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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The SPL will be cancelled by Xmas due to half the clubs being in liquidation laugh.giflaugh.gif

Why do you care?

It doesn't concern the diddy teams and newco will be dead before Halloween.

Get ready for zombie Sevco 5089.

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Best of luck with that, seeing as Rangers are now an SFL member.

They just need to give up on this notion and move on. All this revisionism is hindering our game worse than anything. :rolleyes:

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It has been proven that Newco fans don't want to put their money up to save the club.

What the RFFF raised was frankly laughable.

If it goes tits up again they would instantly start blaming "tarriers" and expect Green or Murray to chuck loads of cash about because they are The People.

According to the RFFF they raised just over half a million, and they have not given 1 penny towards the club

Minutes of RFFF meeting from Vanguard Bears & RangersMedia

Jim Hannah confirmed that he had e-mailed regular income and expenditure updates to Supporters' Clubs secretaries. He subsequently updated the current position as showing a balance of £524,068.92.
Sandy Jardine confirmed that no money from the RFFF has gone to Charles Green or the Rangers 'newco' in relation to running costs. He went on to thank the fans for the funds that had been raised and reiterated that the money in effect belonged to the fans and the RFFF committee would be seeking fans views as to how the monies should be used in future. A subsequent meeting, potentially immediately prior to the new season, would be held to discuss future use of the funds.

A number of suggestions were made from the floor and the committee as to how these maybe used, including, inter alia, a Rangers Museum; purchase of 'fans shares'; youth development; a player; or transfer to the Rangers Supporters' Assembly.

Now i did ask one Rangers fan on here what the RFFF are doing with all this money from the fans

First thing Enrico,the RFFF finances have got nothing to do with anybody that didn't donate,yourself included.

So they dont have a fecking clue whats being done with the money

And here are some more key points from the meeting

A representative from Rangers Unite asked the board "What would you see as an exit price?" Imran replied that he believed on a bad day the club was worth £50 million.
Charles Green referred to the players that had left as turncoats. Alan McGregor was the only one to call Sandy Jardine afterwards, with Jardine also mentioning ex Celtic PR ma Peter McLean as being Steven Naismith's agent
CG was asked if the possibility of playing in England exists and if he made an attempt at buying Bury FC. He responded that he was attracted by Bury and hoped to mention the club along with Rangers. Unfortunately distance was going to be a problem, as after Wimbledon became MK Dons the football league changed its rules to state that any merger between two clubs could only happen if the clubs were within roughly 60 miles of each other.

He also looked at the possibility of buying Carlisle, but believes we cannot merge with an English club. We would have to start at the bottom of the conference if we were to go to England.

A representative from Denny then informed the panel that he had four reasons why we should go into Division 3. First he believed it would test Charles Green resolve; secondly he believed it would show the benefit of Auchenhowie and allow the management team to gain experience. Third, it would galvanise and unite the Rangers support, and lastly it would allow us to move on and concentrate on defeating the SNP's fight for independence.
Brian Stockbridge twice explained the financial situation to Brown which appeared to go in one ear and out the other….
John Brown was then asked to take the microphone for 10 mins - which turned into almost 30. Virtually nothing of the way forward for Rangers was discussed. He was prompted to come to the top table by RFFF Chairman to view the relevant documentation to satisfy his demands, which he declined. The meeting was then informed by Chairman McCormick that he was Brown's accountant, which brought about many wry smiles from those assembled.


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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According to the RFFF they raised just over half a million, and they have not given 1 penny towards the club

Minutes of RFFF meeting from Vanguard Bears & RangersMedia

Now i did ask one Rangers fan on here what the RFFF are doing with all this money from the fans

So they dont have a fecking clue whats being done with the money

And here are some more key points from the meeting


Loving the infighting. You get the feeling that as far as The Rangers situation goes this is far from the end game. Scarborough were liquidated a few years ago and 2 clubs emerged from their ashes due to infighting amongst fans. Needless to say neither club has achieved any modicum of success.

You get the feeling that this scenario is not impossible here.

