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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Alex Thomson is a war correspondent/ frontman of channel 4 news. Can anyone shed light on why he got involved in this caper?

War correspondents have a disturbing habit of coming home and actually trying to investigate things. See also that American correspondent (whose name I sadly cannot remember) who reported live from ground zero on 9/11, went to Iraq, and was promptly blakballed for actually reporting on what she saw there.

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Annoyed that "Socks" McPherson got the last word in there but good to see Thomo getting a mild snort of derision in.

Looked like they were all well aware of how the land was lying with regards fan-power and were keeping their cards close to their chest to avoid letting Thomo savage them.

So what if there are ulterior motives at play here? Last I checked principles and beliefs were part of the fun.

All I was thinking was - could you imagine what the "panel" would be spouting if it wasn't for P&B and the internet bampots across the world?

Job nearly done.


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Thank f*ck tommo was on that to at least have a bit of impartiality on the show

He's a proper journo, the panel was v one sided.

Now here's a point of order - check out the closing statement on the RepScot item at 18.30 - 'tomorrow could be Black Friday for Scottish football'. So - does that mean it will be that if Rangers get into SFL1 - or if they get put in SFL3 - or everyone overriden by the SFA and newco put back in the SPL? I think we can guess what the statement meant (by a BBC employee) so editorial bias is shown. Get on the phone after you check it out


Edited by oldeejit
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If there never was a question of keeping Rangers in the SPL then explain the need for the no to newco campaign? Atleast stick to the facts, the SPL chairman originally wanted a hamstrung Rangers kept in the SPL hence the outcry from both us and our friends in the SPL.

Cheers for informing of me of the newco thing, a bit of shock that, eh?

Benny Boy ! your worst nightmare may come true.The way this omnishambles is going your new team will be playing SPL football next season if the vote by the SFL goes tits up and is referred back to the SPL to sort out.

You'll probably have heavy sanctions for 3 years meaning your team will finish bottom after getting pumped off every average team in the SPL with the embargo still standing.But you can look forward to the embarrassment of being saved by league reconstruction.

Things are not looking good for the newco if they suffer the humiliation of SPL football next season.The diddy fans may get something better than 3rd division football for the newcorpse next season.

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Indeed, it is outstanding. With each day that passes, and with each statement the wee diddy clubs release, I become more and more embarrassed to be a St Mirren supporter, if I'm being brutally honest.

I'm embarrassed by the silence from Dumfries.

I hope and pray they say "no" but I'm not so sure.

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what is it the likes of Smith and MacPherson don't understand ? Rangers FC is dead. Newco/Sevco/The Bloody Rangers FC of Govan or whatever the hell they want to call themselves is a new club. A new club which the "powers that be" want to make sure are admitted to as high a position as possible despite knowing very little about the likely stability of the new club. Someone needs to give them a nudge and tell that the old club lost £4m in 4 months while being run by "expert" administrators. How has the Newco proposed to manage the club to make sure they remain solvent. Someone please tell us ! I despair, I really do. What Clyde FC has asked for is the MINIMUM the SFL clubs should expect to help inform how they vote.

I don't expect a decision to be made tomorrow. I expect a motion to be tabled to defer until the BASIC information is supplied. If Regan and Co push for a vote, the result will be a resounding "No" to admittance to the SFL.

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Interesting that Alex Thomson seemed to look directly at Gordon Smith when mentioning possibly illegality.

Smith's rant was ridiculous. How is money lost to the Scottish economy? Are Rangers fans going to put it all offshore? Attacking lower league clubs as though they demanded a vote on the matter. He should not have been anywhere near the SFA.

Gordon, can you put up a bond for the SFL clubs as protection against another insolvency event?

Gordon, your institution is not there any more. No one credible was interested in running it.

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Alex Thomson is a war correspondent/ frontman of channel 4 news. Can anyone shed light on why he got involved in this caper? Can`t be bothered checking the credentials of our established sports `journalists`- but i shouldn`t imagine there`s much of any worth there (in terms of hard jounalism or degrees). f**k knnows why he cares.....but he does. And I wish he`d turned up ten years ago. STAR.

He is channel 4's chief reporter but think he has been more Home Affairs recently. I think he said he initially got involved as it was another demonstration of corporate greed, lack of corporate governance and hmrc, and so us, getting shafted, like Vodaphone, GoldmanSachs, the banks etc

Don't think he expected this clusterfuck

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Still stunned after reading Gordon Waddle's tweet that Killie's Michael Johnston is to go on the SPL Board. :o

First post, was going to save it until tomorrow. I do think though we have just found out why he abstained...... Personally I would love Vladimir Romanov on the board, he would take no sh!t

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The No vote will be won but the war will continue. The SPL will attempt to draft an SPL2 in double-quick-time - the next 7 days? So there is still a lot of fighting to do. Let's not get complacent but rally for the Final Battle - No to SPL2!

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