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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Proof I here you say for the Orc fecks still trading as before? They are that arrogant that they provide it themselves...........

Hurray up BDO, step in and fill yer bits!


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Something strange going on here, almost an hour since being posted and not a greenie in sight yet :o .

More effort required IMO.

If every post mentioning bigots and gloryhunters was greenied, there woud be more greenies on here than Hearts gifs.

And that would be a very bad thing

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I don't know if this has been posted and I don't even know if it's true but a Sevco fan at my work told me today that it would be cheaper to pay into every TCFKAR home game than it would be to buy a season ticket.

I hope it's true.

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I don't know if this has been posted and I don't even know if it's true but a Sevco fan at my work told me today that it would be cheaper to pay into every TCFKAR home game than it would be to buy a season ticket.

I hope it's true.

Quick bit of adding up...............................6 or 7 home games max..................................season ticket £300+...................................no refunds when in administration.......................hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Why yes, it would be cheaper :)

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Ok, keep calling them Sevco or whatever if it pleases you.

The point is about people who would identify themselves as Rangers fans and it still stands, even if their club doesn't.

But, if you want the youngsters and the next generation to be educated truthfully and properly in regards to what the soon-to-be liquidated "Rangers" were as a club it would be best to refer to the soon-to-be dead club as the cheating b*****ds or Zombie RFC or another name of your choosing. wink.gif

I and most people i know offline are using The Cheating B*****ds name when discussing both the old and new club. I can't see that changing anytime soon.

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Proof I here you say for the Orc fecks still trading as before? They are that arrogant that they provide it themselves...........

Hurray up BDO, step in and fill yer bits!


Looks like there's a fair whack of advertising space to be filled up yet.

ETA I think Chuckie Green must believe he's the new David Copperfield, if he can get even just that stand filled then the illusion of Rangers' resurrection trumps making the Statue of Liberty disappear.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Proof I here you say for the Orc fecks still trading as before? They are that arrogant that they provide it themselves...........

Hurray up BDO, step in and fill yer bits!

If the British government, HMRC, their appointed liquidation firm BDO and all the other authorities including the fraud squad of Strathclyde Police permit The Cheating B*****ds to continue doing what they are presently doing, every business and every sports club in the UK will have no option other than to copy The Cheating B*****ds.

The British government, HMRC, Banks and Creditors up and down and all across the UK will be bankrupt before 2020.

Maybe there is cunning method in the madness of Those Cheating b*****ds!!! ph34r.gif


What is the matter, my lord?


Between who?


I mean, the matter that you read, my lord.


Slanders, sir; for the satirical rogue says here that old men

have grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging

thick amber and plum-tree gum, and that they have a plentiful

lack of wit, together with most weak hams; all which, sir, though

I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty

to have it thus set down, for yourself, sir, shall grow old as I am, if

like a crab you could go backward.


[Aside] Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Looks like there's a fair whack of advertising space to be filled up yet.

ETA I think Chuckie Green must believe he's the new David Copperfield, if he can get even just that stand filled then the illusion of Rangers' resurrection trumps making the Statue of Liberty disappear.

But, but, but what about the boycott of Sky? Has Grand Chief Jardine seen this advert?

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Are the 'Rangers now etc.' signs the changes mentioned earlier that the Sevco fans are supposed to get all excited about ?

There would normally be advertising there as well !!

But that is the most important form of targeted advertising for Green. The Orcs themselves. He needs to sell the club to the retards before he can sell the club. To a retard.

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But, but, but what about the boycott of Sky? Has Grand Chief Jardine seen this advert?

When I did a midnight flit (had to catch a ferry ;)) , it was Europacar I rented the van from.............

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But that is the most important form of targeted advertising for Green. The Orcs themselves. He needs to sell the club to the retards before he can sell the club. To a retard.

Chucky won't be pleased that you've rumbled him.

Fortunately Fat Sally won't be able to work it out.

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Did Chick Young just use his position as a BBC presenter to massively plug ST sales for TRFC?

