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Still twitching, mate. In a Division 3 stylee :)

This is lasting longer than than Lord Voldmort did in Harry Potter, "they who shall not be named", but we'll just call them Sevco instead. :lol:

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SFA chief Stewart Regan: Putting newco in Division Three is watershed moment for Scottish football

Jul 14 2012 by David McCarthy

queens-park-and-scotland-ground-hampden-park-339898763.jpg Queens Park and Scotland ground Hampden Park

SFL chairmen met at Hampden to decide on the fate on newco Rangers

SFA chief Stewart Regan last night insisted the SFL’s decision to put Rangers into the Third Division was a watershed in Scottish football.

And he believes it could yet lead the game to a brighter future in this country.

Regan, who last week warned that our football faced a “slow, lingering death” if the SFL refused to place the Ibrox newco into the First Division, tried desperately to put a positive spin on yesterday’s vote.

The SFA leader refused to speak to the media but said through a statement: “In light of today’s

decision, the SFA is committed to leading the challenge to reinvigorate the national game.

“This challenge requires the collective effort not just of the SFA but the league organisations and all member clubs.

“Today is a watershed for Scottish football. There will, undoubtedly, be financial consequences on the horizon.

“Nonetheless with togetherness, an open mind and innovative thinking, there can also be

opportunity: an opportunity to restructure the game and promote competitiveness, to place greater emphasis on development of young Scottish talent and to support financial sustainability.

“The SFA has offered guidance and support to the respective league bodies. The SPL and SFL enter a crucial phase ahead of the new season and must reach agreement on the practical issues that require to be addressed.

“There must be an outcome that enables Scottish football to move on with consensus, clarity and confidence.”

Regan’s statement has staved off a potential rebellion by SFL clubs, some of whom were ready to demand his resignation if the SFA had opposed their decision.

But with the SPL agm looming on Monday, inviting the newco into the top flight could be added to the agenda – as some clubs face up to the financial implications of sending them to the bottom tier.

Worm turning moment. Way past that now. You're oot on yer erse, ya numpty. Get Newco in to the SPL and you will know what social unrest really is!

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Maybe I am missing something here. Newco Rangers only have associate membership of the SFA. They will have no voting rights for four years. With so little status how could there possibly be a mechanism for placing them in the SPL?

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Going by the PDE's Twitter feed it looks like we're going to cave in and try to get Rangers back into the SPL in some way. Gilmour calling the decision "catastrophic" and talk of redundancies, hopes the SFL clubs know what they're doing. So apparently it's OK for the SPL clubs to make a decision and leave the SFL to deal with the repercussions but not for the SFL to do the same to them.

SFL clubs were free to vote the way they wanted. They have done. They made the correct decision. No club should be parachuted into the second tier just to help other clubs. If it means administration and redundancies then so be it. Deal with it Gilmour - do not go moaning at the SFL clubs for making a decision they were fully entitled - and morally correct - to make.

Bbbbbut Cccap Captain Sssensible..........rrrichest ccclub in SSSPL!

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Going by the PDE's Twitter feed it looks like we're going to cave in and try to get Rangers back into the SPL in some way. Gilmour calling the decision "catastrophic" and talk of redundancies, hopes the SFL clubs know what they're doing. So apparently it's OK for the SPL clubs to make a decision and leave the SFL to deal with the repercussions but not for the SFL to do the same to them.

SFL clubs were free to vote the way they wanted. They have done. They made the correct decision. No club should be parachuted into the second tier just to help other clubs. If it means administration and redundancies then so be it. Deal with it Gilmour - do not go moaning at the SFL clubs for making a decision they were fully entitled - and morally correct - to make.

FFS, as feared.

He'd better not try to pull some stunt to get this shambles of a club further up the leagues after everything that has happened.

I sat in their board room and asked them if they had any confidence, whatsoever, that Green would be able to get his operation up and running, and playing in any league, and he (and his colleagues) didn't look remotely assured. If Gilmour opts to alienate a substantial proportion of loyal, committed St Mirren supporters, and to incur the wrath of the fans of numerous other clubs, on the basis of the throw of a dice, then he will have made the biggest miscalculation in his business life.

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http://www.dailyreco. ..86908-23908279/

Worm turning moment. Way past that now. You're oot on yer erse, ya numpty. Get Newco in to the SPL and you will know what social unrest really is!

I missed it first time round but if Regan is true to his statement then the SFA will do nothing and let yesterday's vote stand. The bit about requiring the help of ALL organisations and ALL member Clubs to enforce change, ie. 42 Club solution. They wouldn't dare go solo and incur the wrath of everyone would they? Regan should still go though and that statement was way too little too late.

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Going by the PDE's Twitter feed it looks like we're going to cave in and try to get Rangers back into the SPL in some way. Gilmour calling the decision "catastrophic" and talk of redundancies, hopes the SFL clubs know what they're doing. So apparently it's OK for the SPL clubs to make a decision and leave the SFL to deal with the repercussions but not for the SFL to do the same to them.

