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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Jim Traynor article from June in which he clearly also believes that The Rangers is a new club.

newco equals a new club

But Rangers FC wont. Theyll slip into liquidation within the next couple of weeks with a new company emerging but 140 years of history, triumph and tears, will have ended.

No matter how Charles Green attempts to dress it up, a newco equals a new club. When the CVA was thrown out Rangers as we know them died.


Edited by Captain_Sensible
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We lost the value of the stock that was applied to the bonds as well as the rights held by the holder,such as guarantee of seat,season ticket re-newal at any time and discounts that were applied to the bond. As well as that any return of season ticket sale to another fan,as in the bondholder could get a percentage of the sale if he/she didn't take up the ST for any season.

And rangers fans are seriously talking about throwing their money into Charlie's pocket?

f**k me, but he saw you lot coming. Not personal, Youngsy, but to identify a group of people so willing to hand over their cash, he'll be selling you the Eiffel Tower next .

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They ran a borderline legal tax avoidance scheme - the legality of which is going to be appealed, all the annoyance in the world does not change the word legal


anyways, players arrived at Ibrox on the 'nod and wink' agreement that they would receive 'financial reward' that was much much higher than what was on the contracts lodged with the SFL / SFA.

cheating all the other clubs.

(see previous 4,000 plus pages for detail)

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HMRC says Rangers owe tax - HMRC 1 Rangers 0

FTT say Rangers don't owe tax - HMRC 1 Rangers 1

Next goal's the winner...

Actually, humour aside, if HMRC get permission and then win the appeal, The Rangers can then take it to the law courts. (as I understand it).

Game on. This is going to run and run and run until we are sick of it.

Of course if it upsets supporters of The Clone Rangers then many on P&B will never get sick of it.:)

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They recieved loans

(see the tribunals findings for more detail)

How many loans did the recipients ever pay back ? and even worse how much was actually ever paid back in total Tedi ? and on that subject I think we have the HMRC's winner ! 2-1 HMRC :P

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Of course, we already knew the truth. As our club regroups on its road back to our rightful place lording it over all beneath us in Scotland - it was never in any serious doubt. Media outlets the world over have arrived at Ibrox to tell the tale of our remarkable resilience and the wonderful dedication of our support. From America, Holland, France, Japan and more they have come - the message is out there for all to see.

Meanwhile, in a tiny corner of northern Europe - the ever-dwindling band of naysayers have never been more of an irrelevance (comprising as they do of some bitter plastics and a tiny handful of tawdry diddies) or more bitter about their failure to kill our greatest of clubs.

They placed all their faith in the internet warriors - the IRA writer, the runaway, the disgraced bungler and more - who, in turn, lied to them. In despair, and no sooner had the BTC result damned their heroes, a new breed of Emperors were found - step forward the likes of Suckit, Fuckit and Duckit - to continue the pretence.


Bendy's opinion of other Scottish football fans and the teams that they follow is not very high. Basically he thinks they are rubbish.

However he also thinks that the team he used to support were wonderful because they managed to beat these 'useless' teams more often than not. Not really much of a claim to greatness, is it?

Anyhoo, Rangers are deid and it won't be long before The Clones are too.

(Typed with bitterness and bile after the Jags' exit from the cup.)

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Aye that'll be right :lol:

Might not get the money after all :lol:

Chris McLaughlin


BBC Scotland's senior football reporter.

Followed by Mark Daly and Rangers Tax-Case.

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FollowFollowingUnfollowBlockedUnblockPendingCancel43mchrisNEW_normal.jpgChris McLaughlin@BBCchrismclaug#SFA will discuss the issue of ticket allocation cash between #DUFC and #Rangers at a board meeting on Thursday. #BBCSport

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1hchrisNEW_normal.jpgChris McLaughlin@BBCchrismclaug Former #Rangers captain Richard Gough tells #bbcsportsound that the club is wrong not to take up cup allocation at Tannadice. #BBCSport

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So stupid on so many levels.

Apart from the fact that gate money would be split.

Apart from the fact that the 2009 abandonment can't be a factor as there have been no boycott calls since.

Apart from the fact that Green will do anything, anything at all to appeal to that large lowest common denominator.

Apart from the fact that their anger about being barred from entering the SPL is at odds with their claimed desire to join SFL3 all along.

Why do Rangers always want to behave like such unpleasant dicks? Seriously, does this alone not bother some of the more sensible, decent Rangers fans on here?

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Surely Dundee Utd will be missing a trick here if they don`t charge a token £1 per ticket and then deduct their printing expenses from the sales ? 50/50 on the likely tv cash and Utd are roared home by a sell out crowd. Rangers surely wouldn`t have the brass neck to object to the price of the tickets when they are not wanting any..........Oh...hang on a minute.

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And rangers fans are seriously talking about throwing their money into Charlie's pocket?

f**k me, but he saw you lot coming. Not personal, Youngsy, but to identify a group of people so willing to hand over their cash, he'll be selling you the Eiffel Tower next .

These things happen,companies go bust every day but at the end of the day people have a choice as to invest or not. After all i wouldn't think that the small investor would be looking to make a profit on this,more about getting The Rangers Football Club Limited enough investment to get back to competing at the top level again.

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