed that sporting integrity has no price. Well apparently it does and its roughly £1 million a year plus play offs. But again this isn't the case, it's all being done to help the Rangers, the hibs fans know this for a fact. Perhaps one of them should ask their chairman why he's the main architect of the plan.

Scottish football is in a dire state but nobody really seems to care, its all Rangers fault anyway. not all of it is, and i admit some of it is as much celtics as it is rangers, but the great majority of it is rangers to be honest. who killed off the reserve league? oh yes that was rangers.The reformation of the game should not be tacked onto the demise and rehabilitation of rangers. It is an issue in its own right and a far more important issue at that. There will hopefully always be Rangers, a St Mirren, Kilmarnock and Dundee united too. Scotland's needs football, healthy competitive football because its woven into the very fabric of our society.

Right now the baws burst but instead of fixing the puncture people are hell bent on picking the seam...murray shouldnt have pumped it too much and he certainly shouldnt have knicked the pump.

Edited by madeirabhoy
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' an Aberdeen fan said on a radio phone in that he wouldn't go back and support his club if rangers were let back into the SPL'

It was me Archie, and thousands of others.

Good Guys: A. Thompson, Alloa Athletic

Wanks: A. McPherson, Gordon (how much did you get paid?) Smith and that wee Ginger dick nobody recognised.

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Alex Thomson is a war correspondent/ frontman of channel 4 news. Can anyone shed light on why he got involved in this caper? Can`t be bothered checking the credentials of our established sports `journalists`- but i shouldn`t imagine there`s much of any worth there (in terms of hard jounalism or degrees). f**k knnows why he cares.....but he does. And I wish he`d turned up ten years ago. STAR.

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This sums things up for me:

We must remember we are here to manage and administer our National game and not to implement anyones narrow will against the avalanche of public and fan opinion, using the excuse of promises of changes which should be taking place anyway.

Another laudable statement from a wee diddy club.

Diddy clubs....putting those at the top table to shame since June 2012

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