I don't understand how one organisation can have such obviously disparate agendas. They bankroll Mark Daly and basically take the first step (MSM wise) in dismantling the old Rangers. They gather evidence that shows cheating and employ an expert in administration to provide counsel on a gross conflict of interests. They doorstep previous regimes trying to get answers to some pretty sharp practices and highlight the fact that it is Sammy the Mechanic that has been the butt of the joke.

Then they let a disgraced Murray sympathiser air-time to help drum up business for a new model Rangers who are careering towards the rocks faster than Whyte could hope to waddle! And this when it's obvious it's Sammy who will be left pointing where on the doll the bad men touched him.

What a fucking confused and parasitic little broadcaster they are turning out to be.

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Right, I have tried to be fairly level headed and rational and contribute concisely and sensibly to these pages whenever I felt I had something worth contributing.

And that is why I stayed away from the keyboard yesterday: I was so, so raging when I heard the radio pumping out all that garbage from Murray, McCoist, McLeish and every other Rangers apologist, about how they did not accept anything wrong had been done, how no one can strip them of titles, only punishments they accept will be considered etc, etc, bloody etc!!!!

But today has tipped me over the edge. I am sick bloody fed up of this club riding roughshod over every sense of fairness and justice; ignoring the consequences and sanctions arising from their years of mismanagement, cheating and possibly criminal, probably negligent actions.

Tell me how, someone, anyone, tell me how they can possibly justify signing all these players on ridiculous wages for the third division? And not only that, tell me how and why they should be allowed to when they still owe tens of millions of pounds to God knows how many individuals and businesses and football clubs!!

It is bad enough all these other poor companies having been shafted by them, but what about all the football clubs still being owed money? How can McCoist be allowed to bring in players when they are still owe money to other clubs? I thought all those debts had to be paid? Have they been?

And what is the point of this transfer embargo? If it doesn't start til the end of the month, then every other club in the country has one as well!! Nobody else can sign between September and January, what punishment is that to Rangers!! Why on earth was the transfer ban not instigated from the date the SFA panel or whatever it was handed out the punishment?

Rangers and the vast majority of their fans are kidding themselves they are the victims in this whole shoddy saga. The reality is they have and continue to be treated with kid gloves and favorably by countless individuals in the media, whole media organisations and many of the powers that be in football.

I have always treated both sides of the horrible divide in Scottish football with equal ambivalence; I really couldn't give a monkeys about either of them. I support Forfar and always have and always will. But they way Rangers have acted and been treated - and I have no doubts whatsoever Celtic would have been treated every bit as differently from any other club in Scotland had the shoe been on the other foot - has left me totally sickened and totally despising everything that the former Rangers did represent and continue to do so.

Rant over. Sorry

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Anyone and everyone is welcome to help themselves to those pictures and do what they want with them. smile.gif

I've saved them for future use. I have a mate who is adamant that it was only the 'company' that is about to be liquidated. No doubt he will just act all angry at me for trying to wind him up and will deny it but fun for me none the less.

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Can anyone shed some light on how this character has managed to stay employed....

AS Rangers' head of football administration, Andrew Dickson is a key member of the executive team on the business side of the club.

He first joined the Light Blues in 1991 as a qualified chartered accountant and became financial controller in 2001.

It wasn't long before he was promoted again though and Dickson has occupied his current position since 2003.

His day-to-day role encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including football finance at first-team and academy levels and player contracts.

Dickson is also the main point of contact concerning football rules and regulations governing the administration of the game.

A director of Rangers Youth Development, he acts both on behalf of the club and the SPL on a number of external committees too.

Dickson is the SPL member club representative on the SFA General Purpose Committee and the association's Professional Football Committee.

He is also the club's representative for the Glasgow FA and is a former member of the SFA's Disciplinary Committee.

In addition, Dickson is Rangers' liaison with UEFA for organisational aspects of European fixtures such as Champions League matches.


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I've saved them for future use. I have a mate who is adamant that it was only the 'company' that is about to be liquidated. No doubt he will just act all angry at me for trying to wind him up and will deny it but fun for me none the less.

You have to plant a seed in order for a tree to grow. wink.gif

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