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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Look at her surname. Obviously a Timmy conspirator.

I believe she is Irish as well. Not sure if it's North or the Republic. Either way the name on it's own is certainly enough rope for the bun conspirators to hang themselves with.

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So it looks like the SPL, SFL and SFA have come to some fudge agreement that will see the EBT case delayed (possibly indefinately) until the FTT lays down a verdict, and the TV rights are ripped off by the SPL to the inevatable detriment of the SFL clubs (I can't see how it would benefit any 'diddy' club).

We, the fans, have won a major victory by forcing our teams representatives to punt Sevco (Scotland) into the third division. Who would honestly have seen this at the end of last season? Dreamt about it but it being reality? Certainly not me.

We will hopefully see that Rangers (IA) have the five titles, four Scottish Cups and five League Cups removed from Rangers (IA) list of honours. Not to do this would show that despite it all, even if caught cheating, you will be allowed to keep your ill-gotten gains. This would cheapen Scottish football even more than it is already.

The only clubs to have come out of this with any degree of credit are the small 'community' clubs (© C. Burley) who refused to roll over and bow to the bullying tactics and scaremongering of Cockwomble and Raygun.

I can only hope that this has all shown that the collective of the fans must be listened to. To not do so will drive many away from the sport that we all love.

Rangers(IA) must have those tainted trophies removed from them and either given to the second place team or withheld by the footballing authorities, to not do so would simply be cowtowing to the lowest form of intimidation: (do what we want or we'll get you...).

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I've also noticed a lot of people saying that this stuff is proof that we need a single governing body looking after the entire game in this country, which is a valid point (even though other countries operate in the same manner as us in this respect). However, I have very little doubt that if there was a single governing body, then Sevco Rangers would be kicking off the 2012/13 season in the 2nd tier of Scottish football.

Three ruling bodies is too many, one is not enough.

Two would be better to try to avoid what you suggest happening.

As long as we have the SFL and the SPL that isn't going to change.

As has been suggested many times on here, reconstruction

is necessary and that should mean one league .

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I may have missed this but if an agreement on SFA membership cannot be reached by tomorrow do Brechin get a 3-0 win for the game on Saturday?

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So it looks like the SPL, SFL and SFA have come to some fudge agreement that will see the EBT case delayed (possibly indefinately) until the FTT lays down a verdict, and the TV rights are ripped off by the SPL to the inevatable detriment of the SFL clubs (I can't see how it would benefit any 'diddy' club). We, the fans, have won a major victory by forcing our teams representatives to punt Sevco (Scotland) into the third division. Who would honestly have seen this at the end of last season? Dreamt about it but it being reality? Certainly not me.

We will hopefully see that Rangers (IA) have the five titles, four Scottish Cups and five League Cups removed from Rangers (IA) list of honours. Not to do this would show that despite it all, even if caught cheating, you will be allowed to keep your ill-gotten gains. This would cheapen Scottish football even more than it is already.

The only clubs to have come out of this with any degree of credit are the small 'community' clubs (© C. Burley) who refused to roll over and bow to the bullying tactics and scaremongering of Cockwomble and Raygun.

I can only hope that this has all shown that the collective of the fans must be listened to. To not do so will drive many away from the sport that we all love.

Rangers(IA) must have those tainted trophies removed from them and either given to the second place team or withheld by the footballing authorities, to not do so would simply be cowtowing to the lowest form of intimidation: (do what we want or we'll get you...).

Why would the SFL sell rights to the SPL for less than they could obtain directly with a broadcaster? Presumably they are not retarded so they surely have accepted the deal that generates the greatest return. Do you have a link to the details?

On the cheating aspect, the runner up in the league would not necessarily be awarded the title. Once Rangers results are changed to 3 - 0 defeats it may well mean that the 3rd place team are rightful champions.

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No one should be negotiating with Green at all. If you wish to be a member of the SFA/SPL/SFL then you abide by their rules and decisions, as well as the rules set by FIFA and UEFA.

I'm amazed that Green can spend the equivalent of 20 minutes in Scottish football, yet feel he has anything to add to the party. It truly is a circus.

Let's hope Green's the high wire act. Without a net.

Plenty of room for clowns and Orc tamers.

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I may have missed this but if an agreement on SFA membership cannot be reached by tomorrow do Brechin get a 3-0 win for the game on Saturday?

The Cup tie is scheduled for Sunday. If Cevco have no licence by then, a decision would have to be taken on whether the tie should be rescheduled for a later date (if, for example, negotiations with a prospect of reaching a successul conclusion were still ongoing), or whether Brechin are awarded a bye.......(couldn't technically beat an unlicenced team 3-0).

Edited by Claymores
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Why would the SFL sell rights to the SPL for less than they could obtain directly with a broadcaster? Presumably they are not retarded so they surely have accepted the deal that generates the greatest return. Do you have a link to the details?

On the cheating aspect, the runner up in the league would not necessarily be awarded the title. Once Rangers results are changed to 3 - 0 defeats it may well mean that the 3rd place team are rightful champions.

The only reason I could imagine is that it is some part of a deal on the dual contracts.

I'm begining to suspect the 'title stripping' discussion is smoke and mirrors. If 'Rangers' are found to have issued players dual contracts the punishment for this should be borne by Sevco; more importantly, that punishment must be more severe than stripping them of their titles. That's like allowing a bank robber to hand back the cash he stole and calling it quits.

If they are found guilty of having issued dual contracts they should be suspended for at least a year.

BTW before the pedants get involved, I am defining dual contracts as any form of agreement with/payment to players, whether by the issue of an actual second contract, side letter or even verbal agreement.

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On the cheating aspect, the runner up in the league would not necessarily be awarded the title. Once Rangers results are changed to 3 - 0 defeats it may well mean that the 3rd place team are rightful champions.

Surely we can't just assume that only points involving the cheats should count, suspensions, injuries, moral, and everything else could be taken into account.

As such these titles should be null and void with no 'winners'

As a benefit of this - the left cheek will be raging !!!

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I've also noticed a lot of people saying that this stuff is proof that we need a single governing body looking after the entire game in this country, which is a valid point (even though other countries operate in the same manner as us in this respect). However, I have very little doubt that if there was a single governing body, then Sevco Rangers would be kicking off the 2012/13 season in the 2nd tier of Scottish football.

Very good point. Maybe we should be looking at better organisations and better people in charge. A lot to be said for checks and alternative views.

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Worth looking back to poor old Leggo when Whyte took over for a few laughs while we are in a dry spell.

http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/2011_05_07_archive.html <-- The day after the takeover "Confounding the enmies of Rangers should be one of the first tasks for Craig Whyte now that he has confounded his critics."

http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/2011_05_10_archive.html <--- ONE of the many things Rangers supporters should be be glad of, now that Craig Whyte owns the club, is that he is a Bluenose.

Funnily enough he's binned all the anti BBC stuff from when the first Whyte documentary aired.

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Robbie Savage to The Rangers ? That's about right. ... He's a knob too, fit right in.

As others have suggested variously:

1. They'd be better off with Lilly Savage

2. Will Sal, Durranty, and Sandy Jardine be putting on the boots too? 'They'd score for fun in the 3rd' [insert CevcoMedia crabflute]

3. Sally might as well see if they can get Joey Barton on loan too - with him, Savage, Ian Black and McCulloch in midfield, they could kick their way oot of Division 3.

Edited by Claymores
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