SFL clubs were free to vote the way they wanted. They have done. They made the correct decision. No club should be parachuted into the second tier just to help other clubs. If it means administration and redundancies then so be it. Deal with it Gilmour - do not go moaning at the SFL clubs for making a decision they were fully entitled - and morally correct - to make.

I'm greatly encouraged by the backsliding that's going on at certain SPL clubs, with more no doubt to follow between now and Monday. Maybe they will begin to realise that football is a sport and not a business and that people go to football matches to take part in a competition (albeit vicariously).

If millionaires want to pump money into clubs to artificially boost their chances, that's one thing, stealing from the taxman on an industrial scale, is another and setting up a breakaway league to corner TV money whilst paying off the poorer clubs is yet another.

Hell mend them (and I include my own club with its SPL2 aspirations in that).

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That right. What will you do? Turn that wee bear in your avatar rabid? Get a grip mate ffs. This is about the future of the game and as Bennet the rangers fan has said on here some of your lot want your cake and eat it. Realise that what you've done is secure your own demise although maybe not unsure.gif

Diddy clubs will live within their means. Soon you will have to do the same and with the same results in Europe you had last year plus the absence of your blue arse-cheek pals you will soon start to lose fans and die a slow and lingering death. Scottish football will live on long after you glory hunters have died and gone to hell.

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Monday is going to be ugly. I think something is brewing and there are going to be casualties. Did someone a few pages back say 'almighty shitstorm' or suchlike?


Nope, I think on Monday the big debate will be Dunfermline back or Dundee in to show that those that take their medicine and live within their means will be rewarded in due course. For the latter reasons, my guess is it will be Dundee, much to Aberdeen, Dundee United, Hearts, Hibs and St Johnstone's delight, and giving Dunfermline a chance to reform and regroup in peace rather than spend another season being the whipping boys.

Rangers sealed their own fate by accepting membership of the SFL yesterday with the two year notice of resignation unless promoted to the SPL as SFL champions proviso.

The SPL2 stories are myths by Scottish journalists with Rangers sympathies doing what they have been doing since the start of all this, "keep telling a lie and people will eventually believe it... won't they?". Until the whistle blows on the first day of the Ramsdens Cup, they will still be muttering "this can't be happening".

Yesterday I watched a nearly-in-tears Jim White talking to some grim faced smeg outside Hampden, supposedly an impartial reporter, but whose face suddenly brightened up as he "confirmed" to White, "Yes, it is not over yet. The SPL meets on Monday, and I have word that an SPL2 with Rangers in it will be on the table to start in time for August". It was the look of childish desperation - and it encapsulated the fantasy world of what passes for Scottish sports journalism. They've spent that long running fantasy stories about the Old Firm because "Old Firm stories are what the punters want", they are now unable to separate cold hard facts from their own fiction.

It has come as an almighty shock to them to find the "diddies" didn't play to the script and cave in at the last because "deep down, everyone really supports only one half of the Old Firm or the other, ya know". Only five did. They just cannot accept that the rest of the world's world does not revolve around the Old Firm - especially Rangers - like they think it does, or ought to.

Rangers are in Division 3.

They are only associate members for the next three years with no voting entitlements.

They cannot play in European competitions for the next three/four seasons.

Suck it up, Chic, Jimmy The Succulent Lamb, the Daily Broken Record, the Glasgow Herald and the rest.


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Agree but the SFA's grand plan may be to start one in 2013/14. SPL2 to have broadcasting rights and a wedge from SPL1 as a sweetner. Sevco only out for a year

The best way to torpedo this would be for the SFL1 clubs to make it quite clear that they would politely decline any invitation to join. This has already been hinted at by Longmuir but a joint statement in response to any such announcement would kill it stone dead.

I think you're right. I also think the balance of power has shifted to the SFL clubs . Just try getting that past the mighty Hutton ! It's a sign of how little trust we have in the games administrators that we think a stitch up is still going to happen. :-(

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I think you're right. I also think the balance of power has shifted to the SFL clubs . Just try getting that past the mighty Hutton ! It's a sign of how little trust we have in the games administrators that we think a stitch up is still going to happen. :-(

SPL2 can only go ahead if SFL1 clubs agree to join. In view of recent statements by chairmen this is dead in the water. More likely to see disbandonment of SPL and new league setup under SFA .....if Regan goes.

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FFS, as feared.

He'd better not try to pull some stunt to get this shambles of a club further up the leagues after everything that has happened.

I sat in their board room and asked them if they had any confidence, whatsoever, that Green would be able to get his operation up and running, and playing in any league, and he (and his colleagues) didn't look remotely assured. If Gilmour opts to alienate a substantial proportion of loyal, committed St Mirren supporters, and to incur the wrath of the fans of numerous other clubs, on the basis of the throw of a dice, then he will have made the biggest miscalculation in his business life.

Support your local team, Drooper, you know it makes sense 8)

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SPL2 can only go ahead if SFL1 clubs agree to join. In view of recent statements by chairmen this is dead in the water. More likely to see disbandonment of SPL and new league setup under SFA .....if Regan goes.

That sounds ok to me! Anything that dilutes the existing power of influence that Celtic and former rangers have/had is a step in the right direction.

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