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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How can they play a friendly

against Olympiacos at Ibrox when it will cost them God knows how much just to get the Greek team over here and on the field? The Greeks aren't going to do it out of the goodness of their heart, and whilst maybe only taking a small percentage of the gate money it's still gonna be a farce if rankers have hardly any players.

More bullshit from Green? Eh aye.

Honestly dont think green had a clue what he's doing. He seems to have made extraordinary gambles that he could get working capital from st sales transfers and jump straight into spl. Its telling that with two mins of looking at the running costs bill Miller legged it yet green has just kept digging deeper with no clue how to bridge the thirty million shortfall that miller picked up on. Why would uefa let them off with football debts just as they're bringing in financial fair play?? Its hard to believe he's ever been involved with football before

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Noticed in the statement by Hamilton chairman Les Gray he reckons reconstruction has been swept under the carpet again.

it hasn't been swept under the carpet, it was given to the SFL on a plate with a side order of cash. They tossed it away, the SPL chairmen were probably less than impressed. I don't see any chance of change especially in league size in the foreseeable future.

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Notorious authority lapdogs, tbf.

Their other hilarious quote was along the lines of "We figured 'the powers that be' would be placing Sevco into SFL1 anyway, so we might as well vote yes"...


"The powers that be"????? Isn't that, well, you and your pals????

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Someone a dozen or so pages back said that as part of a package of reforms to improve Scottish football - Jonathan Watson should be banned from ever making another 'Only an Excuse' Christmas show.

On the contrary, despite the last three years or so being utter, utter pish - if he can't make a good un' this Christmas, he really is finished. I reckon he should be allowed to crack on, I mean, he's got some material this close season to work on. Having said that, he'll likely just do Dennis Law mumbling 'Well, you know...' or Frank 'Frankie Boy' McAvennie gurning 'Where's the burdz...' again.

Would be funny as fcuk if he came out with a belting show full of Sevco material. It's either that or re-runs of Still Game, Jackie Bird wearing a glittery top while Phil Cunninghame and Ally Bain bore the tits off us alongside that bird fae' Capercaillie.

Get the finger out Watson. Deliver the goods.

Yep, I said as much a few months back. The tottie faced twat's of course now got an excuse to put in Dennis Law because of his titular (emphasis on the first syllable) involvement with the Retard's "go to football" face saving campaign.

Anything short of a full out slagfest against the Ibrocs, Chic Young and Jimmy The Succulent Lamb will be a travesty.

Still, this has been a year of momentous events - surely even he can achieve a miracle all of his own? :unsure:

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Come again with what? It may have been badly worded on my part but it`s perfectly clear that there can only be one reason for there being a single relegation place from a twelve team league. To protect the lower order of that league . Until Sevco make the dizzying heights of SFL1 that will remain the case.

How many relegation places does SFL have, and is it more or less than SPL?

it hasn't been swept under the carpet, it was given to the SFL on a plate with a side order of cash. They tossed it away, the SPL chairmen were probably less than impressed. I don't see any chance of change especially in league size in the foreseeable future.

Tbf, all they were given was a "not legally binding" plate, with a serving of a committee on top, an imbalanced board, and £1M cash (itself assuming SFL couldn't generate - for example - over £50k per game for 20 Rangers SFL1 games, noting Sky-BBC pay £160k for Scottish Cup games, or some other ratio surpassing £1M). It was a measly scrap.

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Why are you still buying this shite of a rag? Or, did you see it at the hairdressers?

Newspaper rack in Costa Coffee in the Eastgate! Wouldn't buy it for love nor money, but as a lesson in the state of Scottish sports jourrnalism it is unbeatable.

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Honestly dont think green had a clue what he's doing. He seems to have made extraordinary gambles that he could get working capital from st sales transfers and jump straight into spl. Its telling that with two mins of looking at the running costs bill Miller legged it yet green has just kept digging deeper with no clue how to bridge the thirty million shortfall that miller picked up on. Why would uefa let them off with football debts just as they're bringing in financial fair play?? Its hard to believe he's ever been involved with football before

I beg to differ. He does however seem to be stymied by others every step of the way. I mean, you'd almost think that he designed that SPL 'last chance saloon' brochure to deliberately make sure he didn't stand a cat in hell's chance of being admitted. As soon as the SPL chairmen saw the 'We are Rangers' bombast - his tea was oot'. Good work there Charlie. Mission accomplished. Then he was stymied again when the SFL actually voted to allow Sevco a place in their league.