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Dont know if its been posted but pretty good article


One of the responses

Meanwhile, Charles Green has a stipulation in the asset sale which means that unless certain criteria are met, he can cancel the deal and walk away without paying a penny on July 30th. What if one of those stipulations was that Rangers were in SPL or Division 1? Or perhaps SPL or the Division below SPL (which is why there's a sudden clamor for SPL2)

July 30th, the next deadline dateline .

The show must go on.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Social Unrest?

I've got provocatively clad Chinese ladies, maybe 20 to 25 years old, strutting about outside my apartment wearing t-shits and shorts, letting my imagination come to terms where all their bumps and curves are......

I should go and get my camera and share with you. These young ladies really should be more considerate, I think.....

That's my one and only "Disgusted of Camberley = Sex Pistols Bill Grundy incident" post on this forum.....

Go get that fucking camera!

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It's gone dark now, however, I get some piccies for you soon. In the meantime, this from the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk...-china-18589737

You guys are still chuntering on about Embra trams or windmills overlooking luxury golf courses, I imagine...... :rolleyes:



Aye, there's nothing like a good up-skirt on the stairs and escalators.

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Loving the infighting. You get the feeling that as far as The Rangers situation goes this is far from the end game. Scarborough were liquidated a few years ago and 2 clubs emerged from their ashes due to infighting amongst fans. Needless to say neither club has achieved any modicum of success.

You get the feeling that this scenario is not impossible here.

Who got the "history"?

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SPL AGM Tomorrow

1. Is there and alternative to Newco in division 3

Raman Bhardwaj@STVRaman

Don't rule out SPL clubs reconsidering transfer of share. ''We were told SFL 1 would happen. It hasn't'', says one SPL chairman

First, whoever said so was lying, it's their fault for believing it...

Second, after all that's happened - they're not going to vote to keep Rangers in SPL, surely? Especially after Hearts/Dons/Utd comments.

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Best of luck with that, seeing as Rangers are now an SFL member.

They just need to give up on this notion and move on. All this revisionism is hindering our game worse than anything. :rolleyes:

Spot on. RFC(deceased) have no share to transfer. Newco are members of the SFL. The Gilmours of this world can dress it up all they like, the games a bogey. If SMFC can't survive without Newco then go part-time and find the level our budget allows. Just get on with it FFS.

If the game as a whole requires built in bigotry and institutionised cheating to survive, for Sky ESPN etc to show an interest, then let it die, or at least become a part-time league without the baggage. I don't care if the TV companies pull out. Good riddance! Six months of this shambles and embarrassment is frankly beyond parody now. :angry:

We are all Turnbull Hutton

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Oh, they just might.

And don't call me Shirley.

Then they're basically declaring war on their own fans aren't they...?

"Sorry lads... see when we voted 'No' to Rangers for integrity, and then you all went and bought Season Tickets?

Aye well it was all a big lie, just part of a plan to bully others to vote without integrity, but unfortunately they refused.

So actually we're voting 'Yes' to Rangers, and you've already paid, so tough sh*t."

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Then they're basically declaring war on their own fans aren't they...?

"Sorry lads... see when we voted 'No' to Rangers for integrity, and then you all went and bought Season Tickets?

Aye well it was all a big lie, just part of a plan to bully others to vote without integrity, but unfortunately they refused.

So actually we're voting 'Yes' to Rangers, and you've already paid, so tough sh*t."

Was that press release written by Gilmour or Kenny Cameron?

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Oh, they just might.

And don't call me Shirley.

I think SKY are keeping their powder dry until they find out for sure that sevco in SPL / SFL 1 / SPL 2 options are finally exhausted. Tomorrows meeting has to end the speculation. After that , Sky will have to make a commercial decision . Given the way the fans have mobilised though, if they try and shaft us, there will be a shit storm of bad publicity for them.

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OK, I know this is an ancient saying but it just seemed so fitting used in this context.

I can almost see it as a wee cartoon.:lol:


Brian Stockbridge twice explained the financial situation to Brown which appeared to go in one ear and out the other….

I'm also surprised as I thought nothing could escape a black hole.

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