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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There is a danger of a financial meltdown - but it's not due to Rangers going into liquidation. It is the panic and 'Armageddon' tone of chairman and lack of any leadership from the hierarchy that is threatening to tear the game apart.

They seem to live in a different reality - Rangers are dead and things will not be the same whatever outcome was reached. Let's make this clear, voting rangers into div 3 was the very minimum the clubs should be doing. This should now be the beginning of a whole list of changes fans NEED to push through otherwise this clueless lot in charge of our game will leave it in a mess.

Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, the SFA/SPL/SFL should have met the day after liquidation was announced and said:

1. Rangers in div 3 - agreed - done

2. Dundee/Dunfermline or playoff - done

3. Speak to sky/espn and confirm deal - done

4. Speak to sponsors - who is in - out - done

5. Create a plan to restructure SF inc league changes, playoffs, one body and a pyramid system. Plan A, B, C etc. clubs meet up in a week and vote for changes.

This would all have been resolved in a week. Perhaps 5. Would take longer to implement but 1-4 is basic stuff that minimises all this infighting.

Fans must stick together in this - its the only way the game will be allowed to flourish in this awful situation we've inherited.

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Someone left an empty Stella bottle on my wall last night, it's been safely dealt with now though.

Hopefully the SAS dealt with it in an appropriately professional manner: cordoned off the area, shot a few turban-wearing individuals etc.

Personally I've had little sleep since they had to set up base in Ayr. Lots of unrest around wellington square, as the orcs attack the emblems of the traitorous establishment - mayhem. Bit like the old Friday night piv battles. :)

Edited by Team Bible
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Aye massive riots have been reported accross the country.

One thing I have noticed, there was no Orange parade at all in my neck of the woods this year. None last week, none this week, and the buggers were out marching on the evening the other arse cheek won the title, no doubt to show their "defiance".

Methinks they're all still at home sobbing their wee black hearts out: their world has crashed around them and the one thing that ever gave them a feeling of being Billy Big Baws in their lives has vanished. Shame!


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I've always maintained that you should have 2 bodies... an association and a league... for exactly the reasons of checks-n-balances.

Not only can they concentrate on different areas of the game where they specialise, but the association can act as a watchdog on the league, while the league - by merit of its independent sovereignty - guards against untrammelled dictatorship from the association.

Yet the SPL and SFA would have paired up v SFL, its gonna be a long couple of years to sort it, I just hope it is gotten right.

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Social unrest report from Partick - two of my neighbours had a dispute over who got to hold the close door open for whom.

Musical interlude - yesterday was the 32nd anniversary of Malcolm Owen's death. Troubled times never really seem to go away. Babylon's Burning seems as good an anthem for Scottish football as any.

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Is Eye still offering its analysis of the Rangers fiasco? I've missed a couple of issues.

Not in this edition sadly, although I think the next edition is pretty certain.

My eldest son assures me the ambiance is just as good onboard a scalloper in the minches just after they anchor up for the night!

ooooh errrrr fnar fnar

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It's great living in Berwick this summer. The usual influx of the great unwashed to The Haven holiday park all sporting their Rangers taps.

Oh dear.

I used to take my summer holidays at what was then Feathers holiday park in Berwick. I used to sit on the headland round from the steps to the beach and watch the Vulcan bombers fly over the coast.

Happy days - all I had to worry about was the new season and the haircut I'd need before I went back to school.

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There's a broken down Range Rover outside my girlfriends flat, it's green so I'm suspecting Sevco fans

Has it been washed recently? They won't go near it. Soap and water thing.

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