It seems that no matter what poor Charlie tries to do to see his newco wiped off the face of the earth before launch - some fcuking cockwombles keep coming along and throwing Sevco lifelines.

He must be fair scunnered by now, and wondering just what he has to do to make sure he doesn't have to actually own a football club who, erm, play football and have a ton of expenses. I'm sure he thought his plan would have been concluded by now, and some other poor saps would be fighting for the scraps in Glasgow, while he joined Whytey in Monaco for some well-earned R&R.

Edited by pozbaird
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Sorry, just too many `mays` in there for me to take much solace. The one `may` you don`t mention is a reduction in our SPL funding because unlike yourselves, I fully expect attempts at renegotiation of the deal.

So you expect the SPL to attempt to renegotiate that deal. How's that going to go?

Doncaster: Would you consider renegotiating the deal?

Longmuir: What's in it for us?

Doncaster £0.6m per year instead of £2m.

Longmuir: Erm, no thanks.

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I spent time in victoria b.c and went to a number of OF games there. The fans shared the same club at these matches and it was all good banter, the more dafty doe eyed bigoty ones seemed to be the canadian born ones, most of the scots worked together or played football together. Maybe being outside the goldfish bowl of the west coast they tend to be scottish first old flim flam second.

The reason I went? The club used for the gathering was attached to the best strip joint in town.

That's weird. I'm originally from Victoria. I have also noticed that Scots who have spent time outside this island are usually more willing to be open minded about everything from the Old Firm rivalry to questions of a wider national identity (but won't go too far into that).

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Didn't they ask this off Livingston before letting them play after they were kicked into the 3rd.In fact, if i am not mistaken,it was £750k.

Edit: as Ayrmad had already pointed this out before i read the original post oops.gif

I wonder if this idea might now get a bit of life, cos I'm sure Mr Regan reads this forum. I suspect he got his "financial armageddon" idea from one of my posts way back, when I compared this clusterf*ck to the asteroid's destruction of the dinosaurs, and in "Armageddon" it was an asteroid playing the baddie. :rolleyes: (jokin', like)

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How many relegation places does SFL have, and is it more or less than SPL?

Tbf, all they were given was a "not legally binding" plate, with a serving of a committee on top, an imbalanced board, and £1M cash (itself assuming SFL couldn't generate - for example - over £50k per game for 20 Rangers SFL1 games, noting Sky-BBC pay £160k for Scottish Cup games, or some other ratio surpassing £1M). It was a measly scrap.

I don't think you can compare the value of a league game to a cup game directly. There were a few guarantees like a playoff and an increase in annual settlement. The true reconstruction would take a bit longer but at least it would be a co-operative start to changing the overall structure of the game. The SPL offered an olive branch (there happened to be a particularly rotten olive on it) but the SFL decided not to take it. Rangers in SFL1 would have been a catalyst for change, now with uncertain media and sponsorship the top clubs are going to be more conservative than ever.

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Well the fans of Sheffield United did warn them what they were getting into with this guy laugh.gif

Having discussed this with Sweet Pete who knows a thing or two in this field, Craig Whyte's involvement was logical and largely successful - for one pound he sold the Arsenal shares and pocketed the cash. Charles Green's role is bewildering.

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Honestly dont think green had a clue what he's doing. He seems to have made extraordinary gambles that he could get working capital from st sales transfers and jump straight into spl. Its telling that with two mins of looking at the running costs bill Miller legged it yet green has just kept digging deeper with no clue how to bridge the thirty million shortfall that miller picked up on. Why would uefa let them off with football debts just as they're bringing in financial fair play?? Its hard to believe he's ever been involved with football before

My feeling exactly.

I reckon Green has found himself as last man standing and he knows that despite all the chest beating from guys like Watty and Brown no one is going to help him out with a few quid. He also knows that if he walks away now then rankers 2.0 will be no more and Ipox will implode. His backers were people that liked the idea of owning a club so said that if he laid the groundwork and smoothed out the problems then they would be in, but over time I figure they have all distanced themselves from what they will see as a poisoned chalice. Why would anyone want to invest in a club whose fans can be seen on tv protesting and abusing the only person that has actually stuck around long enough to keep them with a club to support.

