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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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^^ This ^^

The buns and their journo accolytes are just squirming about waiting for the inevitable final penny to drop. That they are fucked. And not just out of the SPL fucked or transfer embargo fucked. On your knees, over the edge of a shallow hole, crying your last tears to the empty desert as you wait for the mobsters bullet in the back of your skull kind of fucked. And the best bit is that they brought it all on themselves.

They cheated. They lied. They stole. They were found guilty. They appealed. The appeal failed. They went crying to the courts. They ran off from a 9 figure sum of debt. They left businesses, public services and other clubs out of pocket. They bullied and cajoled and tried to bribe the bullied into submission. They have shamed themselves, their peers and this nation. And their attempts to tantrum themselves back in have failed. No league, no players, no membership and soon enough no fans

Cheery-fucking-bye-for-now ever.

Out of greenies but agree and empathise with your rage. Booo-f*ckin-hooo for Newco!!

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Has this been posted before?

I can't wait for the WIKI outcome that separates the oldco and the newco from each other and how much that would piss off the glory trophy history hunting grabbers.

All we would need to do is point out the disputed (settled by now) WIKI page that says they actually are a new club that plays where another club used to :lol:.

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One of the best football matches I ever had the privilege of attending was the challenge cup final against Alloa (4-4) Alloa won on pens, now they have given a performance as good as the one witnessed that day with their statement tonight.


Agreed. A fantastic game. One of the best days I've had as an Alloa fan (we don't get that many) Good to see you think the same even though you missed out.

Cheers to everyone for the well wishes. It's taken us a while to come out with a public statement but it was well worth the wait.

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If any SFL club resigned their membership of the SFL without the 2 years notice then they have to cover any losses to the league. This would result in the SFL clubs having to cover the money due in the settlement agreement if this were not paid. By my reckoning £1.8m / 9 SFL clubs required = £200,000 each per year. Would it be worth it?

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So can we guess who will be spending the wee small hours frantically typing up a Sevco package document (as mentioned and requested in the Clyde statement) and carefully forging Green's signature on it?

My money's on Doncaster.

We all know that you might just be right.

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Gordon Smith trending on Twitter. Nobody has a good word to say about him, I bet even his Maw thinks he's an arsehole.

His grandfather captained Killie to win the 1929 Scottish Cup; the entire family were Killie fans until Gordon turned traitor. You're probably right.


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I caught up on Scotland Tonight a little late, but after spending a few months lurking and more recently posting on P&B, I think I finally begin to comprehend the full extent of the disconnect between the MSM and Scottish footballing reality.

It's crazy that perhaps the main voice of sense in all of this is a Channel 4 journalist with no prior connection to the Scottish game. Spence, English, and Cosgrove come out of this with credit, Daily appears to have disappeared since his last TV show (which I thought was amateur in presentation, and contained far too much in the way of implication for my liking). However, here we stand in the midst of one of the biggest stories in all of Scottish Footballing history, and why does this list not contain more names? Why have none of the questions raised by clubs like Clyde been given any airtime by the MSM?. On the eve of this vote, what does any of us know of Sevco? And why does the Scottish media not care to find out? (This last part is somewhat rhetorical, seeing as they are of course dependent on the cash cow...)

Archie mentioned that bad governance was present before Doncaster and Regan. I wonder if that was a veiled dig at the man sitting to his left? For a man previously in charge of the SFA, Smith's contribution to the show was nothing short of reprehensible. What truly worries me is that the same people who appointed Smith are the same people who appointed Regan, and they will be the same people to appoint his successor. The problem of governance is not confined to the figure at the helm.

However, the thing that undoubtedly struck me the most about Scotland Tonight was the general acceptance (I exclude Thomson) of this idea that SPL 2 is inevitable, the fans will be ignored, and somehow that's okay and we'll all build a bridge and get over it.

Perhaps I'm being naive; perhaps, indeed almost certainly, I've been overexposed to this thread, but it seems to me that any such move would spark an exodus of supporters from the game - and that's something we would truly never recover from.

Sadly, I'm going to miss this weekend's watershed events unfold - I'm flying out in the morning to a beer festival for the weekend. I look forward to catching up on the inevitable 500 pages of posts on my return.

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Archie macweetabix says rangers will survive because they have a large and dynamic fan base,

I really really don't get this part of the Rangers (shit that is still a hard habit to break) sorry Sevco apologists argument...

...If their support is that large, that dynamic...how the f**k did they go to the wall in the first place????????

Oh..oops..sorry...forgot - they're glory hunting bassas who don't want to know when the going gets tough. How much did the RFFFFFFFFF raise again?

Ibroke is a big old place to run on a few thousand diehards every fortnight....I seriously cannot see how they survive this. Green's not likely to be chucking in his own cash is he?

Time to press 'delete'

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What time is the vote tomorrow? I'm leaving the country on a one way ticket and would like to check on what happened before boarding my flight at 2:50pm....

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hating on gordon smith

perfect time to put on him sounding sick as a parrot about ayr leading killie 3-0 with daydream believer playing behing him biggrin.gif

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Sadly, I'm going to miss this weekend's watershed events unfold - I'm flying out in the morning to a beer festival for the weekend. I look forward to catching up on the inevitable 500 pages of posts on my return.

Yer a decent bloke with intelligent posts BUT fail hugely when it comes to the defence of yer bigioed , triamphalist cohorts and the dead team you used to support.

I can't understand anyone with more than 2 braincells to rub together still being a Cevco fan - hence neg on yer pious "better than thou" talk

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So, all those fans making repeated threats to never come back to any game ever if Rangers are put in the first....will that also mean you never post on this or any thread ever again?

As much as people are (rightly) LOLing at those on RM this read is looking dangerously like reactionary early threads on RM. Full of indignation, full of threats, full of pumped up rhetoric, full of personal insults to any who doesn't hold their dystopian view. Jim Goodwin came out and said he really loved playing Rangers and wanted them in the first...this obviously made him the biggest c**t ever.

I'll leave out both this thread and Rangers lashing the MSM because that's appropriate either way.

And the biggest crook in the whole story? Giovanni De Stefano. By a fucking mile. Take a bow lad.

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