This "we still want to be rangers, but we aren't actually rangers" routine is only masking the inevitable in my opinion. He will eventually walk away claiming he tried to do all he could but "the sins of the father" were too great. Meanwhile the SFA will be having to decide if they should let rankers 2.0 into the fold and pray without any guarantees that they can play a full season, or claim that they tried everything to help NewCo take it's place in the 3rd but it just wasn't possible.

Green is spinning plates right now but eventually they will all fall.

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it hasn't been swept under the carpet, it was given to the SFL on a plate with a side order of cash. They tossed it away, the SPL chairmen were probably less than impressed. I don't see any chance of change especially in league size in the foreseeable future.


The SFL were offered a "probably committee to look at the possiiblity of restructure sometime in November, maybe". and i think the SPL representation on it was to be 3 v 2 SFL :lol:

Offering £1million was pretty stupid considering the SFL will have the c***s in the SFL for three seasons and can negotiate something better.

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On 17/07/2012 at 15:05, Jim McLean said:

I don't think you can compare the value of a league game to a cup game directly. There were a few guarantees like a playoff and an increase in annual settlement. The true reconstruction would take a bit longer but at least it would be a co-operative start to changing the overall structure of the game. The SPL offered an olive branch (there happened to be a particularly rotten olive on it) but the SFL decided not to take it. Rangers in SFL1 would have been a catalyst for change, now with uncertain media and sponsorship the top clubs are going to be more conservative than ever.

Well each to their own, but I'm afraid I see it as a flimsly dilute sop - perhaps caused by internal SPL indecisiveness - that they thought SFL would fall for.

It offerred nothing bar cash they might've earnt anyway and some loose generalisms. All else relied on trusting SPL clubs benevolent attitude in future, and given how they had gone about "persuading" SFL clubs to accept, it's no surprise that trust extended about as far as they could throw 'em. It included rigged voting and board structures thrown-in for good measure.

Personally, such watery vagaries weren't even approaching being worth circumventing sporting integrity for.

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The SPL have 4 extra "shares" at their disposal. They have no reason to delay whatsoever.

These shares are ownership shares are they not? Then surely the problem would be SPL disbursements (first tranche of income due in first week of August I understand) would then have to be split 13 ways including oldco Rangers (in administration) rather than 12 ways.

It could perhaps be done but then the SPL would have to have a mechanism for cancelling the oldco's share. Given their track record of expertise shown so far in judging this whole sorry mess you would have to share the other members lack of confidence that this would be successful.

The spare four shares are in case of SPL expansion to max 16 clubs and will not be used for any other reasons of convenience, I would suggest.

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My feeling exactly.

I reckon Green has found himself as last man standing and he knows that despite all the chest beating from guys like Watty and Brown no one is going to help him out with a few quid. He also knows that if he walks away now then rankers 2.0 will be no more and Ipox will implode. His backers were people that liked the idea of owning a club so said that if he laid the groundwork and smoothed out the problems then they would be in, but over time I figure they have all distanced themselves from what they will see as a poisoned chalice. Why would anyone want to invest in a club whose fans can be seen on tv protesting and abusing the only person that has actually stuck around long enough to keep them with a club to support.

This "we still want to be rangers, but we aren't actually rangers" routine is only masking the inevitable in my opinion. He will eventually walk away claiming he tried to do all he could but "the sins of the father" were too great. Meanwhile the SFA will be having to decide if they should let rankers 2.0 into the fold and pray without any guarantees that they can play a full season, or claim that they tried everything to help NewCo take it's place in the 3rd but it just wasn't possible.

Green is spinning plates right now but eventually they will all fall.

That's why this thread has to keep running, it's just toooo feckin' entertaining. :D It really is like watching a car crash in slow motion, with various large vehicles spinning in from side-roads just when you think the dust has settled

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The SFL were offered a "probably committee to look at the possiiblity of restructure sometime in November, maybe". and i think the SPL representation on it was to be 3 v 2 SFL :lol:

Offering £1million was pretty stupid considering the SFL will have the c***s in the SFL for three seasons and can negotiate something better.

Spot on.

Fucking idiots.

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